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Millennium indicators data providers and sources (English only)

Click on a listed source (33 sources total) to view source information and data series list. 
83Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC)
32FAO, FAOSTAT, http://faostat.fao.org
2FAO, Food Insecurity in the World (annual)
48ILO, Key Indicators of the Labour Market (biennial)
30ILO, Labour Statistics Yearbook Database (LABORSTA), www.ilo.org
50IMF, HIPC decision and completion point documents, www.imf.org
56Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), www.ipu.org
36International Telecommunications Union (ITU), www.itu.int
49OECD, Agricultural Policies in OECD Countries (annual)
38OECD, Development Assistance Database, www.oecd.org/DAC
70UN/DESA/Population Division, World Population Monitoring 2002 (ESA/P/WP.171, Preliminary)
47UNAIDS, Report on the global HIV/AIDS epidemic (biennial)
59UNAIDS-WHO-UNICEF (annual updates)
54UNEP, Ozone Secretariat, Ozone Depleting Substances
52UNEP-WCMC Protected Areas Database
78UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Literacy, http://www.uis.unesco.org
80UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Millennium Development Goals, http://www.uis.unesco.org
11UNICEF, The State of the World's Children (annual) and www.childinfo.org
57UNICEF, www.childinfo.org
58UNICEF-UNAIDS-WHO, Young People and HIV/AIDS, www.unaids.org/youngpeople
84United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
64United Nations HABITAT Millennium Development Goals
69WHO, Communicable Diseases
60WHO, Health Statistics Annual
62WHO, Tuberculosis Country Information
51WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA (1996, 2001, 2003)
66WHO, World Health Report (annual)
61WHO-Roll Back Malaria (weekly)
65WHO-UNICEF Water Supply and Sanitation Council (2000)
27World Bank, Global Development Finance (GDF)
75World Bank, PovcalNet
45World Bank, World Development Indicators (WDI)
73World Bank, www.worldbank.org