Linked Index

Jewish History
  1. Conquest and Settlement
The United Monarchy
  1. Saul, First King of Israel
  2. King David
  3. King Solomon
The Divided Kingdoms
  1. The Divided Kingdom
Babylonian,Persian, and Greek Rule
  1. The Babylonian Exile
  2. The Return to Judah
  3. The Samaritans
  4. The Hasmonean Revolt
  5. Alexander the Great
  6. The Hasmonean Period
  7. The Nabateans
Roman Rule
  1. Rome Takes Over
  2. Saducees, Pharisees, and Essenes
  3. QUMRAN and
  4. Turmoil in Judea Leading to Revolt
  5. Jesus
  6. The Great Revolt
  7. The Fall of Masada
  8. The Bar Kochba Revolt
  9. From Bar Kochba to Constantine
Byzantine Rule
  1. The Early Church
  2. Constantine and Helena
  3. Judea Under Byzantine Rule
  4. The Babylonian Jewish Community
  5. Weights, Measures, and Coins
  6. Heraclius
Muslim Rule and Christian Europe 632 CE-960 CE
  1. The Khazars Converted to Judaism
  2. The Muslim Conquest
  3. The Redaction of the Talmud
  4. The Masorah and the Masoretes
  5. Jews in Christian Europe and International Trade
  6. Jews in Spain, 755CE-960's CE
  7. The Legend of the Pirated Four Rabbis
  8. The Great Hebrew Verb Root Controversy
  9. The Karaites
  10. The Gaonic Period
  11. The Cairo Geniza
The Golden Ages of Spain
  1. Fatimids and Seljuks: 909 CE-1100's CE
  2. Golden Age of Muslim Spain Part I
  3. The Almohads Disrupt the Golden Age of Spain
  4. Golden Age of Spain, Part II: The Beginnings of Christian Reconquest
  5. The Golden Age of Spain Tarnishes
The Crusades
  1. The First Crusade Slaughters the Jews of the Rhineland
  2. The First Crusade Conquers the Holy Land
  3. The Second Crusade
  4. The Third Crusade
Medieval Christian Europe
  1. Blood Accusations
  2. The Fourth Lateran Council
  3. Jews Are Expelled From England
  4. The Jews Are Expelled From France
  5. Medieval Germany
  6. Chassidei Ashkenaz Movement
  7. Italy: From 70-1300 CE
  8. The Maimonidean Controversies
  9. The Mamluks Control Egypt and Palestine
  10. High Culture in Italy
  11. The Riots of 1391 and Their Aftermath
  12. The Disputation of Tortosa
  13. The Spanish Inquisition Part I
  14. The Spanish Inquisition, Part II: The Trial of LaGuardia
  15. 1492: Jews are Expelled From Spain
  16. Expulsion From Portugal
  17. Brazil, Conversos, and the Slave Trade
  18. "Jew-Free" Russia
The Pre-Enlightenment Jewish World
  1. Conversion Sermons and Carnival Foot Races
  2. The Miracle of the Printing Press
  3. The Creation of Rashi Script
  4. February 23, 1488
  5. The Netherlands: 1100-1654
  6. The Rise of the Ottoman Turks and the Ordination Controversy
  7. The Influence of Coffee on Kabbalistic All-Night and Midnight Vigils
  8. Hungary
  9. Germany in the 16th Century
  10. The Development of Purim Spiels
  11. The Court Jews
  12. The Rise of Polish-Lithuanian Jewry
  13. The Council of the Four Lands
  14. The Chmielnicki Massacres of 1648-49
  15. Shabbetai Tzvi
  16. Pilpul and Baalei Shem
  17. February 4, 1656
  18. August 9, 1686
  19. An Overview of Chmielnicki
  20. An Historic Analysis of the Cossacks and the Chmielnicki Revolt
Jews in the Modern World
  1. The Creation of the Pale of Settlement
  2. The Baal Shem Tov
  3. Elijah ben Solomon Zalman
  4. The Haskalah
  5. February 9, 1807
  6. The Hep! Hep! Riots
  7. Abraham Geiger
  8. Czar Nicholas I: Cantonists and Public Secular Education
  9. German Jewry: 1840-1914
  10. Russia Under Czar Alexander II
  11. The Infamous Damascus Affair
  12. The Outrageous Mortara Case
  13. The May Laws, 1882
  14. YIVO
  15. Hand-Washing at the Seder
Jews in America
  1. Jews Come to America
  2. American Jewry: 1776-1820
  3. The Rise of German Jewry in America
  4. From the Civil War to 1880
  5. B'nai Brith
  6. The Mass Migration from Eastern Europe
  7. The Rise of Labor Unions
Overview of the History of the Modern State of Israel
  1. Palestine Under the Ottoman Turks
  2. The Bilu and the First Aliyah
  3. Eliezer Ben Yehudah
  4. Theodor Herzl
  5. The Jewish National Fund
  6. The Second Aliyah, 1904-1914:
  7. Palestine: 1914-1924
  8. The Balfour Declaration
  9. Britain's Perfidy
  10. The British Lose Control
  11. Israel Becomes a State
  12. The Knesset, Israel's Parliament Was Founded
  13. Israel Adopts the Law of Return
  14. Operation Magic Carpet
  15. El-Al, Israel's Airline
  16. Immigration and Integration
  17. Israel's Development Towns 1948-1961
  18. The Lavon Affair
  19. The Sinai Campaign of 1956
  20. The PLO
  21. The Six-Day War
  22. The Yom Kippur War
  23. The Entebbe Raid
  24. The Good Fence
  25. The Camp David Accord
  26. The Horror of Lebanon
  27. Kach and Gush Emunim
  28. Beta Esrael: Ethiopian Jewry
  29. The Intifada
  30. Operation Exodus
  31. The Gulf War 1991
  32. The Oslo Accord
Some Holocaust Materials
  1. The Holocaust
  2. A Catholic Understanding of Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust
  3. A Lesson from the Holocaust
  4. The Beginning of The Warsaw Ghetto Revolt
  5. The Capture and Trial of Adolf Eichmann
Eye Witnesses to History
  1. Nehemiah on: Ezra Reading the Torah
  2. Josephus on the Conquests of Alexander the Great
  3. The Book of Maccabees
  4. Josephus on The Chanukah Story
  5. Josephus on Essenes, Pharisees, and Saducees
  6. Pliney the Elder on Qumran
  7. Josephus on the Conflict Between John Hyrcanus and the Pharisees
  8. Josephus Describe Herod's Metzada
  9. Josephus Describes Herod's Caesarea
  10. Josephus On How The War Began
  11. Josephus' Description of Rome's War Against the Jews
  12. Josephus on Sepphoris During the Great War
  13. Josephus on the Destruction of the Second Temple
  14. Medieval References to the Khazars
  15. The Routes of the Radanites
  16. Rabbi Nathan HaBavli's Description of the Kallot
  17. Ibn Daud's Description of the Pirated Rabbis
  18. Menachem ben Jacob's Poem to Hisdai ibn Shaprut
  19. The Kuzari 's References to the Khazar Conversion to Judaism
  20. Land Grant to Jews by the Bishop of Speyer
  21. Slaughter of Some Rhineland Jews
  22. The Taking of Jerusalem, July 1099
  23. The Jews are Expelled From France in 1182
