Tuesday May 09th 2006, 6:00 am
Filed under: Phonogram: Rue Britannia


We’re planning to do five or six of these, each introducing one of the major characters in Phonogram and playing with the concept. Feel free to distribute these far and wide.

David Kohl: Public Image

The Second B-Side


We’ve had the original idea of sticking a graphic image with assorted text (describing the title, its creators and son on) on the front of each of our fine comic periodicals. We think it could catch on.

Issue 1: Without Your Permission

Can't Imagine The World Without Me


Issue 4: Murder Park

Phonogram 5: Kissing With Dry Lips


We’re not just young comic-firebrands. We’re also devout interior decorators. To that end, we present the first items for improving your living environment. Beneath the link you’ll find incredibly high resolution files suitable for printing out, attaching blu-tack and lobbing on a wall.


27 Mb! Count them!
