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The god of this place, Austin, isn't dead or even injured. Even in cities, humans do not constitute an alien presence on this planet. There's room for us here.


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What You Can Do To Help And To Get Involved

Please help Ishmael.org

    Daniel and Rennie Quinn are involved in the content and direction of everything that happens on the Ishmael.org website. The original Ishmael website was built with volunteer help then later updated with the financial support of the Quinns. It's grown much larger since the early days, and is now kept alive solely through donations of time and effort from DataDrive (the internet company that hosts and maintains the site), a percentage of the sales from New Tribal Ventures, and support from people like you. It costs us over $2500 per year just for storage and bandwidth usage. See the history of the website for details on how this resource came into being, and for more information on its mission. We do not intend to make this a members-only website and charge admission...we hope that those in the Ishmael Community will contribute to the maintenance of the site.

    1. Before you go to Amazon.com, come here first and enter Amazon.com from this link: Amazon.com when you make your book/music/video purchases.. Here is a real easy way to do this... The Ishamel.org Amazon Cheat Sheet

      It's easy...rather than going directly to Amazon.com use our links to these sites and we get referral credit!

      The Ishmael website is an "Associate" of Amazon.com If you get to Amazon.com via the Ishmael Community, all book/music/video orders make a small commission for this website. Here's our Order Books page to get you started... It's easy! Plus Amazon.com has a HUGE selection, good availability, and low prices.

      In support of the notion of "going local," we strongly urge readers, whenever possible, to buy recommended books from their LOCAL booksellers...BUT, if you are going to use Amazon -- use us!

    2. Sponsor monetarily to offset the cost of this website

      The Quinns encourage you to do what you can to support the Ishmael Community! If you'd like to contribute to the Ishmael Website, and join our list of sponsors, you may use your credit card, or send a check or money order (payable to DataDrive) in whatever amount you choose to:

        2747 S. Glebe Rd. Suite 401
        Arlington, VA 22206

      Amazon Honor System Click Here to Pay Learn More You can also contribute through the Amazon PayBox system...Ishmael.org is an Associate of Amazon.com and this is a fast easy way to contribute to this website.

      Here are the current website sponsors...won't you join them?

      Heartfelt thanks to these folks for their generous donations to this website. We salute the spirit of community they share with us to make Ishmael.com available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

      If we inadvertently left someone off this list, or you don't want to be listed here, please let me know!

    3. The webmaster thanks the following volunteers:

      Many, many thanks to the following people for their generous gifts of energy, time, and brain-power. With their help, we're able to keep the Ishmael.com site available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

      • Sean Flanagan
      • Sam Hess
      • Chris Hardie
      • Uwe Schuerkamp
      • Brian Setzler
      • Robert Kurfehs & Brandon Fitzpatrick at NewEconomyDesign.com
      • Chad Yates
      • Dennis Lanigan
      • Timothy Varga

      • If I inadvertently left someone off this list, or if you don't want to be listed here, please let me know!

Help to Spread the Word

Related Websites

  1. IshCon.org is a central news and discussion site for Ishmael fans. There's a lot happening in the community of Ishmael fans: great discussions, effective action, and far-reaching promotion of the core ideas. But with the hundreds of Ishmael-related websites out on the Internet, and as many people publicly trying to find or describe their own answer to "what do I do now?", the quantity of isolated but overlapping resources is growing rapidly, and the ineffectiveness that comes from that fragmentation is growing with it. IshCon.org, a new resource for the Ishmael community, hopes to help fix that fragmentation and overlap, according to Chris Hardie, the site's editor. Hardie says, "The site is dedicated to being a central repository of news and discussions about Quinn's writings, the ideas in them, and the events happening in the world inspired and enacted by changed minds. The site is focused not on providing yet another body of content, but on linking to stories, websites, articles, and resources being developed by others, so that those interested in getting the 'big picture' have one place to start." Check it out at IshCon.org.

  2. Did you like Ishmael? ...Did you want to send it to others? ... Did you actually do it? Then Outreachbooks is the site for you. A way to help spread the word and track who's sending what books to whom! Ruth McElroy Amundsen, creator of Outreachbooks, says, "Some of us find recent books so powerful about how to 'save the world'—or at least make it better—that we want to share them with others. In particular, we want to share them with those who will have the power to implement real changes in the world. For those who have read a book like Ishmael and have been moved, and have thought, 'I wish the ___ Corporation could be convinced to think in this way,' this site is for you to use." This site exists to collect information on social consciousness books that have been sent to corporations, community leaders, political figures, entities, and other powerful individuals. In addition, in a section called Monthly Community Action, people are encouraged to send an email/letter to a selected individual each month ( that person will also get a copy of Ishmael). If you're interested in reaching out in this way, check out Outreachbooks.

  3. The Friends of Ishmael Society is an organization focused on publicizing Daniel Quinn's work and ideas. It was originated by, and is organized and coordinated directly by, readers who were inspired to help spread the word. This is an independent organization, and Daniel Quinn and Ishmael.com are not involved in its activities. The Society offers several ways in which you can help, which are displayed on their Help Us page. Learn more about the four main ways that you can help spread the word through the Friends of Ishmael Society!

  4. If you want to make sure every library has, at least, one copy of Ishmael, contact J. Wesley Clark at ShareIshmael.org. ShareIshmael.org describes itself as "a non-profit project aimed at providing copies of Ishmael for public libraries who do not currently have a copy. The goal is to spread Ishmael's vision to communities that have not had access to public resources (copies in public libraries) that larger cities have." The organization was founded by J. Wesley Clark, who has donated his time for web design and handling book distribution. Hosting was provided by Earth Is Flat Communications. You can help by donating books or money to the organization or by letting them know of libraries in need of a copy of Ishmael. Go to ShareIshmael.org for details. Book donators will receive a note telling them which community benefitted from their generous donation.

  5. Daniel Quinn Meetup
  6. A good way to get together with other friends of Ishamel. The nice thing about meetup is that it happens without any single individual having to take responsibility. The site does it all and the people just go to the meetings and it all comes together. What's needed, though, is numbers. Daniel Quinn has around 1000 right now (October 2004)

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