  24. Battle of Hattin, 1187
  25. Richard The Lion-Hearted Makes a Truce With Saladin
  26. The Edict of the Expulsion From Spain
  27. Eyewitness Description of the Expulsion From Spain
  28. The Chmielnicki Atrocities
  29. Saadia Gaon and RaMBaM on Repentance
  30. Two Holocaust Readings
  31. The Acquisition of the First Four Dead Sea Scrolls
  32. Josephus' Description
Rabbinic Perspectives on Historical Events
  1. The Bar Kochba Revolt
  2. The Destruction of the Second Temple, Part I
Jewish Humour
  1. The Yo Yo Diet of the Jewish Calendar Year
  2. Internet Torah
  3. Talmud on the Festival of Election
  4. God's Total Quality Management Questionaire
  5. Jewish Haiku
  6. Hell and Chemistry
  8. Creation a la DOS
  9. Fifteen Reasons Why God Never Got Tenure
  10. Midrash of the Two Brothers: Old and New
  11. Talmud Tractate Elections: Chad Part I
  12. Talmud Tractate Elections: Chad Part II
  13. God Impeachment?
  14. A Conversation Between Moses and God
  15. Halachah on Oreo Cookies
  16. Top Ten Ways the Story of Purim Would be Different if it Occurred Today
  17. Purim Humor
  18. Why Did The Chicken Cross the Road?
  23. BEN AND JERRY'S Jewish Flavors
  24. Bread for Tashlich
  25. Excerpts from Tractate Thanksgiving
  26. The Repentance Hotline
  27. Rosh HaShana Humor
  28. Purim Humor
  29. The Talmud Tractate Aufruf
  30. Chanukah and the True Winter Dilemma
  31. How Jews Respond to a Stop Sign
Jewish Personalities
  1. Abraham Ussishkin
  2. Yehudai ben Nachman
  3. Yehudi HaKadosh
  4. Schneur Zalman
  5. Lillian Wald
  6. Rabbi Alexander Schindler
  7. Chaim Weizmann
  8. Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise
  9. Yigael Yadin
  10. Rabbenu Gershom
  11. Glueckel of Hameln
  12. Yehudah Loew of Prague
  13. Samuel Gompers
  14. Rebecca Gratz
  16. Yehoshua Hankin
  17. Hermann Cohen
  18. HEROD, Despot and Great Builder
  19. Sherira Gaon
  20. Abba Hillel Silver
  21. Isaac Bashevis Singer
  22. Baruch Spinoza
  23. Eliezer Sukenik
  24. Solomon Sulzer
  26. Benjamin MiTudelo
  27. Samson Raphael Hirsch
  28. Samuel Holdheim
  30. Abraham Idelsohn
  31. Zeev Jabotinsky
  32. Israel Jacobson
  33. Jose Antonio da Silva
  35. Franz Kafka
  36. Joseph Karo
  37. Rav Abraham Kook
  38. Janusz Korczak
  39. Menachem Mendel of Kotzk
  40. Isaac Leeser
  41. Louis Lewandoski
  42. Levi Struass
  43. Judah Magnes
  44. Louis Marshall
  45. Golda Meir
  46. Hisdai ibn Shaprut
  47. Moses Mendelssohn,
  49. Samuel Mohilever
  51. Natronai Gaon
  52. Benjamin Netanyahu
  53. Moshe Novomeysky
  54. Jacob Ben Meir
  55. Adolph Ochs
  56. Onkelos and Aquila
  57. Samuel Oppenheimer
  58. Shimon Peres
  59. Leon Pinsker
  60. Abraham Ben David of Posquieres
  61. Yitzchak Rabin
  62. RaMBaM: Our Most Extraordinary Jewish Scholar
  63. RaMBAN
  64. Rashi
  65. Bernard Revel
  66. Emanuel Ringelblum
  67. Ernestine Rose
  68. Franz Rosenzweig
  69. Salamone de' Rossi
  70. The Rothschilds,
  71. Meir ben Baruch
  72. Saadia Gaon
  73. Israel Salanter
  74. Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin
  75. Solomon Schecter
  76. Jacob Henry Schiff
  77. Moses ben Jacob
  78. Hannah Senesh
  79. Yitzchak Shamir
  80. Natan Sharansky
  81. Ariel Sharon
  82. Todros ben Judah HaLevi Abulafia
  83. Abraham ben Samuel ben Abulafia
  84. Isaac Albalia
  85. Joseph ibn Abitur
  86. Isaac ben Judah Abravanel
  87. Meir Abulafia
  88. Solomon ben Abraham Adret
  89. The Ibn Alfakhar Family
  90. Abraham Ben Maimon ben Moses
  91. The Anav Family
  92. Abba Mari ben Moses ben Joseph Astruc
  93. Bachya ibn Paquda
  94. Judah bar Barzillai
  95. Louis Dembitz Brandeis
  96. Samuel HeChassid
  97. Judah Ben Samuel HeChassid
  98. Levi ben Chaviv
  99. Abraham bar Chiyya
  100. Moses Ha Darshan
  101. Shabbetai Donnolo
  102. Dunash Ben Labrat
  103. Jonathan Eibeschutz
  104. Jacob Emden
  105. Abraham ben Isaac
  106. Solomon ibn Gabirol
  107. Jonah ben Abraham Gerondi
  108. Isaac ben Judah ibn Ghayyat
  109. Isaac ibn Gikatilla
  110. Samuel Gompers
  111. Hai Ben Sherira
  112. Samuel Ha-Nagid
  113. Hananel ben Chushi'el
  114. David Hayyuj
  115. Judah HeChassid
  116. Baron Maurice de Hirsch and Clara de Hirsch
  117. Samuel ben Hofni
  118. Moses ibn Ezra
  119. Joseph Nasi
  120. The Kalonymus Family
  121. Meir Ben Samuel
  122. Menachem ben Solomon Meiri
  123. Meshullam ben Jacob
  124. Joseph ibn Migash
  125. Sir Moses Montefiore
  126. Nathan Ben Yechiel
  127. Ovadia ben Abraham Bertinoro
  128. Joseph Picho
  129. David Kimchi
  130. Samuel ben Meir
  131. Alfasi
  132. Eleazar ben Judah of Worms
  133. Samuel ben Meir Abulafia
  134. Haym Salomon
  135. Samson ben Abraham
  136. Abraham Senior
  137. The ibn Shoshan Family
  138. Solomon ben Abraham of Montpellier
  139. Jacob Ben Meir
  140. The ibn Tibbon Family
  141. Todros ben Joseph HaLevi Abulafia
  142. The ibn Waqar Family
  143. Jonah ibn Yanach
  144. Asher ben Yechiel
  145. Yehudi ben Sheshet
  146. The Ibn Zaddok Family
  147. Isaac ben Judah Abravanel
  148. Bella Abzug
  149. Ahad HaAm
  150. Solomon ben Moses HaLevi Alkabetz
  151. Amram ben Sheshna
  152. An-ski
  153. The Ari
  154. Chayim Arlosoroff
  155. Jacob Ben Asher
  156. Leo Baeck
  158. Aaron ben Moses ben Asher
  159. Menachem Begin
  160. Menachem Mendel Beilis
  161. David Ben Gurion
  162. Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev
  163. Martin Buber
  164. The Chafetz Chayim
  165. Chanoch ben Moses
  166. Chazon Ish
  167. Chasdai Crescas
  168. Abraham Ibn Daud
  169. Moshe Dayan
  170. Moses ben Shem Tov De Leon
  171. David Einhorn
  172. Albert Einstein
  173. Rabbi Maurice Eisendrath
  174. Eli Cohen
  175. Emma Lazarus
  176. Levi Eshkol
  177. Sigmund Freud
  178. Gaspar da Gama
  179. Jewish Gangsters
  180. null
Torah and Talmud Archives
    Jewish Lifecycle
    2. Brit Milah and Brit Banot Ceremonies
    6. A Complicated Circumcision About Twins
    Torah Portions
    1. Breisheet
    2. Noach
    3. Torah Portion: Balak
    4. Lech Lecha
    5. VaYayra
    6. Chayay Sarah
    7. Toldot
    8. VaYayTzay
    9. VaYishlach
    10. VaYayshev
