Home/TreasureClass/TC armo9

patch 1.10

Drop Probabilities for armo9

Studded Leather,Light Belt,Heavy Gloves,Heavy Boots,Fanged Helm,Hawk Helm,Rondache,Zombie Head,

Monster Difficulty Drop Chance(%)
Creeping Feature [TC] Normal6.26018247
Blood Witch The Wild [TC] Normal6.26018247
Andariel(1st Kill) [TC] Normal6.20226657
Razor Spine [TC] Normal6.06332139
Griswold [TC] Normal6.06332139
The Smith [TC] Normal6.06332139
Cow King [TC] Normal6.06332139
Beetleburst [TC] Normal4.39984523
Coldworm The Burrower [TC] Normal4.39984523
Dark Elder [TC] Normal4.39984523
Fangskin [TC] Normal4.39984523
Fire Eye [TC] Normal4.39984523
Dark One [TC] Normal3.86832935
Yeti [TC] Normal3.86832935
Dark Stalker [TC] Normal3.86832935
Black Rogue [TC] Normal3.86832935
Black Lancer [TC] Normal3.86832935
Death Clan [TC] Normal3.86832935
Arach [TC] Normal3.86832935
Ratman [TC] Normal3.86832935
Tomb Viper [TC] Normal3.86832935
Devilkin Shaman [TC] Normal3.82782009
Dark shaman [TC] Normal3.82782009
Tainted [TC] Normal3.82782009
Afflicted [TC] Normal3.82782009
Andariel [TC] Normal3.79541686
Black Archer [TC] Normal3.74680157
Bone Archer [TC] Normal3.74680157
Wraith [TC] Normal3.22018120
Ancient Kaa The Soulless [TC] Normal3.03437602
The Countess [TC] Normal2.75704809
Burning Dead [TC] Normal2.66261631
Horror [TC] Normal2.66261631
Sand Leaper [TC] Normal2.66261631
Cave Leaper [TC] Normal2.66261631
Dung Soldier [TC] Normal2.66261631
Sand Maggot Queen [TC] Normal2.66261631
Sand Maggot [TC] Normal2.66261631
Rock Worm [TC] Normal2.66261631
Huntress [TC] Normal2.66261631
Sabre Cat [TC] Normal2.66261631
Dried Corpse [TC] Normal2.66261631
Decayed [TC] Normal2.66261631
Sand Raider [TC] Normal2.66261631
Desert Wing [TC] Normal2.66261631
Claw Viper [TC] Normal2.66261631
Bone Warrior [TC] Normal2.66261631
Returned [TC] Normal2.66261631
Black Raptor Nest [TC] Normal2.63473331
Hollow One [TC] Normal2.63473331
Burning Dead Archer [TC] Normal2.57896732
Slinger [TC] Normal2.57896732
Mephisto(1st Kill) [TC] Normal2.52188927
Sszark The Burning [TC] Normal2.23115884
Icehawk Riftwing [TC] Normal2.23115884
Diablo(1st Kill) [TC] Normal2.22515479
Carrion Bird [TC] Normal2.21648836
Undead Scavenger [TC] Normal2.21648836
Carrion Bird [TC] Normal2.21648836
Mephisto [TC] Normal2.20665311
Baal(1st Kill) [TC] Normal1.96230492
Diablo [TC] Normal1.94701044
DiabloClone [TC] Normal1.94701044
Griswold [TC] Nightmare1.90481971
The Smith [TC] Nightmare1.90481971
Cow King [TC] Nightmare1.90481971
Witch Doctor Endugu [TC] Normal1.89081257
Stormtree [TC] Normal1.89081257
Battlemaid Sarina [TC] Normal1.89081257
Plague Bearer [TC] Normal1.87136712
Tomb Creeper [TC] Normal1.87136712
Death Beatle [TC] Normal1.87136712
Scarab [TC] Normal1.87136712
Devourer [TC] Normal1.87136712
Night Tiger [TC] Normal1.87136712
Embalmed [TC] Normal1.87136712
Marauder [TC] Normal1.87136712
Invader [TC] Normal1.87136712
Fiend [TC] Normal1.87136712
Salamander [TC] Normal1.87136712
Dune Beast [TC] Normal1.87136712
Blunderbore [TC] Normal1.87136712
Black Raptor [TC] Normal1.85177011
Guardian [TC] Normal1.85177011
Horror Mage [TC] Normal1.85177011
Horror Mage [TC] Normal1.85177011
Horror Archer [TC] Normal1.81257609
The Summoner [TC] Normal1.76926000
Baal [TC] Normal1.71701681
Mephisto(1st Kill) [TC] Nightmare1.62535090
Burning Soul [TC] Normal1.58791415
Corpse Spitter [TC] Normal1.58791415
Stygian Hag [TC] Normal1.58791415
Itchies [TC] Normal1.55781493
Black Locusts [TC] Normal1.55781493
Griswold [TC] Hell1.54668383
The Smith [TC] Hell1.54668383
Cow King [TC] Hell1.54668383
Diablo(1st Kill) [TC] Nightmare1.54494640
Grand Vizier of Chaos [TC] Normal1.49240052
Monster Difficulty Drop Chance(%)
Lord De Seis [TC] Normal1.49240052
Infector of Souls [TC] Normal1.49240052
Baal(1st Kill) [TC] Nightmare1.44003129
Mephisto [TC] Nightmare1.42218204
Vile Witch [TC] Normal1.40107451
Shenk The Overseer [TC] Normal1.40107451
Eldritch The Rectifier [TC] Normal1.40107451
Eyeback Unleashed [TC] Normal1.40107451
Bonesaw Breaker [TC] Normal1.40107451
Diablo [TC] Nightmare1.35182810
Dac Farren [TC] Normal1.33705675
Sharptooth Slayer [TC] Normal1.33705675
Ghoul [TC] Normal1.29059801
Crusher [TC] Normal1.29059801
Hell Clan [TC] Normal1.29059801
Steel Scarab [TC] Normal1.29059801
Giant Lamprey [TC] Normal1.29059801
Hell Cat [TC] Normal1.29059801
Gorebelly [TC] Normal1.29059801
Death Brigadier [TC] Normal1.28314317
Demon Sprite [TC] Normal1.28314317
Hell Temptress [TC] Normal1.28314317
Blood Lord [TC] Normal1.28314317
Thresh Socket [TC] Normal1.28314317
Frozenstein [TC] Normal1.28314317
Snapchip Shatter [TC] Normal1.28314317
Pindleskin [TC] Normal1.28314317
Ghoul Lord [TC] Normal1.27708283
Unraveler [TC] Normal1.27708283
Baal [TC] Nightmare1.26002738
Mephisto(1st Kill) [TC] Hell1.25247760
Hell Slinger [TC] Normal1.25005247
Dark Ranger [TC] Nightmare1.23557041
Skeleton [TC] Nightmare1.23557041
Corpsefire [TC] Nightmare1.23557041
Bishibosh [TC] Nightmare1.23557041
Mauler [TC] Normal1.19620133
Diablo(1st Kill) [TC] Hell1.19555432
Carver [TC] Nightmare1.19032720
Treehead Woodfist [TC] Nightmare1.19032720
Pitspawn Fouldog [TC] Nightmare1.19032720
Baal(1st Kill) [TC] Hell1.16807031
Creeping Feature [TC] Nightmare1.15111642
Blood Witch The Wild [TC] Nightmare1.15111642
Radament [TC] Normal1.14635986
Andariel(1st Kill) [TC] Nightmare1.14046690
Beetleburst [TC] Nightmare1.11479724
Coldworm The Burrower [TC] Nightmare1.11479724
Dark Elder [TC] Nightmare1.11479724
Fangskin [TC] Nightmare1.11479724
Fire Eye [TC] Nightmare1.11479724
Ancient Kaa The Soulless [TC] Nightmare1.11479724
Duriel(1st Kill) [TC] Normal1.10525867
Mephisto [TC] Hell1.09591790
Sszark The Burning [TC] Nightmare1.08206257
Icehawk Riftwing [TC] Nightmare1.08206257
DiabloClone [TC] Nightmare1.08146248
Spector [TC] Normal1.07435513
Apparition [TC] Normal1.07435513
Witch Doctor Endugu [TC] Nightmare1.05149994
Stormtree [TC] Nightmare1.05149994
Battlemaid Sarina [TC] Nightmare1.05149994
Diablo [TC] Hell1.04611003
Burning Soul [TC] Nightmare1.02340643
Corpse Spitter [TC] Nightmare1.02340643
Stygian Hag [TC] Nightmare1.02340643
Baal [TC] Hell1.02206152
Izual [TC] Normal1.01037230
Grand Vizier of Chaos [TC] Nightmare0.99701486
Lord De Seis [TC] Nightmare0.99701486
Infector of Souls [TC] Nightmare0.99701486
Vile Witch [TC] Nightmare0.97277952
Shenk The Overseer [TC] Nightmare0.97277952
