Thursday, March 30, 2006

Iraq War Coalition Fatalities

Iraq War Coalition FatalitiesIn case you forgot there was a war. In case you forgot people die in wars. Just in case you forget. Because a lot of you forgot to check the facts before we rushed to this war.

Move America Forward

Move America Forward Wow you would almost think that Howard Kaloogian is a good guy. He says so on this site. Hell He starts groups and stuff. Good for him...

Let's go to his site, real quick. HIS SITE Seems to be having Bandwidth problems.

Do you know why? Because of this.

Can you believe the audacity of the GOP to try and paint a beutiful picture of Iraq when they are in the midst of civil war (as stated by the current in charge government of Iraq who live in Iraq and is only being contested by the Bush Regime who live in the US and have already proven they don't know shit about what happens in Iraq). Now it seems the new pic he posted is a fake as well.

When will the GOP learn, they can only fool the idiots, but the rest of us are on the watch.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

objecting to illegals isn't about race

Okay, I posted this elsewhere, and I have got a bit of attention... so I thought I'd share it with you all:

Okay, how is it that if you don't like people who break the law, you're a racist? I don't care what country you came from, how come you feel different and that you don't have to follow the law? We have a law that allows for immigrants to become citizens. Yet some people feel that they are better than others and they should be allowed to cut in line, without following the rules. Well screw 'em. Get in line, just like everyone else. The jobs they do, can be done by Americans who need jobs. Why not? Because the business hiring these law breakers like getting away with breaking labor laws. But if they followed labor laws than those poor homeless americans can do those jobs. See, now we can get rid of homeless people, too. How? Make everyone follow the law. I have to follow the law, why doesn't everyone else?
Hell, these people who refuse to follow the law can get in car accidents that drive insurance rates up and we have to pay deductibles because of it. Our tax dollars pay for everything they do. I used to believe that since thay couldn't claim taxes, then maybe they are just putting money into the tax system. WRONG. They claim like 9 dependants, which means they put no money into the system.

So, we give them a reward of citizenship because they bucked the system and cut in line? We want to give them licenses? Licenses? They cannot even follow the rules to become citizens, what makes us so ignorant to believe they will follow those laws? Hell, the guy who hit me, was drinking a beer and didn't have a license.

Yet you all read this and you think I'm speaking about Mexicans. That's wrong and racist. I am not against Mexicans, Canadians, or anyone who wants to be a citizen. We have a great country, one that I was willing to put my life on the line for. Yet we have a land of laws. If you want citizenship get in line and prove to me, you will be a good citizen, not a law breaker.

If I offended you, I'm not surprised. This is a heated debate, but the problem isn't a race issue, it's an issue about following laws and rules. If you feel the path to citizenship is too hard, than find a way to change those laws. But bringing people into our country and having them lower the wages, sucking off free education and health care, driving up insurance rates, etc... is not the way to make our country a safer or better place to live.


Thursday, February 09, 2006

The New Regime

Okay, Quick posting.

It seems that Bush was at the funeral of Mrs. King and some people spoke the truth. Didn't they get the Administration's approved Speeches? The ones that praised the Great Leader, instead of the truth? People don't want to be reminded that we entered, scratch that, we Started and invasion without provocation. The invasion has cost us numerous American lives, dollars, and has killed so many people. It put an unstable country into more turmoil, yet that's okay as long as Halliburton profits. It was an opportunity to point out that segregation and racial hostility is still rampant in the world and the US. That as long as your governor is a relative of the president you can get resources to help during a travesty, but not if you are poor and in Louisiana. It pointed out that wire tapping of citizens isn't just about terrorism, but against peaceful demonstrators like the hero, Martin Luther King.

I love the part where the president is legally allowed to assassinate on American soil if someone is "deemed" a threat. Nice, almost sounds more like a dictator and not a president.

I cannot believe the people are not outraged like they were in the 60s. I don't think I have time to rant like I did, but maybe... I might come back...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I'm done

okay, I haven't contributed for a long time. I don't have the energy to fight no longer, plus I'm sick of this board now becoming a spam site. So I am done. Thanks to all who helped give it the good fight.

fight the man, stan, and fuck bush!

Friday, September 16, 2005


Sorry, I'm still alive, but busy. Been having financial difficulties, of late. So, I'm trying to catch up on my bills and stay up on school. Plus, I actually have a love life (five months now), so she keeps me busy when I actually find time. I hope everyone is good, and I shall return.

Monday, July 25, 2005

what are they hiding now?

White House Won't Show All Roberts Papers - Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON - John Roberts worked for two Republican administrations, offering private legal assessments that have yet to be opened to historians or the public. Now that Roberts is

President Bush's choice to join the Supreme Court, some Senate Democrats want to see the documents he produced %u2014 all of them.
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No, responded one White House representative. We'll see, said another."

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Bush Would Fire Leaker if Crime Committed - Yahoo! News

Bush Would Fire Leaker if Crime Committed - Yahoo! News: "'I think it's best that people wait until the investigation is complete before you jump to conclusions. And I will do so, as well,' he said. 'I don't know all the facts. I want to know all the facts.'"

If only he would listen to us when we "liberals" said this same statement about Iraq, Wmd, and the cause for war. But he didn't, he rushed off and now how many Americans have sacrificied their lives? How many families have sacrificed their sons? How many have died? Thousands.
How many weapons were found? Zero.
How many names are suspect in this recent case? One.

We have a serious problem with our administration. How much longer must we point this out, until you will accept this and help us correct our errant path?