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Clay on 'Larry King'

Today in Idol news:

-Clay Aiken appeared on CNN's Larry King Live Wednesday night and talked about his struggle with panic disorder, his new album and rumors that he is gay. Here's the transcript (with a brief intro regarding Anna Nicole Smith news).

-Olivia Newton John was a guest judge for Idol auditions Tuesday, and says she was inspired by the performers.


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It's really become like a game among the press to see who can be the first to get Clay to admit he's gay.

They are incredibly childish, trying to show what hard-nosed, in-depth investigators they are by pressing Clay on this issue as if it were of national importance.

One by one they step up to the plate and take their swings, hoping it is they who can claim this grand prize.

Of course, they then turn around and blame Clay for their actions, saying it is his fault for the way he is answering or not answering the question. They're just doing their jobs, they say, asking the tough questions that need to be asked. And they're doing it for us, to get us the information we really need to know.

Dear Press, Get a life.

Posted by: Andre Evangelista | Sep 28, 2006 3:56:55 AM

i got news for taking the `i'm just going to ignore the rumors, etc' stance, he is sending up a big red flag that he is gay.

i know, i've been there. even when i tried that strategy, people still figured it out (pun definitely intended). you gotta give people much more credit, clay!

coming out is an individual decision. i know when i did it, there was a tremendous burden lifted from my shoulders.

Posted by: linda | Sep 28, 2006 9:03:14 AM

Clay Aiken is a "multitalented artist" who captures the HEARTS of many people from different generations and walks of life. There's nothing like his "unique and magical voice" in the music industry today. He is very classy and diginified. The way he answered the questions with LARRY KING last night made us, his devoted fans even PROUDER.I admire him for his not paying attention to the "rumors" about his sexuality because he already answered that question after american idol 2 when he said that "in the public eye you can either a WOMANIZER or GAY." So what's more to answer really? As SHAKESPEARE shares with one of his famous writings."one word is enough for a wise man." We will be behind CLAY's CAREER ALL THE WAY! Thanks so much.

Posted by: Eve | Sep 28, 2006 9:40:47 AM

Larry King is right. Clay should just say yea or nay and people will stop pestering him. Maybe this is just a publicity stunt so people will keep on talking about him now that he has a new album out.

Posted by: dc70 | Sep 28, 2006 9:46:03 AM

Clay has got to be gay. He needs to ditch that Southern Baptist religious brainwashing and embrace his "fabulous gayness'. Plus, he is in definite need of a proper stylist - his fashion sense is dreadful. I've bought all his cds - I'm looking forward to seeing him in concert again.

Posted by: GayGary in DC | Sep 28, 2006 10:47:43 AM

Does he panic because he is gay?

Posted by: MaryAnn/Cleveland | Sep 28, 2006 11:34:19 AM

I'm am so tired of Clay (and Oprah, etc) 15minutes answers to the 'gay question' about NOT answering. How about "No. End of discussion" or "Yes. End of discussion" and be done with it?!
Who cares anyway?

Posted by: Jim | Sep 28, 2006 11:37:33 AM

Who Cares???

Posted by: Dave | Sep 28, 2006 11:50:19 AM

I thought that Clay handled himself extremely well on LKL. He has answered these questions before and it obviously did not make a difference in how some people feel, so why should he keep answering. I find Clay extremely talented, intelligent, articulate and a man who truly cares about and helps others. Larry seems to have a respect for Clay and I thought the two of them interacted acted pretty well. Got into the CD, Raleigh, Idol and other topics. So glad that Clay is setting boundaries and taking charge of his private life.

Posted by: Mary | Sep 28, 2006 12:33:56 PM

IF Clay is gay, (which I suspect he is) he is doing no service to himself or the gay community. Be a man, say yes or no. I used to be a fan. I am completely over him. Who cares if you are gay or straight?...Our country is at war, or have forgotten that?

Posted by: CAM | Sep 28, 2006 2:36:08 PM

I think Larry King gave Clay Aiken some excellent advice. Why doesn't he just come out of the closet and get it over with? The people who love him are going to love him regardless -- and everyone else in the world would probably have a lot more respect for him.