Eldritch The Rectifier [TC] Nightmare0.97277952
Eyeback Unleashed [TC] Nightmare0.97277952
Bonesaw Breaker [TC] Nightmare0.97277952
Dac Farren [TC] Nightmare0.94989059
Sharptooth Slayer [TC] Nightmare0.94989059
Drowned Carcass [TC] Normal0.94896913
Poison Spinner [TC] Normal0.94896913
Flame Spider [TC] Normal0.94896913
Tree Lurker [TC] Normal0.94896913
Infidel [TC] Normal0.94896913
Gloom Bat [TC] Normal0.94896913
Pit Viper [TC] Normal0.94896913
Jungle Hunter [TC] Normal0.94896913
Doom Ape [TC] Normal0.94896913
Thorned Hulk [TC] Normal0.94896913
Bramble Hulk [TC] Normal0.94896913
Swamp Dweller [TC] Normal0.94896913
Bog Creature [TC] Normal0.94896913
Undead Flayer [TC] Normal0.94896913
Zakarumite [TC] Normal0.94896913
Hephasto The Armor [TC] Normal0.94854355
Cloud Stalker [TC] Normal0.93903150
Cloud Stalker Nest [TC] Normal0.93903150
Fetish Shaman [TC] Normal0.93903150
Sexton [TC] Normal0.93903150
Death Brigadier [TC] Nightmare0.92805403
Demon Sprite [TC] Nightmare0.92805403
Monster Difficulty Drop Chance(%)
Hell Temptress [TC] Nightmare0.92805403
Blood Lord [TC] Nightmare0.92805403
Thresh Socket [TC] Nightmare0.92805403
Frozenstein [TC] Nightmare0.92805403
Snapchip Shatter [TC] Nightmare0.92805403
Pindleskin [TC] Nightmare0.92805403
Ismail Vilehand [TC] Normal0.92586844
Geleb Flamefinger [TC] Normal0.92586844
Toorc Icefist [TC] Normal0.92586844
Bremm Sparkfist [TC] Normal0.92586844
Wyand Voidbringer [TC] Normal0.92586844
Maffer Dragonhand [TC] Normal0.92586844
Council Member [TC] Normal0.92586844
Dark Ranger [TC] Hell0.90671945
Skeleton [TC] Hell0.90671945
Corpsefire [TC] Hell0.90671945
Bishibosh [TC] Hell0.90671945
Nihlathak [TC] Normal0.90520279
Carver [TC] Hell0.88587533
Treehead Woodfist [TC] Hell0.88587533
Pitspawn Fouldog [TC] Hell0.88587533
Creeping Feature [TC] Hell0.86551038
Blood Witch The Wild [TC] Hell0.86551038
Andariel(1st Kill) [TC] Hell0.85750313
Beetleburst [TC] Hell0.84561359
Coldworm The Burrower [TC] Hell0.84561359
Dark Elder [TC] Hell0.84561359
Fangskin [TC] Hell0.84561359
Fire Eye [TC] Hell0.84561359
Ancient Kaa The Soulless [TC] Hell0.84561359
Sszark The Burning [TC] Hell0.82617420
Icehawk Riftwing [TC] Hell0.82617420
Witch Doctor Endugu [TC] Hell0.80718168
Stormtree [TC] Hell0.80718168
Battlemaid Sarina [TC] Hell0.80718168
Blood Raven [TC] Nightmare0.80586520
Wailing Beast [TC] Normal0.80421113
Flesh Hunter [TC] Normal0.80421113
Flesh Lancer [TC] Normal0.80421113
Spider Magus [TC] Normal0.80421113
Bone Scarab [TC] Normal0.80421113
Preserved Dead [TC] Normal0.80421113
Blood Diver [TC] Normal0.80421113
Serpent Magus [TC] Normal0.80421113
Temple Guard [TC] Normal0.80421113
Thrasher [TC] Normal0.80421113
Slime Prince [TC] Normal0.80421113
Undead Soulkiller [TC] Normal0.80421113
Undead Stygian Doll [TC] Normal0.80421113
Faithful [TC] Normal0.80421113
Zealot [TC] Normal0.80421113
Scarab [TC] Normal0.80421113
Steel Scarab [TC] Normal0.80421113
Flayer [TC] Normal0.80421113
Stygian Doll [TC] Normal0.80421113
Soul Killer [TC] Normal0.80421113
Flayer [TC] Normal0.80421113
Stygian Doll [TC] Normal0.80421113
Soul Killer [TC] Normal0.80421113
Temple Guard [TC] Normal0.80421113
Temple Guard [TC] Normal0.80421113
Zealot [TC] Normal0.80421113
Zealot [TC] Normal0.80421113
Arach [TC] Normal0.80421113
Undead Stygian Doll [TC] Normal0.80421113
Undead Soulkiller [TC] Normal0.80421113
Night Lord [TC] Normal0.79578940
Dark Lord [TC] Normal0.79578940
Horadrim Ancient [TC] Normal0.79578940
Flayer Shaman [TC] Normal0.79578940
Soul Killer Shaman [TC] Normal0.79578940
Cantor [TC] Normal0.79578940
Flayer Shaman [TC] Normal0.79578940
Stygian Doll Shaman [TC] Normal0.79578940
Soul Killer Shaman [TC] Normal0.79578940
Heirophant [TC] Normal0.79578940
Heirophant [TC] Normal0.79578940
Razor Spine [TC] Nightmare0.79355147
Dark Shape [TC] Normal0.78996700
Gloam [TC] Normal0.78996700
Jungle Urchin [TC] Normal0.78996700
Sucker [TC] Normal0.78996700
Burning Soul [TC] Hell0.78862578
Corpse Spitter [TC] Hell0.78862578
Stygian Hag [TC] Hell0.78862578
Flesh Archer [TC] Normal0.77894596
Grand Vizier of Chaos [TC] Hell0.77049646
Lord De Seis [TC] Hell0.77049646
Infector of Souls [TC] Hell0.77049646
Vile Witch [TC] Hell0.75278389
Shenk The Overseer [TC] Hell0.75278389
Eldritch The Rectifier [TC] Hell0.75278389
Eyeback Unleashed [TC] Hell0.75278389
Bonesaw Breaker [TC] Hell0.75278389
Dac Farren [TC] Hell0.73547852
Sharptooth Slayer [TC] Hell0.73547852
Cadaver [TC] Normal0.72721219
Dark Familiar [TC] Normal0.72721219
Gloom Bat [TC] Normal0.72721219
Fiend [TC] Normal0.72721219
Monster Difficulty Drop Chance(%)
Cadaver [TC] Normal0.72721219
Blood Lord [TC] Normal0.71959680
Blood Lord [TC] Normal0.71959680
Ghoul Lord [TC] Normal0.71959680
Dark Lord [TC] Normal0.71959680
Death Brigadier [TC] Hell0.71903012
Demon Sprite [TC] Hell0.71903012
Hell Temptress [TC] Hell0.71903012
Blood Lord [TC] Hell0.71903012
Thresh Socket [TC] Hell0.71903012
Frozenstein [TC] Hell0.71903012
Snapchip Shatter [TC] Hell0.71903012
Pindleskin [TC] Hell0.71903012
Andariel [TC] Nightmare0.69789766
Duriel [TC] Normal0.67635232
Cliff Lurker [TC] Normal0.67538065
Blood Maggot [TC] Normal0.67538065
Assailant [TC] Normal0.67538065
Urdar [TC] Normal0.67538065
Spikefist [TC] Normal0.67538065
Balrog [TC] Normal0.67538065
Corpulent [TC] Normal0.67538065
Doom Knight [TC] Normal0.67538065
WorldKiller [TC] Normal0.67538065
Doom Knight [TC] Normal0.67538065
Doom Knight [TC] Normal0.67538065
Izual [TC] Nightmare0.67499052
Hell Buzzard [TC] Normal0.66946356
Winged Nightmare [TC] Normal0.66946356
Plague Bugs [TC] Normal0.66946356
Hell Swarm [TC] Normal0.66946356
Feeder [TC] Normal0.66946356
Damned [TC] Normal0.66830804
Flesh Spawner [TC] Normal0.66830804
Flesh Beast [TC] Normal0.66830804
Stygian Dog [TC] Normal0.66830804
Grotesque Wyrm [TC] Normal0.66830804
Grotesque Wyrm [TC] Normal0.66830804
Flesh Beast [TC] Normal0.66830804
Hephasto The Armor [TC] Nightmare0.65858292
The Summoner [TC] Nightmare0.65045613
Hell Bovine [TC] Normal0.64696921
Nihlathak [TC] Nightmare0.64308685
Radament [TC] Nightmare0.63750228
Pit Lord [TC] Normal0.63475625
Venom Lord [TC] Normal0.63475625
Maw Fiend [TC] Normal0.63475625
Abyss Knight [TC] Normal0.63475625
Oblivion Knight [TC] Normal0.63475625
Balrog [TC] Normal0.63475625
Pit Lord [TC] Normal0.63475625
Maw Fiend [TC] Normal0.63475625