    11. MiKaytz
    12. VaYigash
    13. VaYechi
    14. Shemot
    15. VaAyra
    16. The Torah Portion Bo
    17. The Torah Portion, B'shallach
    18. Yitro
    19. Will the Real Ten Commandments Please Stand Up....
    20. Mishpatim
    21. Mishpatim
    22. Hammurabi and Mishpatim
    23. Terumah
    24. Tetzaveh
    25. Ki Tissa
    26. VaYakhel-Pekudei
    27. Pekuday
    28. VaYakhel-Pekudei
    29. Sacrifices Found in VaYikra
    30. VaYikra
    31. TZAV
    32. The Bible on Passover
    33. SHEMINI
    34. Tazria
    35. Metzora
    36. Tazria-Metzora
    37. Comparing Two Rituals
    38. Kedoshim
    39. Acharei Mot
    40. EMOR
    41. Bechukotai
    42. Behar-Bechukotai
    43. Behar-Bechukotai
    44. BeMidbar
    45. Naso
    46. B'Haatlotcha:
    47. Shelach Lecha
    48. Korach
    49. Chukat
    50. Balak
    51. Pinchas
    52. Matot-Massei
    53. Devarim
    54. VaEtchanan
    55. Ekev
    56. Re'eh
    57. Shoftim
    58. Ki Taytzay
    59. Deuteronomy 26:5-10
    60. Ki Tavo
    61. Joshua's Covenant Ceremony
    62. Moses' Covenant Ceremony
    63. Nitzavim
    64. VaYaylech
    65. Haazinu
    66. V'Zot HaBrachah
    Jewish Lifecycle
      Regulation on Jewish Clothing
      1. The Jewish Tradition of Head Coverings
        The Jewish Calendar
        1. ROSH CHODESH
        2. SELECTIONS OF MISHNAH on Rosh Chodesh
        3. SHABBAT
        4. Kabbalat Shabbat
        5. TALMUD ON HOW Rabbis Prepared for Shabbat
        6. Running on Erev Shabbat
        7. The Thirty-Nine Labors
        9. Pikuach Nefesh
        11. Two Loaves on Shabbat and Three Full Meals
        12. Shabbat Oils and Wicks
        13. The "Shabbes Goy"
        14. HAVDALLAH
        15. The Havdalah Ritual
        16. The Origin of Saying a Blessing Over Fire at Havdallah
        17. The Talmudic Ritual of Sweet-Smelling Oil
        19. The Fourteen Steps of a Seder
        20. Searching for Chametz and the Meaning of
        21. Some Regulations about Ritual Leaven-Searching
        22. Leaven, Mice, Children, and a Nice Weasel Pun
        23. Pot-Breaking for Pesach
        24. Bread on Passover
        25. Mishnah on the Order of the Seder
        26. Matzah and Maror: Are Bitter Herbs Mandatory?
        27. The Talmud on the Four Questions
        28. The Four Sons
        29. Passover Double-Dipping
        30. Charoset
        31. The Famous Rice Controversy
        32. THE TALMUD ON Hillel and the Famous Passover Sandwich
        33. The Afikoman
        34. THE COUNTING OF THE OMER and LaG BaOmer
        35. Omer-Counting
        36. YOM HASHOAH
        37. YOM HA'ATZMAUT
        38. SHAVUOT
        39. On What Day Was Torah Revealed?
        40. Torah and Mishnah on The Bikkurim Ceremony
        41. Two Loaves on Shavuot
        42. TISHA B'AV
        43. THE BIBLE TEXT ABOUT Tisha B'Av, 586 BCE
        44. The Ninth of Av
        45. A SERVICE FOR Tisha B'Av
        46. The Fifteenth of Av
        47. The Origin of the Fall Festivals
        48. Rosh HaShanah
        49. The Origin of Selichot
        50. So When Was the Creation of the World?
        51. Four Or More New Years!
        52. Regulations about Blowing the Shofar
        53. The Ten Days of Repentence
        54. Yom Kippur
        55. Regulations About "Self-Afflictions" on Yom Kippur
        56. The High Priest's Ceremony on Yom Kippur
        57. Satan's Impotence on Yom Kippur
        58. Repentence and Atonement
        59. Tension between Repentence and Yom Kippur
        60. Asking Forgiveness and Forgiving
        61. SUKKOT
        62. Regulations Concerning the Lulav
        63. The Mystery of the Etrog and its Regulations
        64. The Willow Ceremony and Regulations Concerning the Willow
        65. Regulations about the Sukkah
        66. The Water Libation Ceremony and the Water-Drawing Ceremony
        67. SIMCHAT TORAH
        68. The Triennial Cycle of Torah Readings
        69. CHANUKAH
        70. The Chanukah Story According to the Talmud
        71. Regulations About the Chanukah Lamp
        72. TU BISHVAT
        73. So When Do You Tax Fruit Trees?
        74. The Four Special Shabbats Bracketing Adar
        75. Regulations about the Arba Parashiyot
        76. PURIM!
        77. Regulations About Purim
        78. Talmudic Imagery to the Book of Esther
        79. Book of Esther Commentary
        80. Purim at the Time of the Messiah
        81. Study Versus Feasting on a Festival
        82. Why You Can't Mix Two Joyous Occasions
        83. How to Play Dreidl
        84. Home Chanukah Ceremony
        85. Four Special Torah Readings
        History and Legends of our Sages
        1. The Tragic Tale of Issachar of Kefar Barkai
        2. The Classic Tale of the Yochanan Ben Zakkai and the Sanhedrin
        3. Titus, Who Destroyed the Temple
        4. How Tur Malka was Destroyed
        5. The Story of Beitar
        Sexuality and Gender Issues
        1. The Duties of the Shoshbin
        2. Duties of the Shoshbin
        4. Women and Time-Bound Positive Commandments
        5. A Talmudic View on Lesbian Behavior
        6. THE TALMUD ON Men Wearing Women's Garments
        8. Conjugal Responsibilities of Scholars
        9. TALMUD: Ketubot 61a-62b
        10. Ketubot 62b
        11. Yalta, the Wife of the Exilarch's Son-in-Law
        12. Women, Serpents, Lust, and Sinai
        13. Staying Away From Your Wife During the Suspect Days After Her Period
        14. Female Inlaws and the Talmud
        15. Not Forcing Women, the Punishment of Eve, and Learning From Animals
        16. Husbands, Wives, and Vows
        17. Intermarriage, Talmudic Style
        18. The Effects of a Pregnant Woman's Diet and Actions on Her Baby
        19. Sins for Which a Wife is Divorced AND Loses Her Ketubah Price
        20. Positive and Harmful Effects of Sexual Intercourse
        21. Matriarch Barreness, Impotency, and the Ten-Year Divorce Rule
        22. Captive-Redemption and Women Talking in Bathrooms
        23. Wasted Seed
        24. What's Exciting About a Woman?
        25. A Father's Responsibilities For His Son
        26. Rabbi's Maid
