November 16, 2005
Mex Mac Choco Cig Pack

So Lyn brought me a Mexican chocolate cigarette pack with a Mac on the label. It was true Boing Boing material so I sent a photo to Xeni. Then TUAW and Cult of Mac picked it up. Geek curio hits the web.

Boing Boing: Mexican candy iMac cigarettes

The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) - iMac candy smokes

The Cult of Mac Blog

fscklog: iMac Schoko-Zigaretten dagliga nyheter för professionella macanvändare » iMac-godis från Mexico

Posted by Dave at 05:54 PM
June 04, 2005
Cory Dies by Chocolate (almost)

Finally another entry for my cacao category: a life changing experience for Cory Doctorow, drinking Mexican-style chocolate (complete with chilies) in Florence.

Boing Boing: I have seen God in a cup of chocolate

Posted by Dave at 12:53 PM
June 14, 2003
Chocolate show, Michael Coe

It's not a rave review but the NY Times has a story about the chocolate show, from the Field Museum in Chicago, that is touring museums and is now at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.

It's Dark, Seductive and Rich. Who Can Resist?

Michael Coe will give a lecture on the mesoamerican history of chocolate at the museum on June 26 at 2:15pm. For more information, call 212 769 5200.

Coe wrote "The True History of Chocolate" with his wife, Sophie. It's still the best of the many books on the food of the gods. Sophie also wrote "America's First Cuisines" .

Posted by Dave at 11:53 AM
June 01, 2003
Periodic Table of Desserts

For my older son, the scientist, and my younger son, who brings me pies from the farmers market.

The Periodic Table of Dessert

(Thanks to Backup Brain)

Posted by Dave at 12:09 AM
August 03, 2002
No Hershey Kisses

The proposed sale of the Hershey company is provoking protests in the town that was built on chocolate. Here's a Reuters story by way of MSNBC (and the Daily Glyph).

Posted by Dave at 10:24 PM
August 02, 2002
Cacao Pot Update

Here's another link to the cacao pot story, this one from National Geographic: Ancient Chocolate Found in Maya "Teapot".

It's got a good photo of the "teapot" in question.

Posted by Dave at 10:35 PM
July 17, 2002
Cacao Pots - But we knew that

This is the least bizarre news item that George Suarez at NBC has sent to me and a select group of his twisted friends. His last one was a link to the latest on the court jester of Tonga.
But this one was just for me, apparently. I thought all of this was covered in Mike and Sophie Coe's "The True History of Chocolate". Must be a slow news day.

Oh, and look at some of Justin Kerr's photos of cacao-related Maya pottery.

You can search his archive at FAMSI for more.

Early Mayas were chocoholics, scientists say
LONDON (Reuters) - Humans developed a fondness for
chocolate about 2,600 years ago when the Mayas used earthenware
teapots to prepare cacao drinks, American researchers said
The discovery by scientists from Hershey Foods in Hershey,
Pennsylvania and the University of Texas in Austin means
chocoholism began 1,000 years earlier than scientists had
previously thought.

"The presence of cacao in Maya spouted vessels at Colha
indicates that its usage predates evidence from Rio Azul (an
ancient Mayan city) by almost a millennium," Jeffrey Hurst, of
Hershey Foods, said in a report in the journal Nature.
The scientists analyzed ancient residue from the pots found
in an archeological site at Colha in northern Belize and found
it contained traces of theobromine, a compound found in cocoa
plants. They suspect the pots were used to pour cocoa mixtures
from one container to another to form a froth, which was the
Mayas' favorite part of the drink.
"We now know that the Maya had a long, continuous history
of preparing and consuming liquid chocolate from the Preclassic
period through to the Spanish Conquest," Hurst said.

Posted by Dave at 07:41 PM