Daily-weekly main journal
This main page format created by Rian
Feb. 27' 02
is a thing
with feathers
that perches
in the soul
sings a tune
without the words and
never stops
at all..."

Emily Dickenson
of the week:

Click on Picture
to enter Poetry
"The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook."

William James (1842 - 1910)

growing old gracefully... gratiously... gratefully!
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Hello! and welcome to my little corner of the Web!

Since my old Home Page drifted off into cyberspace in 2002, I was forced to create a new Home Page. Hope you liked it...

and felt free to sit down,  have a cup of coffee/tea, and spend a little time surfing my site.  There's a lot of journaling, a little story-telling, some photography, and a tiny bit of  free verse...

I moved my homepage address to go to my "About Me' site for the time being...

If anyone has trouble reading my main journaling through homestead, you can find the same posts on Blogger

New! My cats' stories
brief profile
New entry for this year!
August 09, 2006

I've updated!  Finally got a chance to journal and post.  Sorry for the long delay between posts.  It's been a busy summer.

Those of you that are on my notify list, I will continue to notify you when I update (and if there are any of you who wish to be on my notify list, then email me at SHartd@aol.com and I'll be happy to include you in my notifications.