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Fossil fuel -- Fossil fuels are hydrocarbons, primarily coal, fuel oil or natural gas, formed from the remains of dead plants and animals. In common dialogue, the term fossil fuel also includes ... > full article

Hydrocarbon -- In chemistry, a hydrocarbon is any chemical compound that consists only of the elements carbon (C) and hydrogen (H). They all contain a carbon backbone, called a carbon skeleton, and have hydrogen ... > full article

Common ethanol fuel mixtures -- Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) and methanol (methyl alcohol) are two types of alcohol fuels. The use of pure alcohols in internal combustion engines is only possible if the engine is designed or modified ... > full article

Alternative fuel cars -- Alternative fuel cars refers to cars run on Alternative fuel such as hydrogen, solar power or steam power; any method of powering an engine that does not involve petroleum. The term car may be used ... > full article

Coal -- Coal is a fossil fuel extracted from the ground by underground mining or open-pit mining (strip mining). It is a readily combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock. Often associated with ... > full article

Biomass -- Biomass is organic non-fossil material, collectively. In other words, 'biomass' describes the mass of all biological organisms, dead or alive, excluding biological mass that has been transformed by ... > full article

Combustion -- Combustion or burning is a complex sequence of chemical reactions between a fuel and an oxidant accompanied by the production of heat or both heat and light in the form of either a glow or flames. ... > full article

Carbon-14 -- Carbon-14, 14C, or radiocarbon, is a radioactive isotope of carbon discovered on February 27, 1940, by Martin Kamen and Sam Ruben. Its nucleus contains 6 protons and 8 neutrons. Its presence in ... > full article

Petroleum geology -- Petroleum geology refers to the specific set of geological disciplines that are applied to the search for hydrocarbons (oil ... > full article

Propellant -- A propellant is a material that is used to move an object by applying a motive force. This may or may not involve a chemical reaction. It may be a gas, liquid, plasma, or, before the chemical ... > full article

Electricity generation -- Electricity generation is the first process in the delivery of electricity to consumers. The other three processes are electric power transmission, electricity distribution and electricity ... > full article

Gasoline -- Gasoline is a petroleum-derived liquid mixture consisting primarily of hydrocarbons, used as fuel in internal combustion engines. Before internal combustion engines were invented in the mid-1800s, ... > full article

Flexible-fuel vehicle -- A flexible-fuel vehicle (FFV) or dual-fuel vehicle (also sometimes called only flex-fuel) is an automobile that can typically alternate between two sources of fuel. A common example is a vehicle that ... > full article

Catalytic converter -- A catalytic converter is a device used to reduce the emissions from an internal combustion engine. Most commonly used in an automobile's exhaust system, catalytic converters are now commonly used on ... > full article

Natural gas -- Natural gas, commonly referred to as gas, is a gaseous fossil fuel consisting primarily of methane. It is found in oil fields and natural gas fields, as well as—in smaller quantities—in coal ... > full article

Internal combustion engine -- The internal combustion engine is a heat engine in which combustion occurs in a confined space called a combustion chamber. Combustion of a fuel creates high temperature/pressure gases, which are ... > full article

Ethanol fuel -- The use of ethanol as a fuel for internal combustion engines, either alone or in combination with other fuels, has been given much attention mostly because of its possible environmental and long-term ... > full article

Methanol -- Methanol, also known as methyl alcohol or wood alcohol, is a chemical compound with chemical formula CH3OH. It is the simplest alcohol, and is a light, volatile, colourless, tasteless, flammable, ... > full article

Oil refinery -- An oil refinery is an industrial process plant where crude oil is processed and refined into useful petroleum products. Raw oil or unprocessed ("crude") oil is not very useful in the form it comes in ... > full article

Methyl tert-butyl ether -- MTBE (methyl tertiary-butyl ether) is a chemical compound that is manufactured by the chemical reaction of methanol and isobutylene. MTBE is produced in very large quantities (more than 200,000 ... > full article


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Summaries | Headlines

Plant Potential In The Pipeline (November 30, 2006) -- Think for a moment about what you have done so far today -- made a cup of tea, driven to work, sent an e-mail or text. Each of those activities is dependent on oil, from fuel for transport to the ... > full story

Curb Carbon Dioxide Emissions From New Coal Power Plants, Expert Urges (November 20, 2006) -- Carnegie Mellon University international engineering and environmental policy expert M. Granger Morgan is challenging U.S. federal and state officials to take the lead in eliminating dangerous carbon ... > full story

Prototype Propane Fuel Cell Passes Muster In Alaska (November 14, 2006) -- The Alaska Energy Technology Development Laboratory at the University of Alaska Fairbanks recently announced a successful field test of a prototype propane fuel ... > full story