Being gay hasn't hurt Elton John, Lance Bass, etc., etc., so why should it hurt Clay? It seems like a big non-issue to me.

And as for Clay's desire to just be "left alone," give me a break. When you choose a career in show business and choose to be in the public eye you are NOT going to be left alone. If you want to be anonymous, you should either retire (with your millions) or get a 9-to-5 and become a working drone like everybody else. Then you won't have to worry about the world digging into your personal life.

And that, by the way, doesn't just apply to Clay. It applies to other whiners like Lindsay Lohan, Cameron Diaz, etc., etc. If public interest in you is such a drain and imposition on your life, RETIRE already!!! The world will be on to the new celeb of the moment before you know it.

Clay Aiken is a talented man with a unique and gorgeous voice. He is going to be just fine in the hearts of the matter what his orientation is. But if he chooses to remain in show biz, he should just make things easier on himself and 'fess up so the tabloids can move on to the next, I mean, celeb.

Oh, and for all the folks who thought his new CD would tank because Clive Davis was giving him the wrong career advice...oops!

Guess old Clive doesn't need to retire any time soon, after all.

Posted by: But That's Just My Opinion | Sep 28, 2006 2:41:50 PM

Wow, a gay singer/superstar? What is the world coming to? What's next? Is LKL (and all of the other press) is going to have an exclusive on how all of the Muppets are really actors with hands up their rear? They should just let it go. I, nor anyone else I know, don't care, primariy becuase we are not intimately involved with Clay. Isn't it enough that he is a wonderfully talented singer? And shouldn't we feel blessed to have the opportunity to witness his talent? Eveyone get a LIFE, and let Clay enjoy his!

Posted by: Sebastian Alexander | Sep 28, 2006 3:03:49 PM

I think Clay should answer the question "Are you gay?" with a yes or no. He is a very talented artist and many many people look up to him. I think he owes his fans at least that much.

Posted by: Gregory | Sep 28, 2006 3:10:38 PM

For those of you who think that Clay just needs to answer the question, I have news for you. He already DID answer the question, several times, but the all knowing press and public have chosen not to believe him.

People want to believe he is gay, even though he isn't. What makes you think that this time would be any different. He's right in not giving an answer any more.

Posted by: Gina | Sep 28, 2006 3:12:10 PM

I totally understand Clay's stance. He already answered the question on whether he's gay or not, so why are people still asking? Because Clay's absolutely right. People will believe what they want to believe.

On another note, Clay also answered the question last night of why "Lover All Alone" was not on the album. In case you don't want to read the whole transcript, Clay said that LAL was too sad for the album. It didn't fit the vibe of the album.

I still have to listen to it, but I say if it's a great song, it's a great song.

Posted by: Lindy | Sep 28, 2006 3:17:55 PM

It's a shame anyone feels it's their right to ask Clay about his sexuality. That's a personal thing and not really anybody's business. Our society needs to get over thinking that it's appropriate to ask these kinds of questions of celebrities, our neighbors, or anybody else. Just keep smiling, Clay, and don't answer. You don't owe anyone any explaination of any kind. It's your life, continue to live it with dignity.

Posted by: SlimEllen | Sep 28, 2006 3:29:26 PM

he needs to come clean, dont be ashame.

Posted by: pete | Sep 28, 2006 3:35:14 PM

he needs to come clean, dont be ashame.

Posted by: pete | Sep 28, 2006 3:35:40 PM

I think it is GREAT that the Claymates are out and their CAPS LOCK key is working. So much BETTER than underscoring to EMPHASIZE your point. A better question for Clay is, what's with the lame covers, Bub?

Posted by: Ol' Griz | Sep 28, 2006 3:37:29 PM

His privacy is the only thing he has left since being in the public eye. Please allow him to have that!

Posted by: Rod | Sep 28, 2006 3:48:23 PM

I agree with Jim--"Who cares?" Boring!!!

