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Statutory committees
Planning WAPC > About us > Statutory committees

Schedule 2 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 prescribes various statutory committees with certain roles and functions.

Coastal Planning and Coordination Council 

The council provides high-level strategic and integrated advice on the sustainable and coordinated planning and management of the Western Australian coast.

Executive, Finance and Property Committee

The committee performs the administrative, financial and property functions of the WAPC. Most of its activities centre on monitoring development projects, the acquisition and disposal of property, and associated capital works.

Infrastructure Coordinating Committee

The committee advises the WAPC on planning for the provision of physical and community infrastructure throughout the State. It has the powers to coordinate the metropolitan development program, the country land development program, and the provision of infrastructure for land development.

Metropolitan Region Planning Committee

The committee is the vehicle for liaison between State and local government when considering amendments to the Metropolitan Region Scheme. It receives minutes of all district planning committee meetings, reviews technical reports and reports on submissions to amendments, and appoints hearings committees for amendments.

Statutory Planning Committee

The committee is the WAPC’s regulatory decision-making body. Its functions include approval of the subdivision of land, approval of leases and licences, approval of strata schemes, advice to the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure on local government town planning schemes and scheme amendments, and the determination of certain development applications under the Metropolitan Region Scheme.

Sustainable Transport Committee

The committee advises the WAPC on transport planning throughout the State. It has decision-making powers in relation to transport matters in the Perth Metropolitan Region and on strategic issues across the State.

District planning committees

Regional and special purpose committees

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