Thr3e (2007)

Also known as : "Three"
Reviews Counted: 35
Fresh: 3 Rotten: 32
Average Rating: 3.3/10
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1/5It's a sure bet the regular gore hounds will be disappointed by the film's transparencies, but will the faithful flock to a film that offers a lot more grit than the pallid stuff that generally passes for Christian entertainment? Ask Mel Gibson.
1.5/4A shaky narrative, clumsy storytelling, and unintentionally campy acting make this a frustrating movie-going experience that's only worth half the stars of its title.
2.5/4Thr3e is an eccentric combination of horror film and religious morality play that isn't entirely successful on either level but gets by on the sheer professionalism of its makers.
DThis is one of the most confusing, horribly written movies I've ever seen, and I'm the king of watching bad movies... and liking them.
1.5/4It’s relentlessly mediocre and does not belong in a venue where you’ll have to pay $9 to see it.
77/'s not undone by preachiness or an excess of cant, it's undone by indifferent performances, cheesy special effects and the general incredulousness of the script.
2/5well, you know what they say about roads paved with good intentions.
D+A tame variation on the usual serial-killer art direction and a hilarious number of A-Team-style explosions in which no one is killed. It's offensively dull.
1.5/4If Thr3e is any indication of what we can expect from the emerging trend of studio-funded faith-based movies, we may find ourselves wishing The Passion of the Christ had been a box-office bomb.
If you happen to be a sheltered religious kid who's dying to see a serial-killer movie but is barred by parental authority from seeing any film containing profanity, gore, or sexual tension, this is your chance.
1/4Thr3e is exploitative nonsense that cheapens the studio that released it. And if that's not enough, the film is completely inept in its direction, story construction and performances.
1/4Waddell barely is competent as we listen to her monotonous line readings and wonder why she has scored any job higher on the Hollywood food chain than posing in a bikini in a Doritos commercial.

1.5/5Perfect for that good Christian family who’s aching to see a neutered, unoriginal crime thriller that clumsily coughs up its 'spiritual' theme only in the last line.
.5/5The scene of faux flames burning in front of a city bus will go down in the annals of Le Cinema du Frommage.
2/4It's awfully familiar, right up to the ending, which bogarts the ending of another recent thrill-kill movie but, in fairness, I won't reveal that flick's identity.
2/5...a mix of earnest uncertainty and shameless over-the-top hamminess.
2/4Ultimately aimed at a Christian audience looking for genre entertainment with a certain sense of propriety, the film tries to serve two masters and doesn't quite deliver for either.
1.5/4I've seen films that said nothing in entertaining, even compelling ways. 'Thr3e' is not one of them. At least it's not wholesome too.
.5/4Perhaps on the page this was spellbinding; on the screen, it's frequently hilarious... The embarrassing, jaw-droppingly dumb finale is stolen directly from a situation in director Spike Jonze's 'Adaptation.'
FAstronomically awful, like the crappiest copy of a Dario Argento giallo ever made...Thr3e isn't even half the movie Se7en was.
3/4It has a triple-twist ending, highly appropriate for a picture whose plot depends on permutations of the number three, and I'll bet at least two of those surprise you.
1/4Thr3e is r3ally, r3ally aw4ul.
If you like the idea of a retread, heavy-handed psychological thriller, but you don't like the idea of eating a big juicy steak during Lent, you just might want to try Thr3e on for size.

Average Rating: 3.2/10
There are no dead bodies here, but perhaps filmgoers, tired of all those secular scares and heathen horrors, won't miss the aesthetic pleasure of a creative murder scene.
Thr3e needs help with more than spelling.
Directed by Robby Henson, this theologically driven thriller from 20th Century Fox's Fox Faith division, steps gingerly around sex and watches its tongue. But it's far too comfy with the lingua franca of American cinema: violence.
There's precious little in the way of clammy tension or mounting apprehension as Thr3e plods toward a climax that is startlingly absurd, yet not entirely illogical.
1/4Suspenselessly directed by Robby Henson, Thr3e commits the eighth deadly sin -- boredom.
2/4It's a pretty run-of-the-mill B suspense movie.
1/5Rent Se7en for an authentically scary thriller with religious undertones.
Ultimately Three, for all its philosophizing, is little more than a standard serial-killer movie with pretensions.
It's hard to imagine an audience that will be satisfied.
2/10A bad movie only fans of deeply bad movies can love.
0 out of 10
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Lionballo 01/21/07
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Theater First Viewing, 1 Henson film seen All I could think of while watching Thr3e was: 1) Adaptation, 2) Saw, and 3) Se7en. Then I went onto its... More
Quote by Lionballo
derekrulz66 01/19/07
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Quote by derekrulz66
REDMOON 01/09/07
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Quote by REDMOON
templesweeper 01/06/07
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I absolutely loved the book. The movie was not nearly as good as the book, but it certainly wasn't bad either. It has a low-budget feel, but I... More
Quote by templesweeper
25% 2.7/10
4 Ratings
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