Posted by: Miikey | Sep 28, 2006 3:51:29 PM

I find it confusing why the press doesn't seem to understand Aiken's point of view. He has REPEATEDLY said that he's answered the question before - a few times - and it didn't matter. Even in the interviews he's done the past couple weeks, he has stated this. (See the Rolling Stone interview shortly after Idol and the Prime Tme Live interview with Diane Sawyer that same year.) He has said again and again that the tabloid stuff is NOT TRUE, but this is conveniently overlooked when follow up articles "quote" what he has said.

Aiken's point is that it just doesn't matter what he says, those who are behind the rumors and keep this issue on the front burner every time his name is mentioned in the press, want only one answer - they want him to say yes. But because he hasn't, they don't believe him. So, if he says no it won't stop the questions, just take a look at the old interviews. The real truth here is that nobody believes him, it seems the media doesn't even remember that he DID answer the question. So is it that nobody is doing any research, or do they just believe he's lying and are going to "force" the issue? Ah, I think we may have a winner!!! That's not journalism. That's tabliod crap.

I guess after 3 years in the industry he's become a bit more savvy about what questions he feels are appropriate and what he will and will not answer. He absolutely has that right. It's invasive and rude. And it's been going on since he was on the show. This isn't something new. After the finale he was asked point blank by a reporter from a gay magazine at the press conference. Out of the blue, after being sequestered for weeks, unware of the level of debate that was going on in the "outside world" about this very issue. It's been unfair from the beginning. This is harassment, it's bullying. But why? Why doesn't the press obsess this way about Studdard's weight? Throw the question at him in almost every interview? Put him on the cover of tabloids talking about health crises, etc... Because it would be rude and his weight problem is nobody's business but his own and those who care about him. And of course, it's not sensational enough. It doesn't sell magazines (well, unless it's a woman's weight they can talk about).

They aren't asking a question. They are insinuating something as truth. He's tired of answering and as he said, "he's done." How can you blame him? He's smart enough to know it's never going to stop no matter what he says. He knows, it's NEVER going to stop.

Is he? Isn't he? Who cares? That just the point. He's a talented, intelligent man who cares about the world he lives in. It's a sad commentary on society today, that THOSE aren't the things the media focuses on, but instead it's the crap that is slung by the lowlives among us. One can argue that it's the price of fame... that it is the reality of today. You can bet that Aiken is very aware of that and is willing to live with his decision. He's stronger and more determined that I think the media realizes. He's not changing his answers, he's just drawing a line.

Good for him.

Posted by: Audra | Sep 28, 2006 4:00:18 PM

Clay has "No, he's not gay" several times over the past 3 years. You just were not listening.

I think that proves Aiken's point that people will believe what they want to, so why keep saying it?

Posted by: Sandy | Sep 28, 2006 4:04:55 PM

The issue of "is he really gay? or is he not really gay?" is like the question "is he fat? or does he just look fat?". Clay Aiken is not a political or religious figurehead that requires moral terpitude in order to maintain his ratings. He's a singer and a very good one at that. His sexual preference has no bearing on his music and therefore is a moot issue. Read National Enquirer if you need to delve into smut related untruths or wind down the days' pressures watching Jerry Springer. A valid, informed, intelligent interviewer like LK doesn't need to spend air time that could be used for much higher grade fodder, trying to coerce Clay Aiken into an admission of ????

Posted by: Brian | Sep 28, 2006 4:11:55 PM

We all wondered what happened to the gay K D Lang. She became Clay Aiken.

Posted by: Dean | Sep 28, 2006 4:17:29 PM

Do you remember Johnny Mathis? Clay is the Johnny Mathis of the 21st music was suspected by all the women who loved him that Johnny was gay but we didn't find out until he was about 60 y.o. Did that stop women from going to his concerts & buying records? Nope. It will be interesting to see who goes to the George Michaels tours when he tours this year...will it be the gay crowd? women? or a mix of hetero and homo?

Posted by: Sally in Chicago | Sep 28, 2006 4:50:40 PM

He can sing! The rest doesn't matter to me.