        27. Biology is Destiny?
        28. Some Rigid Rules About Touching
        29. Sleeping with a Gentile
        30. The Definition and Problem of the Mamzer
        31. Some Rabbinic Sex Education Texts
        32. The Definition of "Pilegesh," Concubine
        33. Rules Concerning Menstruation
        34. Female Contraception
        35. The Female Captive and Contraception
        36. Betrothal and Sexual Harassment
        37. The Meaning of "Be Fruitful and Multiply"
        38. Be Fruitful: Whose Mitzvah
        39. The Mysterious Kumaz
        40. Marriage Blessings
        41. Mothers-in-law Redux
        42. Virginity Part I
        43. Virginity Part II
        44. When a Widow Isn't
        45. Identifying a Corpse
        46. Woman's Work Part II
        47. The Rebellious Wife
        48. What's a Useless Prayer?
        49. At What Point is a Bride Acquired?
        50. Acquiring a Wife
        51. Marriage and Israel
        52. Fantasies about Others
        53. The Definition of Seclusion
        54. The Good Old Days and No More Song
        55. Kordiakos and Get-Giving
        56. Listening to Reports About People
        57. Grounds For Divorce
        58. Speak For Thyself, John
        59. On Jobs and Marital Status
        60. Women's Defects: Forget the Silicone
        61. RaMBaN on Menstruation
        Kabbalah and Ultra-Natural Forces
        1. null
        3. TALMUD ON The Dangers of the Kabbalah Experience
        4. AMULETS
        7. Secrets of the Temple
        8. Forbidden Amorite Practices
        9. How Many Righteous People Per Generation?
        10. The Evil Inclination
        11. Demons and Evil Spirits in the Talmud
        12. The Cosmology and Heavenly Functions of Ministering Angels
        13. Angels Petitioning and Arguing With God
        14. Angels Relating With Humans
        15. Talmud on Named Angels
        16. The Talmud on the Angel of Death
        17. The Torah Was Not Given To The Ministering Angels
        18. The Importance of Dreams
        19. A Wicked Dream Interpreter
        20. The Evil Eye
        21. Creative Children and the Alphabet
        22. The Land of Israel and Resurrection of the Dead
        23. Torah Texts Hinting at Resurrection of the Dead
        24. Day of Judgement, Part I
        25. Heichalot Part I: The Seven Palaces of Heaven
        26. What Has to Happen for the Messiah to Come?
        27. Sorcerers, Illusionists and Magic
        28. Bezalel and God's Choosing Process
        29. Capturing the Evil Inclination
        30. The Jewish Y2K
        31. Astrology: Two Positions
        32. Names of God
        33. The Leviathan and Behemot
        34. The First Golem
        35. Snow
        36. Rabbinic Home Cures Part I
        37. More Rabbinic Home Cures
        38. Specific Punishments for Specific Wicked Folks
        39. Different Attributes for Different Places and Groups
        40. Resurrection Part I
        NotLinked Files
        1. Acharei Mot-Kedoshim
        1. The Traditional List of Avinu Malkaynu
        2. Joshua Chapter 24
        3. Malachi Chapter 3
        4. Torah Texts About Manna
        Rabbis and Diversity of Opinion
        1. Our Sages and the Bat Kol, Part I
        2. Yochanan Ben Zakkai Sets up Yavneh
        3. The Nature and Authority of the Bat Kol
        5. OUR SAGES VERSUS RABBI ELIEZER....AND GOD: The Majority Rules!!!
        7. UNDER THE BAN
        8. Excommunication and the Objectionable Scholar
        9. Talmudic Selections of Sages being Reproved
        12. The Conflict Between Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel, Part II
        13. When Sages Disagree
        14. Sages in Disagreement
        15. A Rabbi Who Could Laugh at Himself
        16. Hananiah Challenges the Authorities in Palestine
        17. The Samaritans
        18. The Infamous Mumar
        19. Who Were the Pharisees?
        20. When May Disciples Make Legal Decisions
        21. The Effects of Anger and Boastfulness
        22. The Failed Revolt of R. Meir and R. Nathan
        23. Rabbi Yochanan and Resh Lakish
        24. The Death of R. Eliezer and Some Magic With Cucumbers
        25. Two Stories of Bulimic Rabbis
        26. Sometimes Even Rabbis Say Stupid Things
        27. Sages Who Brought Rain Part I
        28. Rabbis Who Prayed For Rain
        29. Rabbis Who Provided Rain
        30. Some Rabbis Can Bring Rain; Others Can't
        31. Semichah: Rabbinic Ordination
        32. The Death of Rabbi
        33. Rabbi Power
        34. The Case of Geniba
        35. Hillel and the Prosbul
        36. Description of Some Rabbis
        37. Eating Habits of Sages
        38. Don't Mess With Rav
        39. Sages and Marrying Young
        40. Showing Honor to Sages
        41. Speak For Thyself, John
        Ritual Objects and Daily Jewish Rituals
        1. Some Talmud on Fringes
        2. Some Talmud about Tefillin
        3. THE TALMUD ON the Mezuzah
        4. Regulations and Stories About Circumcision
        5. A Complicated Proof that Circumcision Supercedes Shabbat
        6. The High Priest's Gold Plate
        7. The Only Reference in the Talmud to the Magen David
        8. Some Talmud on Blessings
        9. Rabbinic Eating Positions and Customs
        10. Birkat HaMazon
        11. Regulations about Private Fasts
        12. Why We Say a Blessing
        13. The Morning Blessings
        14. When Priests Raised Their Hands in Blessing
        15. Biblical and Talmudic Names for God
        16. Payot in the Talmud
        17. Bread Etiquette
        18. Clothing: The Classic Text
        19. Clothing in Talmud: The Sudar
        20. Clothing in the Talmud: The Punda
        21. The Chaluk
        22. Theater and Circus Attendance
        23. RaBaM's Thirteen Statements of Faith
        24. An Outline of the Offerings
        25. The Three Biblical Passages Which Comprise the Shma
        26. Some Rules Concerning the Priestly Blessing
        Issues of Social Justice
        1. Don't Personally Judge Your Neighbor
        2. TALMUD ON Tzedakah Institutuions
        3. 'Tzedakah Delivers From Death'