Rand Study Says Renewable Energy Could Play Larger Role In U.S. Energy Future (November 14, 2006) -- Renewable resources could produce 25 percent of the electricity and motor vehicle fuels used in the United States by 2025 at little or no additional cost if fossil fuel prices remain high enough and ... > full story

'Flashy' New Process Turns Soy Oil, Glucose Into Hydrogen (November 6, 2006) -- A University of Minnesota team has invented a "reactive flash volatilization process" that heats oil and sugar about a million times faster than you can in your kitchen and produces hydrogen and ... > full story

Biofuel Cells Without The Bio Cells (November 3, 2006) -- Scientists have observed a first: direct electricity-shuttling from a protein to a mineral. Reporting in the current advance online edition of the Journal of the American Chemical Society, they ... > full story

Pint-sized Car Engine Promises High Efficiency, Low Cost (October 30, 2006) -- MIT researchers are developing a half-sized gasoline engine that performs like its full-sized cousin but offers fuel efficiency approaching that of today's hybrid engine system -- at a far lower ... > full story

Weight Gain Of U.S. Drivers Has Increased Nation's Fuel Consumption (October 27, 2006) -- As American waistlines have expanded since 1960, so has their consumption of gasoline, researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Virginia Commonwealth University say. ... > full story

A New Acceleration Additive For Making 'Ice That Burns' (October 26, 2006) -- Japanese scientists are reporting discovery of an additive that can speed up the formation of methane hydrates. Those strange substances have sparked excitement about their potential as a new energy ... > full story

Soot From Wood Stoves In Developing World Impacts Global Warming More Than Expected (October 24, 2006) -- New measurements of soot produced by traditional cook stoves used in developing countries suggest that these stoves emit more harmful smoke particles and could have a much greater impact on global ... > full story

Biofuel Production Is Economical Even When Importing The Raw Materials (October 5, 2006) -- Liquid fuels can be produced economically from biomass right now even if all the raw materials - such as grasses and wood - must be imported from other countries. Robin Zwart and colleagues in The ... > full story

Ceramic Microreactors Developed For On-site Hydrogen Production (October 3, 2006) -- Scientists at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have designed and built ceramic microreactors for the on-site reforming of hydrocarbon fuels, such as propane, into hydrogen for use in ... > full story

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Beyond Oil : The View from Hubbert's Peak
With world oil production about to peak and inexorably head toward steep decline, what fuels are available to meet rising global energy demands? That question, once thought to address a fairly ... > read more

The Solar House: Passive Heating and Cooling
Passive solar heating and passive cooling—approaches known as natural conditioning—provide comfort throughout the year by reducing, or eliminating, the need for fossil fuel. Yet while heat ... > read more

The End of Oil : On the Edge of a Perilous New World
The End of Oil is a "geologic cautionary tale for a complacent world accustomed to reliable infusions of cheap energy." The book centers around one irrefutable fact: the global supply of oil is being ... > read more

Ultrametabolism : The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss
No wonder it's so hard to lose weight -- our bodies are designed to keep weight on at all costs; it's a matter of survival. It's embedded in our DNA. Our diet has changed dramatically over the past ... > read more

Handbook of Petroleum Refining Processes
MASTER THE LATEST TECHNOLOGIES POWERING THE PETROLEUM INDUSTRY! If staying on top of the latest developments in the petroleum refining process industry is part of your work, here's the one-stop ... > read more

National Electrical Code 2002 (softcover) (National Fire Protection Association National Electrical Code)
The #1 electrical reference, the 2002 National Electrical Code®, is now available through today's #1 electrical publisher, Delmar Publishers! The single most important reference in the ... > read more

Emergency Food Storage & Survival Handbook : Everything You Need to Know to Keep Your Family Safe in a Crisis
Always Be PreparedWhat if your life was disrupted by a natural disaster, food or water supply contamination, or any other type of emergency? Do you have the essentials for you and your family? Do you ... > read more

The Pregnancy Journal: A Day To Day Guide To A Healthy And Happy Pregnancy
Whether this is pregnancy number 1 or number 10, nothing makes it easier to connect with a growing baby than knowing exactly what magical development is happening every day. Filling the need for ... > read more

Chemistry for Changing Times, 10th Edition
This popular book, now in its 10th edition, is a useful and interesting read for the layperson, as it is colorful, conversational in tone, and easily understandable. Knowledge of chemistry leads to ... > read more

Triathlon Training in Four Hours a Week
The Transforming Power of TriathlonTraining for a triathlon will get you in the best shape of your life, not to mention give you a new and exciting fitness pursuit. More than that, it will change ... > read more

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