Posted by: TLL | Sep 28, 2006 4:51:27 PM

What difference does it make if he is or isn't....he's a human being like we all are........ on some good news for once!

Posted by: jackie | Sep 28, 2006 5:08:55 PM

If you all remember a couple of years ago, he said no, he wasn't gay. So, 2 years later, people are still asking. Well, last night on LKL, he made a statement that no matter what he says, people will believe what they want. Guess what, he was right!!! He said he wasn't gay and everyone is still asking and saying he is. GEESH, just leave him alone. He has a beautiful voice and that is what is going to carry him through all this, plus all of us fans who support him through EVERYTHING. Clay, I support your decision to not say anything. You did the right thing and we are VERY VERY VERY proud of you!

Posted by: Kim | Sep 28, 2006 5:09:57 PM

Clay did answer the question regarding his sexuality on the Primetime Show when interviewed by Diane Sawyer when his first album came out. He said NO! Apparently no one listened, and moreover, who cares!

Posted by: Morgan | Sep 28, 2006 6:16:17 PM

i can't believe that so much hype is going on about clay's sexual preference. can't people just leave him alone and enjoy his music. whatever the answer is .... i don't care! i love his music and talent.

Posted by: carol | Sep 28, 2006 6:50:45 PM

If he is, he is. If he's not, he's not. Jeez people, who cares?! If you like his music, buy his CDs. If you don't like his music then don't buy his CDs. Either way, if he isn't or is, it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the war of the world, the price of oil, parents killing their children, children killing their parents, OJ getting away with murder, terrorist living in the U.S., finding a cure for Cancer or anything else that has a little bit higher level of importance!!!!! And if by him not answering this extremely important question means it really is a publicity stunt, then HOW STUPID ARE YOU (media and everyone that wants to know) to let this idol runner up pull your strings and make you all his little puppets!!!????? Way to go Clay, don't say a damn word!

Posted by: Linda | Sep 28, 2006 7:12:24 PM

I think Clay's sexuality is his own business and believe it or not no one really gives a hoot. After all most of us don't run around announcing our sexual preference. " Give it a rest media"
Whenever I listen to an artist I never start first by finding out if he or she is gay or not. I listen to Clay because he has a wonderful voice.

Posted by: Barbara | Sep 28, 2006 7:21:40 PM

From the beginning of his celebrity, Clay Aiken has been asked about his sexuality. Numerous times (Rollingstone, Primetime, The Insider, etc.)he told the truth ...that he was not gay.

Those that know him take him at his word because he has proved himself to be a man of integrity. Those who are prone to be haters will continue to lie and twist the truth.

Clay is rightfully saying enough is enough. He is drawing the line to protect his , and everyone's privacy. Indeed, he is a class act.

Posted by: Gale | Sep 28, 2006 7:43:49 PM

Why is it anyone's business anyway. Clay is a musician, he sings songs. His sexuality is his business and his alone. Of course we know the press is not asking the tough questions for us the public, because we the public have no right to ask it. No matter who you are, you are entitled to your personal life and the right to privacy, only the press has decided that you are not and in order to sell papers or whatever they are pimping, they will come after you like the slobbering, salivating dogs that they are, all in the name of "the peoples right to know". This is not what I want to know. Tell me something worthwhile, such as why you the press is not talking about all the jobs that have gone over seas, the thousands and thousands of americans that have lost their jobs and are going to lose their jobs and the ignorant number of ILLEGAL immigrants here taking jobs and why the people hiring illegals are not being prosecuted. They are breaking the law. But of course that is not news, atleast not during this administration. But, of course, The Bush administration has scared all of you so called journalist from speaking the truth when Dan Rather was "FIRED" for doing what you so called journalist are so obviously scared to do, go after the real truth in the news and report it. You rather hound a person who has done nothing but give enjoyment through his music instead of taking your balls in hand and be the "journalists" you claim to be.Hey are you gay!! that may be more worthwhile to know, reporter, put your business out there for a change.

