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Local News

Posted: Sunday, 11 June 2006 6:39AM

Gov. Corzine To Name New Chief Justice

TRENTON (AP)  -- Governor Corzine is reportedly set to promote Supreme Court Associate Justice James Zazzali to the state's top judicial post.

That's what four unidentified state officials told the Star-Ledger of Newark for yesterday's editions.

They say Corzine could announce his plans in July or August. The current Chief Justice, Deborah Poritz, turns 70 in October and under state rules is required to retire at that age.

If Zazzali gets her job, Corzine would have to fill his vacancy with a Republican to keep partisan balance on the high court.

Zazzali, a Democrat and a former state attorney general, was nominated to the state's highest court by former Governor Whitman in 2000.

He declined to comment on the report.

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