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CNN Student News (01.02.07, 10:07)
Winfrey's $40 million gift (01.02.07, 3:20)
Leaving the ghetto (01.01.07, 4:51)
The African image (12.30.06, 3:42)
Surf's up (12.27.06, 3:54)
1.   Kenya tightens border with Somalia (01.03.2007)
Kenya sent extra troops to the Somali frontier, stepped up security checks and said it saw no reason for Somalis to flee, underlining fears about Somali Islamic militants slipping across the border after losing a power struggle.

2.   Ethiopia hosts African Super Cup (01.03.2007)
This year's African Super Cup between Champions League winners Al Ahli of Egypt and African Confederation Cup winners Etoile Sahel of Tunisia will be played in Addis Ababa, the Confederation of African Football (CAF) said.

3.   Skipper Smith leading by example (01.03.2007)
Captain Graeme Smith scored his second consecutive half-century to bolster South Africa's batting on the second day of the third test against India on Wednesday.

4.   Vickery named new England captain (01.02.2007)
New England rugby coach Brian Ashton made his mark on Tuesday by naming Phil Vickery as his new captain and recalling World Cup-winner Jason Robinson, 15 months after the full-back's international retirement, in his initial Six Nations Championship squad.

5.   New U.N. chief takes over, plans trip to Africa (01.02.2007)
Starting his first day of work, new Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon vowed Tuesday to end mistrust of the United Nations and called for action to tackle "daunting" problems from crises in the Middle East and Darfur to reducing extreme poverty by half by 2015.

6.   Somalis greet return of leafy stimulant (01.02.2007)
Perhaps the most telling sign of Somalia's remarkable power shift is the rapid return to Mogadishu's streets of the leafy twigs known as 'khat.'

7.   Jaffer century gives India control (01.02.2007)
Wasim Jaffer's third Test century anchored India on the first day of the third and final Test against South Africa on Tuesday.

8.   What 2007 holds: Your predictions (01.02.2007)
For some people, making and then breaking a New Year's resolution is an annual tradition. For others, it's predicting what will happen in the year ahead.

9.   Americans remember Gerald Ford, Iraqis react to Hussein's death (01.02.2007)
January 3, 2007

10.   Somalia's prime minister: Major fighting over (01.02.2007)
Somalia's prime minister said Tuesday he does not expect any more major fighting against rival Islamic fighters, and his Ethiopian military backer described the operation as within weeks of being completed.

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