        4. The Talmud on Special Tzedakah Giving
        5. Talmud on Gemilut Chasadim
        6. The Talmud on Accompanying the Dead
        8. Mourning Part I:
        9. Mourning Part II:
        10. RABBINIC SELECTIONS ON Hospitality
        11. L'viyat Kallah
        12. Visiting the Sick Removes One-Sixtieth of the Illness
        13. TALMUD SELECTIONS ON Bikkur Cholim, Visiting the Sick
        14. Women and Barleycorns
        15. The Heavenly Court and Judgment
        16. Why Gamblers May Not Be Witnesses
        17. The Stubborn and Defiant Son
        18. A Mnemonic on Suffering as Punishment
        19. Why Is There Suffering: Part I
        20. Why Do We Suffer: Part II
        21. Why Is There Suffering Part III
        22. Why Do We Suffer: Part IV
        23. Why Is There Suffering: Part V
        24. Why Is There Suffering: Part VI
        25. Sage Advice in the Talmud
        26. The Mitzvah of Honoring Parents
        27. The Mitzvah of Honoring Teachers
        28. Refined Speech
        29. Hillel, Eleazar, and Joseph as Role Models
        30. Vengeance and Bearing a Grudge
        31. How Do You Bless Someone Who Has Everything?
        32. Against Extreme Asceticism
        33. What's Derech Eretz?
        34. Derech Eretz Rabbah
        35. Bathroom Etiquette
        36. Derech Eretz Rabbah
        37. Derech Eretz Rabbah
        38. Bal Tashchit
        39. The Insidious Nature of Bribes and Gifts
        40. Laundry and Water Use
        41. Rebuking Your Neighbor
        42. What's an Am Ha-Aretz?
        43. Gibeonites, the Netinim Part I
        44. The Gibeonites Part II
        45. Sin or Die?
        46. The Town of Kefar Sekania
        47. Some Laws about Slavery
        48. The Cost of Freeing a Slave
        49. Freeing a Slave Through Damage
        50. Why Should He Lie?
        51. More on the Mamzer
        Texts and Law
        1. SEVEN Books of the Torah???
        3. The Medicinal Properties of Torah Study
        4. SOME TALMUD ON
        5. TALMUD ON
        6. QUEEN HELENA
        7. SHABBAT 147b: The Consquences of Over- Indulging in Some Physical Pleasures
        8. Play in the Talmud
        9. Ways to Study the Oral Law
        10. An Interpretation of the Book of Job
        11. Talmudic Commentary to Exodus Chapter I
        12. The Esther, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs Controversy
        13. The Number of Mitzvot
        14. The Number of Commandments
        15. The Ark and a Nice Sermon
        16. The Recipe for Anointing Oil and Incense
        17. A Really Big Synagogue and its Design Implications
        18. Torah Proof Text for Ritual Slaughter
        19. Fixed Elements of the Torah Scroll
        20. Stopping Someone From Committing a Crime
        21. The Trial of Jesus and His Followers
        22. Four Modes of Execution
        23. Capital Punishment II
        24. Onkelos
        25. What's a Graveyard?
        26. Weights and Money
        27. Child-Raising Plus
        28. Two Rules of Evidence
        29. The Last Eight Verses of the Torah
        30. Teaching Torah for Money?
        31. Torah For Its Own Sake
        32. Orlah and Kil'ayim Outside the Land of Israel
        33. Observing Versus Studying Torah
        34. Multi-Person Crashes
        35. The Influence of Bribery on Judges
        36. Nehonia the Well-Digger
        37. Liability Differences Between God and Man
        38. Cats
        39. Dogs
        40. Robbery
        41. Seas and Rivers in the Land of Israel
        42. Sepphoris in the Talmud
        43. Rabbinic References to the City of Akko
        44. The Ten Edicts of Ezra
        45. Jerusalem and Swine/Greek Rules
        47. Torah STUDY: Standing or Sitting?
        Ritual Objects and Daily Jewish Rituals
          Gemilut Chassadim
          1. Preparing the Dead
          2. BIKKUR CHOLIM
          4. TZA'AR BA'ALEI CHAYIM
          The Jewish Prayer Service
          1. The Ashrei: Psalm 145
          2. The Content of the Blessings Surrounding the Shma
          3. The Contents of the Tefillah
          4. Choreography of the Service: The Sacred Dance
          5. Regulations About Reciting the Shma
          6. A Short Piece on Synagogue Etiquette
          7. The Sanctity of the Synaogue and Its Ritual Objects
          8. The Priestly Benediction
          9. The Good Old Days: No More Song, No More Garlands
          10. Pidyon HaBen
          Daily Rituals
            1. Tefillin
            2. The Four Torah Passages about Tefillin
            3. A DAILY MITZVAH:
            4. LIFE IS A BLESSING
            5. Birkat HaMazon
            6. RaMBaN on Mishpatim
            7. HAND-WASHING
            8. The Magen David
            12. MORE EATING RULES
            13. Biblical and Early Rabbinic Fasting
            14. The Mitzvah of the Mezuzah
            15. RITUAL PURITY
            16. The Torah on Bodily Discharges
            1. TZEDAKAH
            2. GEMILUT CHASADIM
            3. A Tzedakah/Thanksgiving Story
            4. RaMBaM's Eight Rungs of Tzedakah
            5. Honoring Parents
            1. PRAYER,
            2. The Shma and Its Blessings
            3. The Ritual of the Priestly Blessing
            4. RaMBaN on the Etrog and Lulav
            2. HILLEL
            Torah Portions
              1. Midrash about Pregnancy, Birth, and Circumcision
              2. Some Midrash on Heaven (GAN EDEN, OLAM HABA) and Hell (GEHENNA)
              3. Midrash about Marriage
              4. An Aggadah about TZITZIT
              5. Breisheet I: Creation
              6. Breisheet II: Adam, Eve, and the Serpent
              7. Breisheet III: Lillit
              8. Breisheet III: Cain and Abel
              9. Breisheet V: The Generation Resulting in the Flood
              10. Noach I: Noah
              11. From Adam to Noach: What's the Correct Diet?
              12. Noach II: Nimrod and the Tower of Babel
              13. Noach III: Avram as a Child
              14. Noach V: Were Noah's Children Commanded to be Circumcised?
              15. Avram in the Land of Canaan and Down in Egypt
              16. Sarai and Hagar
              17. Midrash on Vayayra
              18. Midrash on Keturah
              19. Chayay Sarah
              20. Toldot
              21. VaYaytzay
              22. VaYishlach
              23. VaYayshev
              24. MiKaytz
              25. VaYigash
              26. VaYechi
              27. Shemot I: The Enslavement
              28. Shemot II: The Birth and Childhood of Moses
              29. Shemot III: The Call
              30. Shemot IV: Moses Returns to Egypt
              31. VaAyra
              32. Midrash For Bo
              33. BeShallach
              34. Yitro
              35. Midrash for the Torah Portion Mishpatim
              36. Midrash on Mishpatim
              37. Midrash on Terumah
              38. Terumah II