Posted by: candy | Sep 28, 2006 8:04:58 PM

I'm so tired of people claiming that if he answers one way or the other, they will stop asking. He's answered more than once and still they keep asking. I give him credit for not answering yet again as it seems his answer doesn't matter if it's not the one people want. Since when did it stop becoming about the music and instead about what's going on in someone's bedroom? Honestly, I don't see the correlation

Posted by: Lynn | Sep 28, 2006 8:14:11 PM

I can't understand why people keep saying if he answers the question, they will stop asking. Not true-question's been asked and answered before and yet they keep asking. Guess they'll keep on until they get the answer they want. Since when did it stop being about the music and more about what happens in someone's bedroom. Honestly, I don't get the correlation

Posted by: Lynn | Sep 28, 2006 8:17:34 PM

Okay, what Clay does or doesn't do is entirely meaningless to me - but where is this reputed interview where he denies being gay? The Clay Nation keeps saying, wow, he's answered the question and no one believes him, boo hoo, but I can't find any record of his actually answering the question. Y'all would rather believe that he's a rich and famous nearly 30 year old virgin? Whatever.

Look, if you read the transcript, he dances around the issue 40 times for 40 minutes without ever saying: "Listen, I'm not gay. I'm very religious and I'm hoping for the right woman. I wish people would believe that...blah blah." You know WHY he doesn't come right out and say that he's not gay? Because he is. I used to work in the Industry, and let me tell you - if you've heard rumors about anyone (and I'm looking at you Mr. Travolta and Mr. Cruise) they're true. When someone is NOT gay like say, Taylor Hicks - I'm not a fan, but he isn't gay - the rumors evaporate pretty quickly.

Clay is putting himself at risk to be outted again and again in the most embarrassing ways. He's not being smart about this. You'll see.

Posted by: Lisa D. | Sep 28, 2006 8:17:35 PM

Why is clay's sexuality important, does it define who he is or what he is going to do in life. Don't get me wrong the guy's a flamer, but he is also an accomplished person in a field that has nothing to do with his sexuality, larry king's just trying get his face on the news even more, boo larry, booo!!

Posted by: alex m. | Sep 28, 2006 9:15:05 PM

I believed for years that Clay was gay because I thought he had come out and said it himself. Now I'm finding that he's not gay and never confirmed being gay, whatsoever. I've become a very big fan of Clay's in the last year and I feel ashamed of myself for believing those stupid rumors, even though they didn't affect my enjoyment of his music. I am now thoroughly convinced that he is not gay.

Posted by: Lindy | Sep 29, 2006 1:46:38 AM

For Lisa D......

Rolling Stone Magazine July 10,2003

"Some people, for example, seem to think that because he is slender, has long, fluttering eyelashes, and currently doesn't have a girlfriend, he must be gay.
...This kind of stuff seems to amuse Aiken more than it upsets him.

"One thing I've found of people in the public eye," Aiken says, "either you're a womanizer or you've got to be gay. Since I'm neither one of those, people are completely concerned about me. They're like, 'What are you then?' I'm sure it has to do with being raised by women. I wouldn't want somebody gawking at my mom and grabbing her butt and catcalling at her, trying to hook up with her at a bar. I'm not saying I'm not going to look. Hello! But you know what I mean?"

Primetime Live interview with Diane Sawyer
October 9, 2003

I have some very effeminate qualities. You know, I try to make sure I'm clean. I was raised by my mom and my two grandmothers really for a long time. I'm not completely blind to it. I have gotten used to people to asking the question. They think, okay, well he doesn't drink. He doesn't go out and have sex with every woman that he sees. I think it's high time that there's somebody who represents people who aren't gay but don't sleep around with everybody, you know. If I'm supposed to carry the banner for all the nerds in the world, I'm fine with that too, so."

These are only 2 examples that I could quickly find the exact quotes from but there was an interview for a TV show called "The Standard" in December 2005 and other radio and print articles where the topic has previously been discussed.

As Clay states, people will only believe him if he says he's gay. He's stated he's straight and people choose to believe what they want and think he's lying. By addressing it, it won't go away and he knows that and frankly, I think he's had enough and decided to take back control of his private life. Good for him.