Oblivion Knight [TC] Normal0.63475625
Oblivion Knight [TC] Normal0.63475625
Grotesque [TC] Normal0.62810906
Grotesque [TC] Normal0.62810906
Flesh Spawner [TC] Normal0.62810906
Blood Raven [TC] Hell0.59974778
Council Member [TC] Nightmare0.59671974
Ismail Vilehand [TC] Nightmare0.59671974
Geleb Flamefinger [TC] Nightmare0.59671974
Toorc Icefist [TC] Nightmare0.59671974
Bremm Sparkfist [TC] Nightmare0.59671974
Wyand Voidbringer [TC] Nightmare0.59671974
Maffer Dragonhand [TC] Nightmare0.59671974
Enslaved [TC] Normal0.59591296
Slayer [TC] Normal0.59591296
Death Mauler [TC] Normal0.59591296
Death Brawler [TC] Normal0.59591296
Overseer [TC] Normal0.59591296
Lasher [TC] Normal0.59591296
Snow Drifter [TC] Normal0.59591296
Rot Walker [TC] Normal0.59591296
Succubus [TC] Normal0.59591296
Frozen Creeper [TC] Normal0.59591296
Moon Lord [TC] Normal0.59591296
Burning Dead Archer [TC] Normal0.59591296
Bone Archer [TC] Normal0.59591296
Afflicted [TC] Normal0.59591296
Tainted [TC] Normal0.59591296
Moon Clan [TC] Normal0.59591296
Night Clan [TC] Normal0.59591296
Foul Crow [TC] Normal0.59591296
Blood Hawk [TC] Normal0.59591296
Claw Viper [TC] Normal0.59591296
Pit Viper [TC] Normal0.59591296
Marauder [TC] Normal0.59591296
Infidel [TC] Normal0.59591296
Death Mauler [TC] Normal0.59591296
Thorned Hulk [TC] Normal0.59591296
Slinger [TC] Normal0.59591296
Slinger [TC] Normal0.59591296
Slinger [TC] Normal0.59591296
Vile Archer [TC] Normal0.59591296
Dark Archer [TC] Normal0.59591296
Vile Lancer [TC] Normal0.59591296
Dark Lancer [TC] Normal0.59591296
Black Lancer [TC] Normal0.59591296
Blunderbore [TC] Normal0.59591296
Mauler [TC] Normal0.59591296
Monster Difficulty Drop Chance(%)
Huntress [TC] Normal0.59591296
Sabre Cat [TC] Normal0.59591296
Cave Leaper [TC] Normal0.59591296
Tomb Creeper [TC] Normal0.59591296
Succubusexp [TC] Normal0.59591296
Hell Temptress [TC] Normal0.59591296
Carver [TC] Normal0.59591296
Devilkin [TC] Normal0.59591296
Dark One [TC] Normal0.59591296
Reanimated Horde [TC] Normal0.59135077
Razor Spine [TC] Hell0.59058355
Demon Imp [TC] Normal0.58967254
Demon Rascal [TC] Normal0.58967254
Siren [TC] Normal0.58967254
Putrid Defiler [TC] Normal0.58967254
Wretched Defiler [TC] Normal0.58967254
Returned Mage [TC] Normal0.58967254
Burning Dead Mage [TC] Normal0.58967254
Returned Mage [TC] Normal0.58967254
Horror Mage [TC] Normal0.58967254
Bone Mage [TC] Normal0.58967254
Siren [TC] Normal0.58967254
Hell Witch [TC] Normal0.58967254
Vile Witch [TC] Normal0.58967254
Carver Shaman [TC] Normal0.58967254
Devilkin Shaman [TC] Normal0.58967254
Dark shaman [TC] Normal0.58967254
Council Member [TC] Normal0.56868456
Ice Boar [TC] Normal0.56868456
Fire Boar [TC] Normal0.56868456
Greater Hell Spawn [TC] Normal0.56868456
Greater Ice Spawn [TC] Normal0.56868456
Death Slasher [TC] Normal0.56868456
Death Berserker [TC] Normal0.56868456
Overlord [TC] Normal0.56868456
Blood Boss [TC] Normal0.56868456
Abobinable [TC] Normal0.56868456
Plowling Dead [TC] Normal0.56868456
Vile Temptress [TC] Normal0.56868456
Stygian Harlot [TC] Normal0.56868456
Frozen Terror [TC] Normal0.56868456
Night Lord [TC] Normal0.56868456
Burning Dead Archer [TC] Normal0.56868456
Returned Archer [TC] Normal0.56868456
Misshapen [TC] Normal0.56868456
Disfigured [TC] Normal0.56868456
Hell Clan [TC] Normal0.56868456
Blood Clan [TC] Normal0.56868456
Black Raptor [TC] Normal0.56868456
Cloud Stalker [TC] Normal0.56868456
Salamander [TC] Normal0.56868456
Tomb Viper [TC] Normal0.56868456
Sand Raider [TC] Normal0.56868456
Invader [TC] Normal0.56868456
Hell Lord [TC] Normal0.56868456
Slayer [TC] Normal0.56868456
Hell Spawn [TC] Normal0.56868456
Greater Hell Spawn [TC] Normal0.56868456
Unraveler [TC] Normal0.56272928
Demon Gremlin [TC] Normal0.56272928
Demon Trickster [TC] Normal0.56272928
Stygian Fury [TC] Normal0.56272928
Blood Witch [TC] Normal0.56272928
Fetid Defiler [TC] Normal0.56272928
Rancid Defiler [TC] Normal0.56272928
Rank Defiler [TC] Normal0.56272928
Guardian [TC] Normal0.56272928
Unraveler [TC] Normal0.56272928
Horadrim Ancient [TC] Normal0.56272928
Horadrim Ancient [TC] Normal0.56272928
Doom Caster [TC] Normal0.56221895
Warped One [TC] Normal0.54575373
Hell Spawn [TC] Normal0.54575373
Ice Spawn [TC] Normal0.54575373
Hell Whip [TC] Normal0.54575373
Siege Beast [TC] Normal0.54575373
Crush Beast [TC] Normal0.54575373
Blood Bringer [TC] Normal0.54575373
Gore Bearer [TC] Normal0.54575373
Demon Steed [TC] Normal0.54575373
Chilled Forth [TC] Normal0.54575373
Frozen Abyss [TC] Normal0.54575373
Unholy Corpse [TC] Normal0.54575373
Defiled Warrior [TC] Normal0.54575373
Blood Temptress [TC] Normal0.54575373
Frozen Scourge [TC] Normal0.54575373
Frozen Horror [TC] Normal0.54575373
Frozen Scorch [TC] Normal0.54575373
Hell Lord [TC] Normal0.54575373
Death Lord [TC] Normal0.54575373
Horror Archer [TC] Normal0.54575373
Damned [TC] Normal0.54575373
Death Clan [TC] Normal0.54575373
Serpent Magus [TC] Normal0.54575373
Assailant [TC] Normal0.54575373
Moon Lord [TC] Normal0.54575373
Unholy Corpse [TC] Normal0.54575373
Warped Shaman [TC] Normal0.54003858
Hell Witch [TC] Normal0.54003858
Demon Imp [TC] Normal0.54003858
Monster Difficulty Drop Chance(%)
Demon Trickster [TC] Normal0.54003858
Duriel(1st Kill) [TC] Nightmare0.53602595
Strangler [TC] Normal0.52840127
Storm Caster [TC] Normal0.52840127
Strangler [TC] Normal0.52840127
Storm Caster [TC] Normal0.52840127
Andariel [TC] Hell0.52474072
Izual [TC] Hell0.52163496
Hephasto The Armor [TC] Hell0.50964335
Colenzo The Annihilator [TC] Normal0.50750525
Achmel The Cursed [TC] Normal0.50750525
Bartuc The Bloody [TC] Normal0.50750525
Ventor the Unholy [TC] Normal0.50750525
Lister The Tormentor [TC] Normal0.50750525
Nihlathak [TC] Hell0.49792741
Ghost [TC] Normal0.49606627
Wraith [TC] Normal0.49606627
Spector [TC] Normal0.49606627
Gloam [TC] Normal0.49606627
BlackSoul [TC] Normal0.49606627
Burning Soul [TC] Normal0.49606627
The Summoner [TC] Hell0.49305369
Radament [TC] Hell0.48937726
