
March 13, 2007

Episode 11 Spoiler

Filed under: Translator's life, Hana Yori Dango 2 — Lily @ 8:16 pm

As the series is coming to an end, spoilers are growing fewer… I think this will be the last one… because really, there’s nothing left to spoil now >.>


March 12, 2007

What the heck is wrong with California!

Filed under: Translator's life — Lily @ 6:57 pm

I walked and walked and walked today.
For over an hour!
in 100 degrees weather!
under the BURNING sun! (just my luck I have thick black hair)

It’s suppose to be March.
Early March, in fact.
Why is it so hot?!

and cherry blossoms!
They aren’t suppose to bloom until April
And they were blooming since early February.


I walked the whole afternoon running errands, and now I’m rushing to get homework done.
No translations tonight, I guess.

Edit I just saw a “prom” scene where people were actually dancing. Wowwowowow. Crazy. So different from our prom, at least, where people were standing on top of each other.

March 10, 2007

Basics of Translating

Filed under: Japanese is weird! — Lily @ 3:52 pm

Like I always say, knowing the language and translating is two different field.
Some people ask how long they’ll have to learn Japanese before they can transalate, and I high doubt there’s an answer. When I first started translating, I had already been using Japanese for 12 years and English for 5 years, but my translations were horrible. I can admit now that they were worse than Google Translate. What’s worse, I ridiculed the dubs and the professional English translations, claiming they were “inaccurate”.

Five years later, I realized I was the stupid one.

It’s true, there were certain “inaccuracy” in professional translation…
but in return, there was understandable English.

I’m starting to realize, translating isn’t about converting Japanese to Engrish, and telling people “See, if you really want to know what’s going on, you should go learn Japanese!”
It’s about converting the Japanese language into English smooth enough that people don’t realize it was originally in Japanese. It’s the art of making that transition smooth.

Therefore, I can’t teach you how to translate, but I can teach you some of the things you should pay attention to as you’re translating.


Miscellaneous Blurts

Filed under: Translator's life — Lily @ 2:46 pm

First, I want to thank everyone for your comments. Like I always say, I love reading your reaction to the episode, and to my translations. I can’t reply to all the comments, and sometimes it can be distracting when I need to focus on translating and get the subs out fast, but it’s such a motivation to see even just the number of comments I get. Like to share a stupid story… after I posted the subs, I saw that I only got three comments, and I was so sad because I thought maybe people already watched the vox subs so they don’t need ours… until I went through the comments and I realized I had moderated 4 comments because they had links in them. Ahh I was so stupid.

Second, the bus scene. There were several question about it, so I’ll just answer here.
** I won’t consider manga to be spoiler, but just in case, I cut it off. Click below **

March 7, 2007

Dual Screen

Filed under: Translator's life — Lily @ 3:30 pm

My dad brought back a monitor, so now I’ve got two monitors, side by side ^_^

I can’t wait to translate this Friday. It’ll be SOO much easier, now that I can have youtube up on one monitor and wordpress on another. :D :D :D :D :D

And when I take screen captures… wow! I get both screens!!
This is very exciting.

March 3, 2007

Translation Philosophy

Filed under: Translator's life — Lily @ 7:00 pm

Some issues I’ll address here:
1. redistributing my English translation
2. staying faithful to my translation
3. using my translation to retranslate into your native language
4. pointing out mistakes

Short answers are:
1 & 3: Go ahead. Just link back.
2: Aww thanks.
4: very much appreciated


LOL you guys are awesome

Filed under: Translator's life — Lily @ 6:07 pm

I got an email from StatCounter…

Congratulations on having such a successful website! Kudos!

We would really like to continue to provide you with stats about your
visitors. But unfortunately as stated several times on the website. We can
only afford to track websites getting under 250,000 pageloads a month for
free. Your website is outside this model with more than 9,000 pageloads a

HAHAHAHAHAHA that made my day.
Sorry. Very random.

February 25, 2007

Re: Arashi - Love so Sweet

Filed under: Japanese is weird!, Announcements — Lily @ 4:20 pm

The new single came out with the official lyrics, and I found one slight mistake in the Japanese lyric, which means one big mistake in the English translation.


February 22, 2007

All Night Nippon

Filed under: All Night Nippon, Translator's life, Hana Yori Dango 2 — Lily @ 8:35 pm

Thank you, everyone, for taking the time to point me to the audio file of this.
I only have ten minutes of computer time left for today…
But I’ve downloaded it onto my music player and I’m gonna listen to it tonight… maybe I’ll translate this on paper and type it up tomorrow. That should save time. And then… tomorrow, instead of ep8, I guess I’ll be upping All Night Nippon ~Hana Yori Dango2~ script instead.

For now, my first impression is…


February 19, 2007

Names and relationships

Filed under: Japanese is weird! — Lily @ 11:32 am

I took the question here and I turned it into a topic for today. Haha…

I’ve actually been thinking about this for a while… whether people knew the implications behind the way they call each other… but now I have a chance to explain it to you all!

I’m going to use some Romaji here so more people can understand.


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