Hope that helps........:)

Posted by: Jess | Sep 29, 2006 2:56:35 AM

"Look, if you read the transcript, he dances around the issue 40 times for 40 minutes without ever saying: "Listen, I'm not gay. I'm very religious and I'm hoping for the right woman. I wish people would believe that...blah blah." You know WHY he doesn't come right out and say that he's not gay? Because he is. I used to work in the Industry, and let me tell you - if you've heard rumors about anyone (and I'm looking at you Mr. Travolta and Mr. Cruise) they're true. When someone is NOT gay like say, Taylor Hicks - I'm not a fan, but he isn't gay - the rumors evaporate pretty quickly.

Clay is putting himself at risk to be outted again and again in the most embarrassing ways. He's not being smart about this. You'll see.

Posted by: Lisa D. | Sep 28, 2006 8:17:35 PM "

Maybe you can't find it because you already have YOUR answer which proves his point. Sounds like your last sentence spells out an agenda.

Posted by: Cathie | Sep 29, 2006 8:49:29 AM

Clay Aiken is my favorite male singer and male entertainer. Clay Aiken is the greatest and the best male musical artist ever!!! Clay Aiken Rules!!!

Posted by: Maricela | Sep 29, 2006 12:10:56 PM

Who cares if he is gay or not? if he is cool if not then that is cool as well, what is all the damn fuss over? there are more important things to report about.

Posted by: Megan | Sep 29, 2006 2:47:34 PM

Maybe if everyone would leave Clay and other celebs alone, life would be better all the way around.
Clay has said many times that he is NOT gay. No one believes it. Guess he is right about what he said.
Clay was a big talker in the beginning. If he was gay, he would've spilled it.
No one in his hometown who have known him believe he is gay.
Leave him alone. Leave other celebs alone.
Go pester someone else for awhile.
They probably aren't as strong as Clay!!

Posted by: Beth | Sep 29, 2006 6:56:28 PM

Clay will be married and have four kids--and people will still keep asking him this dumb rude invasive and completely unimportant question. No wonder he's sick of this already. You readers and writers--put yourself in his place. You are asked this ridiculous question. You answer "no" once or twice, but people keep asking. Wouldn't you be upset and just tell people to buzz off. Who freeken cares, except those jealous of Clay's talent and fame.

Posted by: CAROL | Sep 29, 2006 7:18:59 PM

Summary of that section of LKL:

Larry: What about this talk of you not answering the question of whether or not you're gay?

Clay: I answered those questions repeatedly years ago and nobody seemed to accept my answer. People kept asking, in every interview I did, as if I'd never said anything about it. I figure it doesn't matter if I answer or not, because everybody's made up their minds, so my answer doesn't change that.

Larry: You answered the question?

Clay: Yeah.

Larry: With "no"?

Clay: Right.

Larry: Can I give you some advice?

Clay: (sighs) Sure.

Larry: If you answered the question, people would stop asking.

Clay: (tries not to roll his eyes)

Are the people who are insisting that Clay "just answer the question" suffering from the same type of attention deficit disorder that Larry King does?

Posted by: Miz Julie | Sep 30, 2006 11:36:38 PM

Hey, guys, did anyone besides me catch "American Idol Rewind" last night? What did you think?

Posted by: mom7801 | Oct 2, 2006 11:31:17 AM

I give Clay props for answering as politely as he did. If I were in his shoes, having been dogged by interviewers and being asked this question (which he has already answered) ad nauseum, my responses would have been bleeped and could not have been repeated in polite company.

Posted by: mom7801 | Oct 2, 2006 11:36:31 AM

Enough about Clay, for goodness sake...

Finally, some news on our Elliott -- whew.

Here's the link:,1,20142,00.html

Hopefully we'll hear more good news for him in the next few weeks... Can't wait!