Fallen [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Zombie [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Hungry Dead [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Gargantuan Beast [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Dark Hunter [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Dark Spearwoman [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Returned Mage [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Bone Mage [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Burning Dead Mage [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Horror Mage [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Moon Clan [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Ratman [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Fetish [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Flayer [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Soul Killer [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Stygian Doll [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Spear Cat [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Night Slinger [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Heirophant [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Council Member [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Catapult [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Minion of Destruction [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Bonebreaker [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Coldcrow [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Rakanishu [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Bone Ash [TC] Nightmare0.47122099
Fallen Shaman [TC] Nightmare0.46571773
Foul Crow [TC] Nightmare0.46571773
Banished [TC] Nightmare0.46571773
Foul Crow Nest [TC] Nightmare0.46571773
Council Member [TC] Hell0.45982569
Ismail Vilehand [TC] Hell0.45982569
Geleb Flamefinger [TC] Hell0.45982569
Toorc Icefist [TC] Hell0.45982569
Bremm Sparkfist [TC] Hell0.45982569
Wyand Voidbringer [TC] Hell0.45982569
Maffer Dragonhand [TC] Hell0.45982569
Devilkin [TC] Nightmare0.45396617
Dark One [TC] Nightmare0.45396617
Brute [TC] Nightmare0.45396617
Yeti [TC] Nightmare0.45396617
Vile Hunter [TC] Nightmare0.45396617
Dark Stalker [TC] Nightmare0.45396617
Black Rogue [TC] Nightmare0.45396617
Vile Lancer [TC] Nightmare0.45396617
Dark Lancer [TC] Nightmare0.45396617
Black Lancer [TC] Nightmare0.45396617
Returned [TC] Nightmare0.45396617
Bone Warrior [TC] Nightmare0.45396617
Night Clan [TC] Nightmare0.45396617
Blood Clan [TC] Nightmare0.45396617
Death Clan [TC] Nightmare0.45396617
Arach [TC] Nightmare0.45396617
Ratman [TC] Nightmare0.45396617
Tomb Viper [TC] Nightmare0.45396617
Carver Shaman [TC] Nightmare0.44866442
Devilkin Shaman [TC] Nightmare0.44866442
Dark shaman [TC] Nightmare0.44866442
Blood Hawk [TC] Nightmare0.44866442
Misshapen [TC] Nightmare0.44866442
Disfigured [TC] Nightmare0.44866442
Tainted [TC] Nightmare0.44866442
Afflicted [TC] Nightmare0.44866442
Blood Hawk Nest [TC] Nightmare0.44866442
Burning Dead [TC] Nightmare0.43901199
Horror [TC] Nightmare0.43901199
Sand Leaper [TC] Nightmare0.43901199
Cave Leaper [TC] Nightmare0.43901199
Dung Soldier [TC] Nightmare0.43901199
Sand Maggot Queen [TC] Nightmare0.43901199
Sand Maggot [TC] Nightmare0.43901199
Rock Worm [TC] Nightmare0.43901199
Huntress [TC] Nightmare0.43901199
Sabre Cat [TC] Nightmare0.43901199
Dried Corpse [TC] Nightmare0.43901199
Decayed [TC] Nightmare0.43901199
Sand Raider [TC] Nightmare0.43901199
Monster Difficulty Drop Chance(%)
Desert Wing [TC] Nightmare0.43901199
Claw Viper [TC] Nightmare0.43901199
Bone Warrior [TC] Nightmare0.43901199
Returned [TC] Nightmare0.43901199
Vile Archer [TC] Nightmare0.43806093
Dark Archer [TC] Nightmare0.43806093
Black Archer [TC] Nightmare0.43806093
Skeleton Archer [TC] Nightmare0.43806093
Returned Archer [TC] Nightmare0.43806093
Bone Archer [TC] Nightmare0.43806093
Black Raptor Nest [TC] Nightmare0.43388489
Hollow One [TC] Nightmare0.43388489
Ghoul [TC] Nightmare0.42516060
Plague Bearer [TC] Nightmare0.42516060
Crusher [TC] Nightmare0.42516060
Hell Clan [TC] Nightmare0.42516060
Tomb Creeper [TC] Nightmare0.42516060
Death Beatle [TC] Nightmare0.42516060
Scarab [TC] Nightmare0.42516060
Steel Scarab [TC] Nightmare0.42516060
Devourer [TC] Nightmare0.42516060
Giant Lamprey [TC] Nightmare0.42516060
Night Tiger [TC] Nightmare0.42516060
Hell Cat [TC] Nightmare0.42516060
Embalmed [TC] Nightmare0.42516060
Marauder [TC] Nightmare0.42516060
Invader [TC] Nightmare0.42516060
Fiend [TC] Nightmare0.42516060
Salamander [TC] Nightmare0.42516060
Dune Beast [TC] Nightmare0.42516060
Blunderbore [TC] Nightmare0.42516060
Gorebelly [TC] Nightmare0.42516060
Burning Dead Archer [TC] Nightmare0.42363069
Slinger [TC] Nightmare0.42363069
Mauler [TC] Nightmare0.42064976
Black Raptor [TC] Nightmare0.42019527
Ghoul Lord [TC] Nightmare0.42019527
Guardian [TC] Nightmare0.42019527
Unraveler [TC] Nightmare0.42019527
Horror Mage [TC] Nightmare0.42019527
Horror Mage [TC] Nightmare0.42019527
Drowned Carcass [TC] Nightmare0.41267628
Poison Spinner [TC] Nightmare0.41267628
Flame Spider [TC] Nightmare0.41267628
Tree Lurker [TC] Nightmare0.41267628
Infidel [TC] Nightmare0.41267628
Gloom Bat [TC] Nightmare0.41267628
Pit Viper [TC] Nightmare0.41267628
Jungle Hunter [TC] Nightmare0.41267628
Doom Ape [TC] Nightmare0.41267628
Thorned Hulk [TC] Nightmare0.41267628
Bramble Hulk [TC] Nightmare0.41267628
Swamp Dweller [TC] Nightmare0.41267628
Bog Creature [TC] Nightmare0.41267628
Undead Flayer [TC] Nightmare0.41267628
Zakarumite [TC] Nightmare0.41267628
Horror Archer [TC] Nightmare0.41026460
Hell Slinger [TC] Nightmare0.41026460
Duriel(1st Kill) [TC] Hell0.40926543
Cloud Stalker [TC] Nightmare0.40785675
Cloud Stalker Nest [TC] Nightmare0.40785675
Fetish Shaman [TC] Nightmare0.40785675
Sexton [TC] Nightmare0.40785675
