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FASTforward ’07

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Finding the “Search” in Web 2.0

Forrester, Comcast, Reed Business

The Forrester Wave Q2 2006

Enterprise Search Platforms

Gartner Magic Quadrant

2006 Information Access Report

Product Lifecycle Overview

The FAST Product Life Cycle sets the level of support for FAST products as they move through their life cycle. The four phases of the FAST Product Life Cycle are Shipping, Maintenance, Supported, and Discontinued.
The FAST NXT Lifecycle sets the level of support for FAST NXT products as they move through their lifecycle.
The FAST Folio Lifecycle sets the level of support for FAST Folio products as they move through their lifecycle.
The FAST LivePublish Lifecycle sets the level of support for FAST LivePublish products as they move through their life cycle
The FAST Data Search Lifecycle sets the level of support for FAST Data Search products as they move through thier lifecycle.
Lifecycle Phases
Shipping Maintenance Supported Discontinued
Event General Availability (GA) Product is no longer available for purchase Defect support is discontinued Retirement date established
Length of Phase Market Demand Minimum of 6 months Minimum of 3 months Indefinite
Defect Support Yes Category 1 only Not available
Not available
1. Shipping Phase
The Shipping Phase begins when a product is first made available for purchase. During this phase annual Maintenance & Support (M&S) is available. Current M&S customers are entitled to unlimited phone and web support. Defects will be fixed and tested in subsequent maintenance releases and updates.
2. Maintenance Phase
The Maintenance Phase begins when a product is no longer available for purchase because it has been replaced by a subsequent release. The Maintenance Phase lasts a minimum of six months. Defect support is limited to Category 1 only. Category 1 is defined as "a problem that has resulted in a down situation in which a support customer is unable to use a product or significant functions thereof with critical impact on the customer's operations."
3. Supported Phase
The Supported Phase begins when the Maintenance Phase ends. The Supported Phase is for mature products that are not being maintained. Technical support is available for these products in the way of a work-around or suggestion. Defects will not be fixed.
4. Discontinued Phase
The Discontinued Phase begins when a retirement date has been announced for a product. M&S contracts are not available for purchase for products in the Discontinued Phase and existing contracts will not be renewed.
Current M&S customers are entitled to unlimited phone and web support until their contract expires or until the retirement, whichever comes first. Support will only be in the form of a work-around or suggestion. Defects will not be fixed.
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