Posted by: Idol5fan | Oct 2, 2006 4:50:11 PM

mom7801, I recorded Idol Rewind and I just got a chance to watch it last night. The first show was really just background - some interesting stuff, but there wasn't much said by anyone that was news to regular Idol fans. I'm not all that interested in hearing Nigel Lythgoe's umpteenth statement of why he thinks American Idol is a big hit. We've heard all that before. Some of the performance clips they showed were intriguing, but I am not interested in seeing repeats of the bad auditions - we get enough of that at the beginning of each season.

As for the overview of past seasons - it seemed to me the bulk of the material was from the first three seasons. Seasons 4 and 5 got very skimpy treatment.

I don't think anyone who missed the first show missed much. What do you think, mom7801? I think Rewind will get much more interesting when the show moves to the first season's semifinal and final round performances. Personally, I would be happiest if they simply rebroadcast those shows as originally aired. The more repackaging and manipulation that goes into the Rewind episodes, the less interesting they become, IMO. Nevertheless, I look forward to seeing Kelly and Tamyra and the others perform - particularly as I missed much of the first season.

Posted by: The Sister of Don Francisco | Oct 3, 2006 12:44:21 PM

OK, I am reading all these blogs and the same thing is evident...all of you that say he should just come out and say yea or nay...guess what, he did! 3 years ago. He said NO. So, leave it at that. He's sick of hearing it. His answer was no and that's that. He told LK that no matter what he says, people will believe what they want, and he's right. He said no and they still ask. Good for you Clay. We love you!

Posted by: Kim | Oct 3, 2006 2:02:17 PM

Sister, I am hoping that the first episode of "Rewind" was just a one-time intro deal getting the viewers up to speed before they get hot and heavy into Season 1. It seemed to me that they were trying to build up interest and excitement--tying the start of a summer replacement reality show that not very many people saw to the show with huge ratings that it is now. Not bad, but nothing to write home about.

You are right, very little about Seasons 4 and 5. I guess they thought that anyone who would be watching Rewind were fans of 4 and 5 (due to the ratings). Kelly, Clay, Ruben and Fantasia almost seem like ancient history. :)

I agree with you, I hope the future episodes are rebroadcast episodes of Season 1 with additional footage (of the eventual Top 10/12--not the bad singers) that did not air originally.

Posted by: mom7801 | Oct 3, 2006 3:57:35 PM

I have never thought that Clay was a homosexual and that on the off-chance he was, that he was not sexually active. Why? Because Clay is a Christian in every sense of the word. And practicing Christians (according to the Bible) are not practicing homosexuals. How many other young men in his age group has done as much for humanity as Clay Aiken has. Everyone who bashes him should get down on their knee and thank the Lord that there is a person like Clay.

Frankly everyone's sexual preferences is nobody's business but his own. BTW, I detected many homosexual tendencies in the posts made by the males who get their jollies by bashing Clay. Wise up, guys, you will never get your hands on that guy. So just cool it, won't you. And please, quit showing your immaturity by calling him Clay GayKin and other inappropriate names.

Posted by: Babe | Oct 3, 2006 5:05:57 PM

mom7801, I read somewhere that in Season One, there were only ten finalists, not twelve as in the current version. Do you happen to know if that is correct? It seems as though the semifinals were structured differently in earlier seasons as well. I'm afraid I don't remember all the details, but I remember things like wild card choices by the judges and viewers, etc.

Did you follow Idol right from the start? I didn't happen upon the show until about half way through the first season. I'm quite looking forward to seeing the episodes I missed.:)

Posted by: The Sister of Don Francisco | Oct 3, 2006 5:43:00 PM

You are SO not helping.

Posted by: Miz Julie | Oct 3, 2006 11:43:07 PM

Sister, if I recall, the Idols were grouped into three groups of 10 in the semi-finals. One group sang each week. The top 3 vote-getters from each group advanced to the finals (for a total of 9). There was a Wild Card round where one person, chosen by the judges, advanced. If I recall, RJ Helton was the Wild Card winner. Kelly and Justin were placed in the same group of 10.

For Seasons 2 and 3, AI kept with the grouping idea in the semi-finals; however, a total of 32 contestants were put into 4 groups of 8. One group sang each week. Two from every group advanced to the finals. The remaining 4 (for a total of 12 finalists) were chosen from a Wild Card Round--one contestant hand-picked by one of the judges and one chosen by America by having the most call-in votes that week.