Wailing Beast [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Flesh Hunter [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Flesh Lancer [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Spider Magus [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Bone Scarab [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Preserved Dead [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Cadaver [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Blood Diver [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Dark Familiar [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Serpent Magus [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Temple Guard [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Thrasher [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Slime Prince [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Undead Soulkiller [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Undead Stygian Doll [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Faithful [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Zealot [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Gloom Bat [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Fiend [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Scarab [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Steel Scarab [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Flayer [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Stygian Doll [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Soul Killer [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Flayer [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Stygian Doll [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Soul Killer [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Temple Guard [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Temple Guard [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Zealot [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Zealot [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Arach [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Undead Stygian Doll [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Undead Soulkiller [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Cadaver [TC] Nightmare0.40102032
Night Lord [TC] Nightmare0.39633692
Dark Lord [TC] Nightmare0.39633692
Monster Difficulty Drop Chance(%)
Blood Lord [TC] Nightmare0.39633692
Horadrim Ancient [TC] Nightmare0.39633692
Flayer Shaman [TC] Nightmare0.39633692
Soul Killer Shaman [TC] Nightmare0.39633692
Cantor [TC] Nightmare0.39633692
Flayer Shaman [TC] Nightmare0.39633692
Stygian Doll Shaman [TC] Nightmare0.39633692
Soul Killer Shaman [TC] Nightmare0.39633692
Heirophant [TC] Nightmare0.39633692
Heirophant [TC] Nightmare0.39633692
Blood Lord [TC] Nightmare0.39633692
Ghoul Lord [TC] Nightmare0.39633692
Dark Lord [TC] Nightmare0.39633692
Hell Bovine [TC] Nightmare0.39151207
Cliff Lurker [TC] Nightmare0.39030604
Blood Maggot [TC] Nightmare0.39030604
Assailant [TC] Nightmare0.39030604
Urdar [TC] Nightmare0.39030604
Spikefist [TC] Nightmare0.39030604
Balrog [TC] Nightmare0.39030604
Corpulent [TC] Nightmare0.39030604
Doom Knight [TC] Nightmare0.39030604
WorldKiller [TC] Nightmare0.39030604
Doom Knight [TC] Nightmare0.39030604
Doom Knight [TC] Nightmare0.39030604
Flesh Archer [TC] Nightmare0.38697011
Damned [TC] Nightmare0.38574776
Flesh Spawner [TC] Nightmare0.38574776
Flesh Beast [TC] Nightmare0.38574776
Stygian Dog [TC] Nightmare0.38574776
Grotesque Wyrm [TC] Nightmare0.38574776
Grotesque Wyrm [TC] Nightmare0.38574776
Flesh Beast [TC] Nightmare0.38574776
Spike Fiend [TC] Nightmare0.38316885
Quill Rat [TC] Nightmare0.38316885
Pit Lord [TC] Nightmare0.38024084
Venom Lord [TC] Nightmare0.38024084
Maw Fiend [TC] Nightmare0.38024084
Abyss Knight [TC] Nightmare0.38024084
Oblivion Knight [TC] Nightmare0.38024084
Balrog [TC] Nightmare0.38024084
Pit Lord [TC] Nightmare0.38024084
Maw Fiend [TC] Nightmare0.38024084
Oblivion Knight [TC] Nightmare0.38024084
Oblivion Knight [TC] Nightmare0.38024084
Grotesque [TC] Nightmare0.37580011
Grotesque [TC] Nightmare0.37580011
Flesh Spawner [TC] Nightmare0.37580011
Enslaved [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Slayer [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Death Mauler [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Death Brawler [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Overseer [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Lasher [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Snow Drifter [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Rot Walker [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Succubus [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Vile Temptress [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Frozen Creeper [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Moon Lord [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Burning Dead Archer [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Bone Archer [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Afflicted [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Tainted [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Moon Clan [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Night Clan [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Foul Crow [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Blood Hawk [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Claw Viper [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Pit Viper [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Marauder [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Infidel [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Death Mauler [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Thorned Hulk [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Slinger [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Slinger [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Slinger [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Vile Archer [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Dark Archer [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Vile Lancer [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Dark Lancer [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Black Lancer [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Blunderbore [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Mauler [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Huntress [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Sabre Cat [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Cave Leaper [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Tomb Creeper [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Succubusexp [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Hell Temptress [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Carver [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Devilkin [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Dark One [TC] Nightmare0.37099798
Reanimated Horde [TC] Nightmare0.36936682
Thorn Beast [TC] Nightmare0.36913825