              39. Midrash for Tetzaveh
              40. Tetzaveh II
              41. Ki Tissa
              42. Ki Tissa: The Lineage of Bezalel
              43. Ki Tissa: Why Only the Bible Was Written at Sinai
              44. Ki Tissah: The Golden Calf Debacle
              45. Ki Tissa: Moses Comes Down
              46. Ki Tissa: Moses Breaks the Tablets
              47. Ki Tissa: Why Moses Remained Celibate
              48. VaYakhel/Pekudei
              49. Vayakhel-Pikkuday
              50. Vayikra
              51. Midrash on VaYikra
              52. Midrash for the Torah Portion Tzav
              53. Midrash for the Torah Portion Shemini
              54. Shemini
              55. Tazria-Metzora
              56. Tazria-Metzora
              57. Midrash for the Torah Portions Acharei Mot-Kedoshim
              58. Midrash on Emor
              59. Midrash for Behar-Bechukotai
              60. Midrash for the Torah Portion BaMidbar
              61. Midrash for the Torah Portion Naso
              62. midrash for the Torah Portion Behaalotcha
              63. midrash for the Torah Portion Shelach Lecha
              64. Midrash for the Torah Portion Korach
              65. Midrash for the Torah Portion Chukat
              66. Midrash for the Torah Portion Balak
              67. Midrash for the Torah Portion Pinchas
              68. Midrash for the Torah Portions Matot-Massei
              69. Midrash for Devarim
              70. Midrash to Vaetchenan
              71. Midrash for Ekev
              72. Midrash on Re'eh
              73. Midrash Related to Shoftim
              74. Ki Taytzay
              75. Midrash for Ki Tavo
              76. Midrash on Nitzavim
              77. Torah on Ishmael/Hagar and the Akeida
              78. VaYaylech
              79. Haazinu
              80. V'Zot HaBrachah
              Torah Portions Commentary
              1. Rashi, RaMBaN and Mechilta on Bo
              2. Rashi and RaMBaN on BeShallach
              3. Rashi and RaMBaN on Yitro
              4. Rashi and RaMBaN on Mishpatim
              5. Rashi and RaMBaN on Terumah
              6. Rashi and RaMBaN on Tetzaveh
              7. Rashi and RaMBaN on Ki Tissa
              8. RaMBaN on Vayakhel-Pikkuday
              9. RaMBaN on Yayikra
              10. RaMBaN on Tzav
              11. RaMBaN on Ekev
              12. RaMBaM on Re'eh
              13. RaMBaN on Shoftim
              14. RaMBaN on Ki Taytzay
              15. RaMBaN on Ki Tavo
              16. RaMBaN on Nitzavim
              17. RaMBaN on Ishmael/Hagar and the Akeida
              18. Rashi and RaMBaN on Noach
              19. RaMBaN on Lech L'cha
              20. RaMBaN on VaYaylech
              21. RaMBaN on Chayay Sarah
              22. RaMBaN on Toldot
              23. RaMBaN on VaYaytzay
              24. RaMBaN on VaYishlach
              25. RaMBaN on VaYayshev
              26. RaMBaN on VaYigash
              27. RaMBaN on VaY'chi
              28. RaMBaN on VaAyra
              29. RaMBaN on Bo
              30. RaMBaN on Yitro
              31. Rashi and RaMBaN on Tetzaveh
              32. RaMBaN on Ki Tisa
              33. RaMBaN on God's Attributes
              34. RaMBaN on Vayakhel
              35. RaMBaN on Pekuday
              36. RaMBaN on Vayikra
              37. RaMBaN on Shemot
              38. RaMBaN on Tazria
              39. RaMBaN on Metzora
              40. RaMBaN on Menstruation
              41. RaMBaN on Acharei Mot
              42. RAMBaN on Kedoshim
              43. RaMBaN on Emor
              44. RaMBaN on Behar
              45. RaMBaN on Bechukotai
              46. RaMBaN on BeMidbar
              47. Summary of Naso
              48. RaMBaN on Beha'alotcha
              49. RamBaN on Shelach Lecha
              50. RaMBaN on Korach
              51. RamBaN on Chukat-Balak
              52. RaMBaN on Pinchas
              53. RaMBaN on Matot-Massei
              54. RaMBaN on Devarim
              55. RaMBaN on Vaetchanan
              56. RaMBaN on Ekev
              57. RaMBaN on Re'eh
              58. RaMBaN on Shoftim
              59. RaMBaN on Ki Taytzay
              60. RaMBaN on Ki Tavo
              61. RaMBaN on Nitzavim
              62. RaMBaN on Yom Kippur Morning's Torah Portion
              63. RaMBaN on V'Zot HaBrachah
              64. Me'am Lo'ez on Breisheet Part I
              65. Me'am Lo'ez on Breisheet Part II
              66. Me'am Loez on Breisheet Part IV: Niddah
              67. Me'am Lo'ez on Breisheet Part III
              68. Me'am Lo'ez on Breisheet Part V
              69. Me'am Lo'ez on Breisheet Part VI:
              70. Me'am Lo'ez on Breisheet Part VII: Washing
              71. Me'am Lo'ez on Breisheet Part VIII: The Generations
              72. Me'am Loez on Breishit: Astrology and Astronomy
              73. Some Chassidic Stories Related to Noach
              74. Me'am Lo'ez on Noach: The Flood
              75. Me'am Loez on Lech Lecha
              76. Me'am Loez on Lech Lecha: Battling Four Kings
              77. Me'am Loez on Lech Lecha: The Vision
              78. Me'am Loez on Lech Lecha: Avram and Circumcision
              79. Me'am Loez on Lech Lecha: Circumcision
              80. RaMBaN on Lech Lecha
              81. Some Chassidic Stories Relating to Lech Lecha
              82. Me'am Loez on VaYayra: Bikkur Cholim
              83. Me'am Loez on Vayayra: Minyan, Kaddish and Amen
              84. Me'am Loez on VaYayra: Hospitality
              85. Me'am Loez on VaYayra: Birth of Isaac
              86. Me'am Loez on VaYayra: Abraham's Ten Tests
              87. Me'am Loez on VaYayra: The Akeida
              88. Me'am Loez: An Analysis of the Akeida
              89. RaMBaN on VaYayra
              90. Some Chassidic Tales Relating to Vayayra
              91. Sarah Dies and We Mourn Saints
              92. Abraham Purchases the Cave and Funeral Attendance
              93. Getting Isaac a Wife: The Mission
              94. Eliezer Meets Rebecca
              95. Me'am Loez on VaYaytzay: The Marriage Switch
              96. The Departure
              97. Isaac Meets Rebecca
              98. Lavan and Betuel
              99. Me'am Loez on Chayay Sarah: Abraham's Death
              100. RaMBaN on Chayay Sarah
              101. Me'am Loez on Toldot: Isaac and Jacob
              102. RaMBaN on Toldot
              103. Me'am Loez on Toldot Part II
              104. Isaac Sends Esau on His Mission
              105. Rebecca Sends Jacob on His Mission
              106. Isaac and Esau
              107. Me'am Loez on Toldot: Answering the Tough Questions
              108. Me'am Loez on VaYaytzay
              109. Me'am Loez on VaYaytzay: Jacob and Laban's Work Agreement
              110. Me'am Loez on VaYaytzay: The Marriage Switch
              111. Me'am Loez on VaYaytzay: The Birth of Twelve Sons
