Looking at Buildings logo Welcome to Looking at Buildings: an educational resource created by the Pevsner Architectural Guides



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This is the core of Looking at Buildings and designed as a beginner’s guide to understanding and enjoying architecture of all varieties. Choose from three expanding sections:

Building Types
examination and explanation of major building types, their development and design.
Materials & Construction
a guide to each of the major materials, natural and synthetic, used in buildings from medieval to modern; their use and application in construction and decoration.
Styles & Traditions
examination of the major architectural styles and traditions to have influenced the course of building in the British Isles.

Each page is supported by images and interactive features, with suggestions for further reading, links to related pages within Looking at Buildings and other sites of interest. Use the navigation bars to move through the site or the search facility for specific queries about glossary terms, style names and other subjects of interest.

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