Ghost [TC] Nightmare0.36913825
Wraith [TC] Nightmare0.36913825
Demon Imp [TC] Nightmare0.36666520
Demon Rascal [TC] Nightmare0.36666520
Siren [TC] Nightmare0.36666520
Monster Difficulty Drop Chance(%)
Putrid Defiler [TC] Nightmare0.36666520
Wretched Defiler [TC] Nightmare0.36666520
Returned Mage [TC] Nightmare0.36666520
Burning Dead Mage [TC] Nightmare0.36666520
Returned Mage [TC] Nightmare0.36666520
Horror Mage [TC] Nightmare0.36666520
Bone Mage [TC] Nightmare0.36666520
Siren [TC] Nightmare0.36666520
Hell Witch [TC] Nightmare0.36666520
Vile Witch [TC] Nightmare0.36666520
Carver Shaman [TC] Nightmare0.36666520
Devilkin Shaman [TC] Nightmare0.36666520
Dark shaman [TC] Nightmare0.36666520
Council Member [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Ice Boar [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Fire Boar [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Greater Hell Spawn [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Greater Ice Spawn [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Death Slasher [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Death Berserker [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Overlord [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Blood Boss [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Abobinable [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Plowling Dead [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Stygian Harlot [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Frozen Terror [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Night Lord [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Burning Dead Archer [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Returned Archer [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Misshapen [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Disfigured [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Hell Clan [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Blood Clan [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Black Raptor [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Cloud Stalker [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Salamander [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Tomb Viper [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Sand Raider [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Invader [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Slayer [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Hell Spawn [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
Greater Hell Spawn [TC] Nightmare0.36226862
The Countess [TC] Nightmare0.36178141
Unraveler [TC] Nightmare0.35803779
Demon Gremlin [TC] Nightmare0.35803779
Demon Trickster [TC] Nightmare0.35803779
Stygian Fury [TC] Nightmare0.35803779
Blood Witch [TC] Nightmare0.35803779
Fetid Defiler [TC] Nightmare0.35803779
Rancid Defiler [TC] Nightmare0.35803779
Rank Defiler [TC] Nightmare0.35803779
Guardian [TC] Nightmare0.35803779
Unraveler [TC] Nightmare0.35803779
Horadrim Ancient [TC] Nightmare0.35803779
Horadrim Ancient [TC] Nightmare0.35803779
Carrion Bird [TC] Nightmare0.35697840
Undead Scavenger [TC] Nightmare0.35697840
Warped One [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Hell Spawn [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Ice Spawn [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Hell Whip [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Siege Beast [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Crush Beast [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Blood Bringer [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Gore Bearer [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Demon Steed [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Chilled Forth [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Frozen Abyss [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Unholy Corpse [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Defiled Warrior [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Blood Temptress [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Frozen Scourge [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Frozen Horror [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Frozen Scorch [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Hell Lord [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Death Lord [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Horror Archer [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Damned [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Death Clan [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Serpent Magus [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Assailant [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Moon Lord [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Hell Lord [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Unholy Corpse [TC] Nightmare0.35394061
Warped Shaman [TC] Nightmare0.34980703
Hell Witch [TC] Nightmare0.34980703
Demon Imp [TC] Nightmare0.34980703
Demon Trickster [TC] Nightmare0.34980703
Itchies [TC] Nightmare0.34571528
Black Locusts [TC] Nightmare0.34571528
Spector [TC] Nightmare0.34571528
Apparition [TC] Nightmare0.34571528
Sucker [TC] Nightmare0.33556377
Dark Shape [TC] Nightmare0.33556377
Gloam [TC] Nightmare0.33556377
Jungle Urchin [TC] Nightmare0.33556377
Duriel [TC] Nightmare0.32801588
Hell Buzzard [TC] Nightmare0.32608584
Winged Nightmare [TC] Nightmare0.32608584
Plague Bugs [TC] Nightmare0.32608584
Monster Difficulty Drop Chance(%)
Hell Swarm [TC] Nightmare0.32608584
Feeder [TC] Nightmare0.32608584
Fallen [TC] Hell0.32588053
Zombie [TC] Hell0.32588053
Hungry Dead [TC] Hell0.32588053
Gargantuan Beast [TC] Hell0.32588053
Dark Hunter [TC] Hell0.32588053
Dark Spearwoman [TC] Hell0.32588053
Returned Mage [TC] Hell0.32588053
Bone Mage [TC] Hell0.32588053
Burning Dead Mage [TC] Hell0.32588053
Horror Mage [TC] Hell0.32588053
Moon Clan [TC] Hell0.32588053
Ratman [TC] Hell0.32588053
Fetish [TC] Hell0.32588053
Flayer [TC] Hell0.32588053
Soul Killer [TC] Hell0.32588053
Stygian Doll [TC] Hell0.32588053
Spear Cat [TC] Hell0.32588053
Night Slinger [TC] Hell0.32588053
Heirophant [TC] Hell0.32588053
Council Member [TC] Hell0.32588053
Catapult [TC] Hell0.32588053
Minion of Destruction [TC] Hell0.32588053
