Re: [SLE] Problems after apt-get upgrade (8.0 -> 8.1)

From: Vinay Ramnath (
Date: Sun Oct 27 2002 - 17:47:01 CET

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    Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 17:47:01 +0100
    From: Vinay Ramnath <>
    Subject: Re: [SLE] Problems after apt-get upgrade (8.0 -> 8.1)


    first of all, I must admit that I still use SuSE 7.2 and never have done
    anything with apt-get. I thought it was a debian thing and Gentoo had
    something like it but improved, but that was it. Obviously, it is not
    it. I can therefore not help you with 1 and 2, but have a suggestion on
    3. Please read on.

    First wrote:

    >3. The unstable kde3 can not be installed.
    You can do an ftp update with YaST 1 (at least it is possible in 7.2)
    using the LinuKS service from SuSE. If there is no YaST 1 anymore (I
    heard something like that) I suppose there might be some replacement for
    it in your version. If not, you'll have to manually download these files
    and install them. They're rpms. Anyway, I upgraded KDE 2.1.2 to KDE
    3.0.3 this way and it seems to run fine as far as I can see. I use
    WindowMaker 80.1, I was just curious about the latest KDE. When I want
    to install or remove software using YaST2, it prompts me that kdelibs
    need to be installed, but it should already have been with YaST1, so I
    ignore it and everything goes fine, the few times I use it.

    I suggest you try to install KDE3 this way, it might work for you as well.

    Good luck,

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