What it's about.

OpenGuides™ is a network of free, community-maintained wiki guidebooks to places around the world. Anyone is free to contribute, whether it's by writing new articles or editing the articles that we already have. Read more at the project page.

Software that works.

We built our own software engine to do exactly what we wanted to do. You can read all about it in the software section of this site. And it's free and open, so you can use and extend it yourself.

Here comes the science bit: our technical policy is to provide the maximum possible amount of metadata about the stuff in our guides in RDF, in order to allow it to be easily integrated into other systems as part of the Semantic Web. What that means to you and me is that the information our users provide can be shared and re-used automatically between other sites and technologies.

Join us.

The OpenGuides network needs you. We're always looking for more places to add to our collection of guides. If your town, city, district or even region isn't represented here, you can set up a guide yourself and join us.

Contact us by mailing the developers, joining the mailing list or talking to us on IRC.

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Free Our Data: Make taxpayers' data available to them. http://www.freeourdata.org.uk/

OpenGuides, [The] Open Guide to... and the guides made by you are trademarks of The OpenGuides Project, copyright ©2002-2006. All rights reserved.
Trademarks used on member sites of the OpenGuides network by permission.

Hosted by Paul Makepeace @ Real Programmers.