Bonebreaker [TC] Hell0.32588053
Coldcrow [TC] Hell0.32588053
Rakanishu [TC] Hell0.32588053
Bone Ash [TC] Hell0.32588053
Fallen Shaman [TC] Hell0.32184198
Foul Crow [TC] Hell0.32184198
Banished [TC] Hell0.32184198
Foul Crow Nest [TC] Hell0.32184198
Devilkin [TC] Hell0.31838902
Dark One [TC] Hell0.31838902
Brute [TC] Hell0.31838902
Yeti [TC] Hell0.31838902
Vile Hunter [TC] Hell0.31838902
Dark Stalker [TC] Hell0.31838902
Black Rogue [TC] Hell0.31838902
Vile Lancer [TC] Hell0.31838902
Dark Lancer [TC] Hell0.31838902
Black Lancer [TC] Hell0.31838902
Returned [TC] Hell0.31838902
Bone Warrior [TC] Hell0.31838902
Night Clan [TC] Hell0.31838902
Blood Clan [TC] Hell0.31838902
Death Clan [TC] Hell0.31838902
Arach [TC] Hell0.31838902
Ratman [TC] Hell0.31838902
Tomb Viper [TC] Hell0.31838902
Doom Caster [TC] Nightmare0.31737363
Carver Shaman [TC] Hell0.31444331
Devilkin Shaman [TC] Hell0.31444331
Dark shaman [TC] Hell0.31444331
Blood Hawk [TC] Hell0.31444331
Misshapen [TC] Hell0.31444331
Disfigured [TC] Hell0.31444331
Tainted [TC] Hell0.31444331
Afflicted [TC] Hell0.31444331
Blood Hawk Nest [TC] Hell0.31444331
Burning Dead [TC] Hell0.31106974
Horror [TC] Hell0.31106974
Sand Leaper [TC] Hell0.31106974
Cave Leaper [TC] Hell0.31106974
Dung Soldier [TC] Hell0.31106974
Sand Maggot Queen [TC] Hell0.31106974
Sand Maggot [TC] Hell0.31106974
Rock Worm [TC] Hell0.31106974
Huntress [TC] Hell0.31106974
Sabre Cat [TC] Hell0.31106974
Dried Corpse [TC] Hell0.31106974
Decayed [TC] Hell0.31106974
Sand Raider [TC] Hell0.31106974
Desert Wing [TC] Hell0.31106974
Claw Viper [TC] Hell0.31106974
Bone Warrior [TC] Hell0.31106974
Returned [TC] Hell0.31106974
Strangler [TC] Nightmare0.30918921
Storm Caster [TC] Nightmare0.30918921
Strangler [TC] Nightmare0.30918921
Storm Caster [TC] Nightmare0.30918921
Black Raptor Nest [TC] Hell0.30721473
Hollow One [TC] Hell0.30721473
Vile Archer [TC] Hell0.30655190
Dark Archer [TC] Hell0.30655190
Black Archer [TC] Hell0.30655190
Skeleton Archer [TC] Hell0.30655190
Returned Archer [TC] Hell0.30655190
Bone Archer [TC] Hell0.30655190
Ghoul [TC] Hell0.30391871
Plague Bearer [TC] Hell0.30391871
Crusher [TC] Hell0.30391871
Hell Clan [TC] Hell0.30391871
Tomb Creeper [TC] Hell0.30391871
Death Beatle [TC] Hell0.30391871
Scarab [TC] Hell0.30391871
Steel Scarab [TC] Hell0.30391871
Devourer [TC] Hell0.30391871
Giant Lamprey [TC] Hell0.30391871
Night Tiger [TC] Hell0.30391871
Monster Difficulty Drop Chance(%)
Hell Cat [TC] Hell0.30391871
Embalmed [TC] Hell0.30391871
Marauder [TC] Hell0.30391871
Invader [TC] Hell0.30391871
Fiend [TC] Hell0.30391871
Salamander [TC] Hell0.30391871
Dune Beast [TC] Hell0.30391871
Blunderbore [TC] Hell0.30391871
Gorebelly [TC] Hell0.30391871
Carrion Bird [TC] Nightmare0.30167347
Quill Rat [TC] Nightmare0.30167347
Spike Fiend [TC] Nightmare0.30167347
Razor Spine [TC] Nightmare0.30167347
Gloam [TC] Nightmare0.30167347
BlackSoul [TC] Nightmare0.30167347
Burning Soul [TC] Nightmare0.30167347
Ghost [TC] Nightmare0.30167347
Wraith [TC] Nightmare0.30167347
Spector [TC] Nightmare0.30167347
Mauler [TC] Hell0.30117988
Black Raptor [TC] Hell0.30015232
Ghoul Lord [TC] Hell0.30015232
Guardian [TC] Hell0.30015232
Unraveler [TC] Hell0.30015232
Horror Mage [TC] Hell0.30015232
Horror Mage [TC] Hell0.30015232
Burning Dead Archer [TC] Hell0.29950473
Slinger [TC] Hell0.29950473
Drowned Carcass [TC] Hell0.29693207
Poison Spinner [TC] Hell0.29693207
Flame Spider [TC] Hell0.29693207
Tree Lurker [TC] Hell0.29693207
Infidel [TC] Hell0.29693207
Gloom Bat [TC] Hell0.29693207
Pit Viper [TC] Hell0.29693207
Jungle Hunter [TC] Hell0.29693207
Doom Ape [TC] Hell0.29693207
Thorned Hulk [TC] Hell0.29693207
Bramble Hulk [TC] Hell0.29693207
Swamp Dweller [TC] Hell0.29693207
Bog Creature [TC] Hell0.29693207
Undead Flayer [TC] Hell0.29693207
Zakarumite [TC] Hell0.29693207
Cloud Stalker [TC] Hell0.29325227
Cloud Stalker Nest [TC] Hell0.29325227
Fetish Shaman [TC] Hell0.29325227
Sexton [TC] Hell0.29325227
Horror Archer [TC] Hell0.29261956
Hell Slinger [TC] Hell0.29261956
Wailing Beast [TC] Hell0.29010605
Flesh Hunter [TC] Hell0.29010605
Flesh Lancer [TC] Hell0.29010605
Spider Magus [TC] Hell0.29010605
Bone Scarab [TC] Hell0.29010605
Preserved Dead [TC] Hell0.29010605
Cadaver [TC] Hell0.29010605
Blood Diver [TC] Hell0.29010605
Dark Familiar [TC] Hell0.29010605
Serpent Magus [TC] Hell0.29010605
Temple Guard [TC] Hell0.29010605
Thrasher [TC] Hell0.29010605
Slime Prince [TC] Hell0.29010605
Undead Soulkiller [TC] Hell0.29010605
Undead Stygian Doll [TC] Hell0.29010605
Faithful [TC] Hell0.29010605
Zealot [TC] Hell0.29010605
Gloom Bat [TC] Hell0.29010605
Fiend [TC] Hell0.29010605
Scarab [TC] Hell0.29010605
Steel Scarab [TC] Hell0.29010605
Flayer [TC] Hell0.29010605
Stygian Doll [TC] Hell0.29010605
Soul Killer [TC] Hell0.29010605
Flayer [TC] Hell0.29010605
Stygian Doll [TC] Hell0.29010605
Soul Killer [TC] Hell0.29010605
Temple Guard [TC] Hell0.29010605
Temple Guard [TC] Hell0.29010605
Zealot [TC] Hell0.29010605
Zealot [TC] Hell0.29010605
Arach [TC] Hell0.29010605
Undead Stygian Doll [TC] Hell0.29010605
Undead Soulkiller [TC] Hell0.29010605
Cadaver [TC] Hell0.29010605
Night Lord [TC] Hell0.28651084
Dark Lord [TC] Hell0.28651084
Blood Lord [TC] Hell0.28651084
Horadrim Ancient [TC] Hell0.28651084
Flayer Shaman [TC] Hell0.28651084
Soul Killer Shaman [TC] Hell0.28651084
Cantor [TC] Hell0.28651084
Flayer Shaman [TC] Hell0.28651084
Stygian Doll Shaman [TC] Hell0.28651084
Soul Killer Shaman [TC] Hell0.28651084
Heirophant [TC] Hell0.28651084
Heirophant [TC] Hell0.28651084
Blood Lord [TC] Hell0.28651084
Ghoul Lord [TC] Hell0.28651084
Dark Lord [TC] Hell0.28651084
Hell Bovine [TC] Hell0.28425313
Monster Difficulty Drop Chance(%)
Cliff Lurker [TC] Hell0.28343694
Blood Maggot [TC] Hell0.28343694
Assailant [TC] Hell0.28343694
Urdar [TC] Hell0.28343694
Spikefist [TC] Hell0.28343694
Balrog [TC] Hell0.28343694
Corpulent [TC] Hell0.28343694
Doom Knight [TC] Hell0.28343694
WorldKiller [TC] Hell0.28343694
Doom Knight [TC] Hell0.28343694
Doom Knight [TC] Hell0.28343694
Damned [TC] Hell0.27992438
Flesh Spawner [TC] Hell0.27992438
Flesh Beast [TC] Hell0.27992438
Stygian Dog [TC] Hell0.27992438
Grotesque Wyrm [TC] Hell0.27992438
Grotesque Wyrm [TC] Hell0.27992438
Flesh Beast [TC] Hell0.27992438
Flesh Archer [TC] Hell0.27932043
Pit Lord [TC] Hell0.27692115
