Howard Dean

Letter to Chair Dean

Democratic Party | DFA | Howard Dean
DNC Chair Howard Dean, You have spoken about how we need to focus more on the rural areas of the United States for Democrats to succeed; however, I see a fault in this argument. I believe in the idea and plan, but I do not feel that the members of the party understand how to be rural. I have worked on various campaigns and I have continually seen the downfall of the Democrats trying to bring people to the party. It is not where we stand on the issues, it is not how we respect others beliefs as a whole, but it is the everyday interactions that Democrats have with the average person.

Howard Dean on March 18th 2004

DFA | Howard Dean | Progressive Infrastructure

Listen to it here

Thank you.

You have the power. Thank you very much, I really appreciate your being here. And I want to thank you so much, I came to Seattle to announce the formation of Democracy in America in Seattle, because of you. Because you’ve done such a great job, and you’re going to send a bunch of Dean delegates to the convention, and I think that’s neat.