News Map

Africa | Australasia| East Asia| Europe| Middle East| North America| South America| West Asia

Welcome to Newsmap
an experimental news site combining Google Maps with Yahoo News.
  • Clicking on a country/region retrieves news about that country.
  • Switch clickly to another continent by clicking on the continent links in the header.
  • Zooming in one level will retrieve news at the state/provincial level.
  • Currently state level news is available for US, Canada, UK(Home Nations) and Australia.
  • Zooming in a second time will retrieve city news for large cities.
  • Over 3000 large cities are in the database.
  • Zooming out again will retrieve news at the respective level.

Click on a country to start.
Map powered by Google Maps. News items powered by Yahoo! Search.
Brought to you by the creators of muti. For feedback please use the main muti feedback form. Thank you.