Venom Lord [TC] Hell0.27692115
Maw Fiend [TC] Hell0.27692115
Abyss Knight [TC] Hell0.27692115
Oblivion Knight [TC] Hell0.27692115
Balrog [TC] Hell0.27692115
Pit Lord [TC] Hell0.27692115
Maw Fiend [TC] Hell0.27692115
Oblivion Knight [TC] Hell0.27692115
Oblivion Knight [TC] Hell0.27692115
Grotesque [TC] Hell0.27348934
Grotesque [TC] Hell0.27348934
Flesh Spawner [TC] Hell0.27348934
Enslaved [TC] Hell0.27055515
Slayer [TC] Hell0.27055515
Death Mauler [TC] Hell0.27055515
Death Brawler [TC] Hell0.27055515
Overseer [TC] Hell0.27055515
Lasher [TC] Hell0.27055515
Siege Beast [TC] Hell0.27055515
Snow Drifter [TC] Hell0.27055515
Rot Walker [TC] Hell0.27055515
Succubus [TC] Hell0.27055515
Vile Temptress [TC] Hell0.27055515
Frozen Creeper [TC] Hell0.27055515
Moon Lord [TC] Hell0.27055515
Burning Dead Archer [TC] Hell0.27055515
Bone Archer [TC] Hell0.27055515
Afflicted [TC] Hell0.27055515
Tainted [TC] Hell0.27055515
Moon Clan [TC] Hell0.27055515
Night Clan [TC] Hell0.27055515
Foul Crow [TC] Hell0.27055515
Blood Hawk [TC] Hell0.27055515
Claw Viper [TC] Hell0.27055515
Pit Viper [TC] Hell0.27055515
Marauder [TC] Hell0.27055515
Infidel [TC] Hell0.27055515
Death Mauler [TC] Hell0.27055515
Thorned Hulk [TC] Hell0.27055515
Slinger [TC] Hell0.27055515
Slinger [TC] Hell0.27055515
Slinger [TC] Hell0.27055515
Vile Archer [TC] Hell0.27055515
Dark Archer [TC] Hell0.27055515
Vile Lancer [TC] Hell0.27055515
Dark Lancer [TC] Hell0.27055515
Black Lancer [TC] Hell0.27055515
Blunderbore [TC] Hell0.27055515
Mauler [TC] Hell0.27055515
Huntress [TC] Hell0.27055515
Sabre Cat [TC] Hell0.27055515
Cave Leaper [TC] Hell0.27055515
Tomb Creeper [TC] Hell0.27055515
Succubusexp [TC] Hell0.27055515
Hell Temptress [TC] Hell0.27055515
Carver [TC] Hell0.27055515
Devilkin [TC] Hell0.27055515
Dark One [TC] Hell0.27055515
The Countess [TC] Hell0.26854378
Demon Imp [TC] Hell0.26720223
Demon Rascal [TC] Hell0.26720223
Siren [TC] Hell0.26720223
Putrid Defiler [TC] Hell0.26720223
Wretched Defiler [TC] Hell0.26720223
Returned Mage [TC] Hell0.26720223
Burning Dead Mage [TC] Hell0.26720223
Returned Mage [TC] Hell0.26720223
Horror Mage [TC] Hell0.26720223
Bone Mage [TC] Hell0.26720223
Siren [TC] Hell0.26720223
Hell Witch [TC] Hell0.26720223
Vile Witch [TC] Hell0.26720223
Carver Shaman [TC] Hell0.26720223
Devilkin Shaman [TC] Hell0.26720223
Dark shaman [TC] Hell0.26720223
Ice Boar [TC] Hell0.26433549
Fire Boar [TC] Hell0.26433549
Hell Spawn [TC] Hell0.26433549
Ice Spawn [TC] Hell0.26433549
Death Slasher [TC] Hell0.26433549
Monster Difficulty Drop Chance(%)
Death Berserker [TC] Hell0.26433549
Overlord [TC] Hell0.26433549
Blood Boss [TC] Hell0.26433549
Crush Beast [TC] Hell0.26433549
Blood Bringer [TC] Hell0.26433549
Abobinable [TC] Hell0.26433549
Chilled Forth [TC] Hell0.26433549
Reanimated Horde [TC] Hell0.26433549
Plowling Dead [TC] Hell0.26433549
Stygian Harlot [TC] Hell0.26433549
Frozen Terror [TC] Hell0.26433549
Night Lord [TC] Hell0.26433549
Burning Dead Archer [TC] Hell0.26433549
Returned Archer [TC] Hell0.26433549
Misshapen [TC] Hell0.26433549
Disfigured [TC] Hell0.26433549
Hell Clan [TC] Hell0.26433549
Blood Clan [TC] Hell0.26433549
Black Raptor [TC] Hell0.26433549
Cloud Stalker [TC] Hell0.26433549
Salamander [TC] Hell0.26433549
Tomb Viper [TC] Hell0.26433549
Sand Raider [TC] Hell0.26433549
Invader [TC] Hell0.26433549
Council Member [TC] Hell0.26316330
Quill Rat [TC] Hell0.26126374
Spike Fiend [TC] Hell0.26126374
Unraveler [TC] Hell0.26105965
Demon Gremlin [TC] Hell0.26105965
Demon Trickster [TC] Hell0.26105965
Stygian Fury [TC] Hell0.26105965
Blood Witch [TC] Hell0.26105965
Fetid Defiler [TC] Hell0.26105965
Rancid Defiler [TC] Hell0.26105965
Rank Defiler [TC] Hell0.26105965
Guardian [TC] Hell0.26105965
Unraveler [TC] Hell0.26105965
Horadrim Ancient [TC] Hell0.26105965
Horadrim Ancient [TC] Hell0.26105965
Frozen Scourge [TC] Hell0.25959602
Frozen Horror [TC] Hell0.25959602
Warped One [TC] Hell0.25842383
Greater Hell Spawn [TC] Hell0.25842383
Greater Ice Spawn [TC] Hell0.25842383
Hell Whip [TC] Hell0.25842383
Gore Bearer [TC] Hell0.25842383
Demon Steed [TC] Hell0.25842383
Frozen Abyss [TC] Hell0.25842383
Unholy Corpse [TC] Hell0.25842383
Defiled Warrior [TC] Hell0.25842383
Blood Temptress [TC] Hell0.25842383
Frozen Scorch [TC] Hell0.25842383
Hell Lord [TC] Hell0.25842383
Death Lord [TC] Hell0.25842383
Horror Archer [TC] Hell0.25842383
Damned [TC] Hell0.25842383
Death Clan [TC] Hell0.25842383
Serpent Magus [TC] Hell0.25842383
Assailant [TC] Hell0.25842383
Moon Lord [TC] Hell0.25842383
Hell Lord [TC] Hell0.25842383
Slayer [TC] Hell0.25842383
Hell Spawn [TC] Hell0.25842383
Greater Hell Spawn [TC] Hell0.25842383
Unholy Corpse [TC] Hell0.25842383
Ghost [TC] Hell0.25525768
Wraith [TC] Hell0.25525768
Thorn Beast [TC] Hell0.25525768
Warped Shaman [TC] Hell0.25522125
Hell Witch [TC] Hell0.25522125
Demon Imp [TC] Hell0.25522125
Demon Trickster [TC] Hell0.25522125
Duriel [TC] Hell0.25044601
Carrion Bird [TC] Hell0.24938969
Undead Scavenger [TC] Hell0.24938969
Colenzo The Annihilator [TC] Nightmare0.24470758
Achmel The Cursed [TC] Nightmare0.24470758
Bartuc The Bloody [TC] Nightmare0.24470758
Ventor the Unholy [TC] Nightmare0.24470758
Lister The Tormentor [TC] Nightmare0.24470758
Spector [TC] Hell0.24365659
Apparition [TC] Hell0.24365659
Itchies [TC] Hell0.24365659
Black Locusts [TC] Hell0.24365659
Jungle Urchin [TC] Hell0.23805529
Dark Shape [TC] Hell0.23805529
Gloam [TC] Hell0.23805529
Sucker [TC] Hell0.23805529
Hell Buzzard [TC] Hell0.23258275
Winged Nightmare [TC] Hell0.23258275
Plague Bugs [TC] Hell0.23258275
Hell Swarm [TC] Hell0.23258275
Feeder [TC] Hell0.23258275
Doom Caster [TC] Hell0.22723602
Strangler [TC] Hell0.22201221
Storm Caster [TC] Hell0.22201221
Strangler [TC] Hell0.22201221
Storm Caster [TC] Hell0.22201221
Gloam [TC] Hell0.21690848
BlackSoul [TC] Hell0.21690848
Monster Difficulty Drop Chance(%)
Burning Soul [TC] Hell0.21690848
Quill Rat [TC] Hell0.21690848
Spike Fiend [TC] Hell0.21690848
Razor Spine [TC] Hell0.21690848
Ghost [TC] Hell0.21690848
Wraith [TC] Hell0.21690848
Spector [TC] Hell0.21690848
Carrion Bird [TC] Hell0.21690848
Colenzo The Annihilator [TC] Hell0.14219440
Achmel The Cursed [TC] Hell0.14219440
Bartuc The Bloody [TC] Hell0.14219440
Ventor the Unholy [TC] Hell0.14219440
Lister The Tormentor [TC] Hell0.14219440

End of Data