              112. Me'am Loez on VaYishlach
              113. Me'am Loez on VaYishlach Part II
              114. Jacob Arrives in Shechem
              115. Dinah
              116. Jacob Goes to Beth-el
              117. Rachel Dies
              118. Reuven's Sin
              119. Esau's Line
              120. Me'am Loez on VaYishlach: The Battles of Jacob's Sons
              121. Me'am Loez on VaYayshev: Joseph and His Brothers
              122. Me'am Loez on VaYayshev: Joseph is Sold
              123. Me'am Loez on VaYayshev: Er and Onan
              124. Me'am Loez on VaYayshev
              125. Joseph and Potiphar
              126. Joseph and Potiphar's Wife
              127. Joseph in Prison
              128. Me'am Loez on VaYayshev: The Cup Bearer, the Baker, and Dream Interpretation
              129. Me'am Loez on Mikaytz
              130. Me'am Loez on Mikaytz: Joseph and His Brothers
              131. Me'am Loez on Mikaytz
              132. Me'am Loez on VaYigash
              133. Me'am Loez on Mikaytz: Benjamin Framed
              134. Jacob Goes Down to Egypt
              135. Me'am Loez on VaYigash:Jacob Meets Pharaoh
              136. Me'am Loez on VaYechi
              137. The Famine
              138. Me'am Loez on VaYechi: Jacob's Blessing
              139. Me'am Loez on VaYechi: Jacob Dies
              140. Me'am Loez on Shemot:
              141. Me'am Loez on Shemot: The Midwives
              142. Me'am Loez on Shemot: Drowning Hebrew Babies
              143. Me'am Loez on Shemot; Moses Grows
              144. Me'am Loez on Shemot: Midian and the Burning Bush
              145. Me'am Loez on Shemot: God's Plan
              146. Me'am Loez on Shemot: Moses Returns to Egypt
              147. Me'am Loez on Shemot: Why the Enslavement
              148. Me'am Loez on VaEra: The Plan
              149. Me'am Loez on VaEra: First Plague
              150. Me'am Loez on VaEra: Frogs
              151. Me'am Loez on VaEra: Lice and Wild Beasts
              152. Me'am Loez on VaAyra: Animal Disease, Boils, Hail
              153. Me'am Loez on Bo: Locusts
              154. Me'am Loez on Bo: Darkness
              155. Me'am Loez on Bo: Death of the First Born I
              156. Me'am Loez on Bo: Death of the First Born II
              157. Me'am Loez on Bo: First Pesach Preparation
              158. Me'am Loez on Bo: Doorpost Preparation
              159. Me'am Loez on Bo: Death of the First Born III
              160. Me'am Loez on Bo: Free!
              161. Me'am Loez on Beshallach I: Flight and Pursuit
              162. Me'am Loez on Beshallach II: Confrontation at the Sea
              163. Me'am Loez on Beshallach III: Sea-Splitting
              164. Me'am Loez on Beshallach IV: Fifty Miracles
              165. Me'am Loez on Beshallach V: Miriam and Redemption
              166. Me'am Loez on Beshallach VI: Bitter Water
              167. Me'am Loez on Beshallach VII: Manna and Shabbat
              168. Me'am Loez on Beshallach VII: More Manna
              169. Me'am Loez on Beshallach VIII: Amalek!
              170. Me'am Loez on Yitro Part I: Jethro
              171. Me'am Loez on Yitro II: Organizing Judges
              172. Me'am Loez on Yitro III: At Sinai
              173. Me'am Loez on Yitro IV: Revelation
              174. Me'am Loez on Yitro VII: Moses and the Angels
              175. Me'am Loez on Yitro V: The Order of the The Commandments
              176. Me'am Loez on Yitro VI: Israel's Benefit
              177. Me'am Loez on Yitro: Forty Miracles
              178. Me'am Loez on Yitro: Revelation and Philosophy
              179. Me'am Loez on Mishpatim: The Death Penalty
              180. Me'am Loez on Mishpatim: Flogging
              181. Me'am Loez on Mishpatim: Karet
              182. Me'am Loez on Mishpatim: Excommunication
              183. Me'am Loez on Mishpatim: Slavery, Male and Female
              184. Me'am Loez on Mishpatim: Bodily Damages
              185. Me'am Loez on Mishpatim: Stealing
              186. Me'am Loez on Mishpatim: General Damages I
              187. Me'am Loez on Mishpatim: Indirect Damages
              188. Me'am Loez on Mishpatim: Informers and Negligence
              189. Me'am Loez on Mishpatim: The Five Categories of Damages
              190. Me'am Loez on Terumah: The Nature of Donations
              191. Me'am Loez on Terumah: The Materials
              192. Me'am Loez on Terumah: The Ark
              193. Me'am Loez on Terumah: The Table
              194. Me'am Loez on Terumah: The Menorah (Lampstand)
              195. Me'am Loez on Terumah: The Tabernacle
              196. Me'am Loez on Tetzaveh: The Oil
              197. Me'am Loez on Tetzaveh: The Priesthood
              198. Me'am Loez on Tetzaveh: The Breastplate
              199. Me'am Loez on Tetzaveh: The Banners
              200. Me'am Loez on Tetzaveh: The Ephod and Urim and Tumim
              201. Me'am Loez on Tetzaveh: The Me'il and Tephillin
              202. Me'am Loez on Tetzaveh: The Purpose for the Vestments
              203. Me'am Loez on Ki Tissa: The Census and the Half Shekel
              204. Me'am Leez on Ki Tissa: The Laver and the Anointing Oil
              205. Me'am Loez on Ki Tissa: More on the Anointing Oil
              206. Me'am Loez on Ki Tissa: The Incense Spices
              207. Me'am Leez on Ki Tissa: Bezalel and Oholiav
              208. Me'am Leez on Ki Tissa: The Stone Tablets
              209. Me'am Leez on Ki Tissa: The Golden Calf
              210. Me'am Loez on Ki Tissa: Moses Pleads the First Time
              211. Me'am Loez on Ki Tissa: Moses Smashes the Tablets
              212. Me'am Loez on Ki Tissa: Moses Pleads the Second Time
              213. Me'am Loez on Ki Tissa: The Thirteen Attributes of God
              214. Me'am Loez on Ki Tissa: Anti-Idolatry
              215. Me'am Loez on Ki Tissa: The Oral Law
              216. Me'am Loez on Ki Tissa: Moses Radiating
              217. Me'am Loez on VaYakhel: Shabbat
              218. Me'am Loez on VaYakhel: Women Spinning
              219. Me'am Loez on VaYakhel: Mirrors
              220. Me'am Loez on Pekuday: The Tabernacle of Testimony
              221. Me'am Loez on Pekuday: The Synagogue
              222. Me'am Loez on Pekuday: The Miracle of the Tabernacle
              223. Me'am Loez on Vayikra: Sacrifices
              224. Me'am Loez on Vayikra: God Calls Moses
              225. Me'am Loez on VaYikra: Some Sacrifice Rules
              226. Me'am Loez on Tzav: Blood and its Rules
              227. Me'am Loez on Tzav: Non-Kosher Food and Gentiles
              228. Me'am Loez on Tzav: Some More Sacrifice Rules
              229. Me'am Loez on Shemini: On Drunkeness
              230. Me'am Loez on Shemini: Nadav and Avihu
              231. Me'am Loez on Shemini: Mourning and Acceptance of Loss
