24 ways

to impress your friends

  1. Accessible Dynamic Links

    05 December 2006:

    Mike Davies kicks off a mini-series on Accessibility and JavaScript by considering a number of techniques for hiding links, yet keeping them accessible. And when I say hiding links, I don’t mean hiding your links to seedy underworld of organised crime, no sir. Moving swiftly along…

    Impress your friends with your accessible linky treats

  2. Rounded Corner Boxes the CSS3 Way

    04 December 2006:

    Andy Budd explores the thorny issue of adding rounded corners to boxes, this time looking at what solutions lie waiting for us with CSS3. Consider it a little like feeling the presents under a Christmas tree … you know what’s there, you just can’t quite have it yet.

    Impress your friends with cutting edge curvy cornerings

  3. Flickr Photos On Demand with getFlickr

    03 December 2006:

    Christian Heilmann frolics with Flickr and provides a super simple way of using photos on your site without the need for server-side scripts or the full API. Want to bore the internets with pictures of your cat? Well now you can, without even touching the server, Gran.

    Impress your friends with your on demand Flickriness

  4. Faster Development with CSS Constants

    02 December 2006:

    Rachel Andrew delves into the world of CSS generation and looks at some CSS techniques that will prevent you from tearing your hair out as well giving you more time to shop for a hat to cover the bald patches.

    Impress your friends with your speedy style sheet stylings

  5. Tasty Text Trimmer

    01 December 2006:

    Drew McLellan examines a method of enabling users to control their interface with a dynamic text trimmer, similar to that found in Safari RSS. Feeling bloated? Lose some weight at the touch of a button.

    Impress your friends with your festive trimmings

24 ways