Some AI trivia: Ruben, Clay and Kimberley Locke were all in the same group of 8 in Season Two. Ruben and Kimberley advanced. Clay came out of the Wild Card round (most call-in votes). Fantasia and Diana DeGarmo were in the same group of 8 the following year. So, in some manner (in hindsight) the other contestants placed in the same semi-final group as the eventual winner and runner-up were seemingly at a disadvantage in the semi-final round. In essence, they were in a "loaded" group. I think this is why AI went to "everybody sings every week" in the semi-finals. This and the fact that the judges were allowed to hand-pick contestants to be automatically in the Top 12 and by-passing the wishes of America.

Now, if I could only remember where I put my car keys . . . :)

Posted by: mom7801 | Oct 4, 2006 11:48:19 AM

Miz Julie, can I ask about your last comment - I assume it was not directed at my last comment, which has nothing to do with Clay Aiken. I don't see any Clay Aiken's sex life.

Posted by: The Sister of Don Francisco | Oct 4, 2006 1:17:39 PM

All this speculation about Clay Aiken is bad, but things could be worst.

He could've been caught chucking rocks at billboards like my poor Elliott.

Elliott clearly has too much free time on his hands. Somebody get this man a record deal quick!

Posted by: Joanie | Oct 4, 2006 1:57:40 PM

Oops, my last post to Miz Julie got garbled in transmission. What I wrote (or thought I wrote) was this: "I don't see any relevance in what Clay does in his personal life, if you are judging his singing talent. And I could not care less about his sex life."

Posted by: The Sister of Don Francisco | Oct 4, 2006 3:17:10 PM

mom7801, thank you for that report. You are quite a scholar of American Idol! :)

Thanks especially for the trivia - it's fascinating to see how the semifinal rounds were structured in the first three seasons. I'm afraid I have not always paid close attention to the semis in past years. (In fact, this past season was the first time Idol became "must" viewing for me - I hope this admission does not disqualify me from further participation in Idol Chatter!)

Thanks again for all the information.

Posted by: The Sister of Don Francisco | Oct 4, 2006 3:25:00 PM

Joanie, now that Elliott's famous, you'd think he'd have a personal assistant to throw rocks for him, wouldn't you? :)

As for a recording deal, I suspect he has one lined up already, and is simply not ready to announce it yet. For whatever reason. What I cannot believe is that someone with E's obvious talent will not be signed.

Posted by: The Sister of Don Francisco | Oct 4, 2006 3:30:13 PM

Do you know how some rabid sports fans are able to memorize statistics over a span of several years (or even decades) regarding their favorite player/team/sport?

Well, Idol is my sport. And my team. And my players. :)

Posted by: mom7801 | Oct 4, 2006 5:11:52 PM

I am an Idol savant.

Posted by: mom7801 | Oct 4, 2006 5:14:19 PM

Sister, in my love-addled state I would probably volunteer for the job :)

And now I'm questioning my own amount of free time...

Posted by: Joanie | Oct 4, 2006 6:24:08 PM

Idol is my sport, too. I started watching AI during Season 3 but I know all the finalists by name and every theme ever done on AI.

Posted by: Lindy | Oct 5, 2006 2:11:26 AM

I am a big Elliott fan, too. I am eagerly awaiting news of his record deal.

Posted by: Lindy | Oct 5, 2006 2:13:08 AM

Lindy, I am impressed. :)

Posted by: mom7801 | Oct 5, 2006 12:28:54 PM

Thank you. I actually don't know all the semi-finalists from Seasons 1-3 but I know them all for Seasons 4-5 and all the Finalists from all seasons.

Posted by: Lindy | Oct 5, 2006 5:10:25 PM

Lindy, I don't know all of the semi-finalists either, but I remember certain things from certain rounds in each season. AI Rewind should refresh my memory.

Posted by: mom7801 | Oct 6, 2006 3:19:52 PM

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