              232. Me'am Loez on Shemini: Uzziel
              233. Me'am Loez on Shemini: Some Dietary Rules
              234. Me'am Loez on Tazria-Metzora
              235. Me'am Loez on Tazria-Metzora: Skin Afflictions
              236. Me'am Loez on Tazria-Metzora: Causes of Skin Afflictions
              237. Me'am Loez on Tazria-Metzora: House Afflictions
              238. Me'am Loez on Acharay Mot-Kedoshim: Nadav and Avihu Redux
              239. Me'am Loez on Acharay Mot-Kedoshim: The High Priest Alone
              240. Me'am Loez on Acharay Mot-Kedoshim: Azazel
              241. Me'am Loez on Acharay Mot-Kedoshim: Gentile Practices and Kiddush HaShem
              242. Me'am Loez on Acharay Mot-Kedoshim: Kedoshim and The Ten Commandments
              243. Me'am Loez on Acharay Mot-Kedoshim: Respecting Parents
              244. Me'am Loez on Acharay Mot-Kedoshim: Idols
              245. Me'am Loez on Acharay Mot-Kedoshim: Cursing the Deaf
              246. Me'am Loez on Acharay Mot-Kedoshim: Perverting Justice
              247. Me'am Loez on Acharay Mot-Kedoshim: Gossip and Correcting Your Neighbor
              248. Me'am Loez on Acharay Mot-Kedoshim: Revenge and Keeping a Grudge
              249. Me'am Loez on Acharay Mot-Kedoshim: Sha'atnez
              250. Me'am Loez on Acharay Mot-Kedoshim: Trees and Orlah
              251. Me'am Loez on Acharay Mot-Kedoshim: Divination
              252. Me'am Loez on Acharay Mot-Kedoshim: Corners of Beard
              253. Me'am Loez on Acharay Mot-Kedoshim: Various Prohibitions
              254. Me'am Loez on Acharay Mot-Kedoshim: Peah and Leket
              255. Me'am Loez on Acharay Mot-Kedoshim: Respect
              256. Me'am Loez on Emor: On Priests
              257. Me'am on Emor: Chol HaMoed
              258. Me'am Loez on Emor: On the Omer
              259. Me'am Loez on Emor: The Shofar
              260. Me'am Loez on Emor: Yom Kippur
              261. Me'am Loez on Emor: The Sukkah
              262. Me'am Loez on Behar-Bechukotai: The Sabbatical Year (Shemita)
              263. Me'am Loez on Behar-Bechukotai: The Jubilee Year (Yovel)
              264. Me'am Loez on Behar-Bechukotai: On Cheating
              265. Me'am Loez on Behar-Bechukotai: On Taking Interest
              266. Me'am Loez on Behar-Bechukotai: The Blessings
              267. Me'am Loez on Behar-Bechukotai: The Blessings and the Curses
              268. Me'am Loez on Bemidbar: Counting
              269. Me'am Loez on Bemidbar: The Order of the Camp
              270. Me'am Loez on Bemidbar: The Flags
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              352. Me'am Loez on Devarim: Moses Admonishes, Part II
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              366. Me'am Loez on VaEtchanan: Moses Pleads Part I
              367. Me'am Loez on VaEtchanan: Moses Pleads Part II
              368. Why Moses Wanted to Enter the Holy Land
              369. God's Response
              370. The Holiness of the Holy Land
              371. Teaching For Free
              372. How Jews are Special
              373. How to Study
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              376. Sinning to Anger God
              377. Heaven and Earth as Witnesses
              378. The 17th of Tammuz and the 9th of Av
              379. The Four Fasts
              380. Rules of Av
              381. Rules For Tisha B'Av
              382. More Rules for Tisha B'Av and Fast Days
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              385. Me'am Loez on VaEtchanan: The Shma, Part II
              386. Doing the Commandments
              387. Idolatry
              388. The Nature of Suffering
              389. The Seven Species and Hand-Washing
              390. HaMotzi
              391. Birkat HaMazon
              392. Haughtiness
              393. The Second Set of Tablets
              394. The Order and Rules about Prayer
              395. Tefillin Redux
              396. Teaching Children
              397. Mezuzah
              398. Reward and Suffering
              399. Me'am Loez on Reeh: Idolatry, God's Names, Offerings
              400. Me'am Loez on Reeh: The Wanderings of the Tabernacle
              401. Me'am Loez on Reeh: False Prophets
              402. Ir HaNidachat
              403. The Jewish Attitude Toward Death
              404. Tithes
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              406. Judges and the Sanhedrins
              407. Regulations for Judges
              408. Judges and the Zaken Mamra
              409. Rules about Kings
              410. Levites, Levitical Priests, and Their Portions
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              412. Soothsaying and Prophets
              413. Cities of Refuge Redux
              414. Single Witnesses and Edim Zommemim
              415. Preparations for War
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              417. RaMBaN on Ki Taytzay: The Captive Woman
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              419. Having a Guardrail
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              425. Me'am Loez on Ki Taytzay: Flogging Redux
              426. Bikkurim
              427. Tithes
              428. The Torah on Plastered Stones
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              430. Tochachah
              431. The Curses and the Role of Happiness
              432. Me'am Loez on Ki Tavo: The Tochachah Part III
              433. Some Chassidic Stories Relating to Nitzavim
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              435. RaMBaN on V'Zot HaBrachah
              436. RaMBaN on V'Zot HaBrachah: The Order of the Blessing
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              438. A Simple Ceremony for Putting Up a Mezuzah
              Modern Commentary on:
              1. A Traditional Look at Why God Promises Kids to Abraham Four Times
              2. A Conversation Between Abraham and Eliezer about the Akeida
              3. A New Tamar Midrash
              4. A New Midrash on Benjamin: Gentle Ben
              5. A Modern Midrash About Women and the Sacrificial Cult
              6. Exodus 17:1-7 and Numbers 20:2-13
              8. Michael Van Buren's Bar Mitzvah Sermon for
              10. RaMBaN on Breisheet
              11. A Wonderful Article by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin on Tazria: Who is the Mother
              12. Who is the Mother of an Ovum Transplant?
              13. AN ANALYSIS OF THE SCOUTS
              14. Commentary on the Torah Portion Pinchas
              15. Amalek, Purim, and Zachor, Remember
              17. "Relax, It's OK to be the Chosen People"
              18. Nice Drash on Shofar as the Symbol of Israel

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