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Terry McAuliffe Sounds Positive Yet Fox Keeps Running Banner - Latest Polls Many Races Tightening

Reported by Donna - November 7, 2006 -

Today on Studio B with Shepard Smith he turned to an actual Democratic guest, Terry McAuliffe, former Democratic National Chairperson. Smith made sure that it would be fair and balanced because he said Ken Mehlmen would be on the Fox Report at the special time of 5 p.m.

McAuliffe was very upbeat and positive about the chances for the Democrats in the House. He talked about a 25 to 30 seat pickup in the House. He told Smith he would be back to talk about it in the coming days when the results were known.

However, all during McAuliffe's segment, Fox kept running a banner that said, 'Latest Poll Many Races Tightening.'

Comment: Even when they gave the Republican side yesterday they only had a Republican guest on and used the same saying about the races tightening and even ended up showing a commercial by the same Republican candidate they were interviewing. The Democratic position didn't have a chance yesterday.

Today they made sure it was somewhat fair and balanced with the Democratic guest on yet they ran the same banner running and talked about Mehlmen coming up at 5 p.m. Too bad the Democrats didn't get the same courtesy yesterday.