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February 17, 2006

a simple game controller

Here's a simple game-controller made using cardboard tinfoil a piece of foam and hot glue that you can use with the scratch board.

There're details below...
This is the top:

this is the bottom:

and the middle:( you might be able to just make out a square of foam between the top and bottom)

There are two pieces of cardboard cut into 'plus' signs. Tinfoil is wrapped round each tab, both top and bottom. These are the contacts for connecting the two ends for each scratch board port. When you squeeze the top and bottom tabs together you close the circuit.

Once its all connected, you can look at the a sensor monitor for that port in Scratch and it goes from '100' to '0' Look at the scratch project I made for it and the if conditions for the sensor ports.

Download the project file

Posted by keithb at February 17, 2006 11:13 PM