

Starting Points Prose Midas Current Development

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The PROSE website is dedicated to dynamic aspect-oriented programming (AOP), adaptive service architectures, and information systems for mobile computing.

If yow want to know what kind of problems are addressed by this technology, then start with

We have developed our own systems for:

They can be used to solve a large palette of problems, starting from ill-functioning web services and ending with customization of mobile and handheld devices



The PROSE system (PROSE stands for PROgrammable extenSions of sErvices) is a dynamic weaving tool (allows inserting and withdrawing aspects to and from running applications). about prose describes the general concepts of prose, what it is good for, and how the system is designed. PROSE is free software (see the prose license), downloadable from prose download. A brief usage documentation can be found at prose docs.


MIDAS (MIDAS stands for MIDleware Adaptive Services) is a system based on PROSE that allows applications to self-organize into spontaneous information systems, but without relying on a fixed infrastructure. The metaphor we use for a system that adapts computer appliances to the environment where they currently execute is that of a spontaneous container. Our implementation of the spontaneous container is based on PROSE and is free software. Example scenarios of a spontaneous container can be found on the page explaining the applications of dynamic AOP.


Further information

For more information, take a look at our group's home page or contact us.


The last version of PROSE can be dowloaded here

This page (revision-55) last changed on 08:13 27-Jun-2003 by Angela Nicoara