The 9th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics  
July 10-13, 2005 - Orlando, Florida, USA
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Major Themes, Areas and Suggested Topics
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Invited Sessions Being Organized
Organized and Programmed Invited Sessions
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About the Conference
ISAS Conferences started in Baden-Baden, Germany, in 1995, from then on, they have grown from 55 papers to 2904 papers in Orlando WMSCI 2004. Nowadays, the conference has become an international forum where researchers and practitioners examine Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics key issues. Participants from academies, governments, and industries share ideas and experiences among different disciplines.


The purpose of WMSCI 2005 is to promote discussion and interaction between researchers and practitioners focused on disciplines as well as different areas. We are particularly interested in fostering the exchange of concepts, prototypes, research ideas, and other results which could contribute to the academic arena and also benefit business and the industrial community. Read further to learn more about WMSCI 2005 purpose and objectives.

What is WMSCI 2005?

WMSCI 2005 is an international forum for scientists and engineers, researchers and, consultants, theoreticians and practitioners in the fields of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. It is a forum for focusing into specific disciplinary research, as well as for multi, inter and trans-disciplinary studies and projects. One of its aims is to relate disciplines fostering analogical thinking and, hence, producing input to the logical thinking.

A Metaphor

Through WMSCI conferences, we are trying to relate the analytic thinking required in focused conference sessions, to the synthetic thinking, required for analogies generation, which calls for multi-focus domain and divergent thinking. We are trying to promote a synergic relation between analytically and synthetically oriented minds, as it is found between left and right brain hemispheres, by means of the corpus callosum. Then, WMSCI 2005 might be perceived as a research corpus callosum, trying to bridge analytically with synthetically oriented efforts, convergent with divergent thinkers and focused specialists with non-focused or multi-focused generalists

Why WMSCI 2005?
There are many good focused conferences in any of the major themes of the conference. There are even very good conferences in more specific areas included in the major themes of WMSCI 2005. There are also good general conferences, which have a wider scope and are more comprehensive. Each one of these kinds of conferences has its typical audience. WMSCI 2005 will bring together both kinds of audiences, so participants, with a focused research, will be able to:

1. Present their focused research in a specific area for scholars/researchers specialized in their paper's discipline and, perhaps, for specialists from other related disciplines and for generalists with a more comprehensive intellectual outlook.

2. Get feedback from researchers with the same specific background, as it is usual in the focused conferences.

3. Get possible feedback from scholars/researchers in related disciplines, thereby opening the possibility of analogies generation, new applications to/from different knowledge, business and industrial areas, and possibly new models for re-thinking anew some of their research problems.

4. Organize sessions where papers from related areas are presented, in order to increase the probability of getting the benefit mentioned in (3).

5. Attract speakers with a wider intellectual interest in order to get a more comprehensive conceptual framework and to give context to their research effort.

This would allow specialists and focused researchers, to see the forest besides the tree of their discipline and to be aware about the neighboring trees.

WMSCI 2005 participants, with non-focused, non-just-focused or multi-focused research or with a comprehensive intellectual, industrial or business interest, will be able to:

1. Present their research, ideas, reflections, new concepts/designs or industrial/business innovations to a similar or a specialized audience, so suggestion about possible improvements could emerge and possibly new research or development projects.

2. Present ideas requiring multi-disciplinary efforts to be researched or developed in action-research programs.

3. Constitute international, multi- and/or inter-disciplinary teams or workgroups in order to conduct research requiring synergic relationships among different kinds of talents, cognitive styles, intellectual faculties and/or research/industrial interests.

4. Create new research areas, based on both: a general framework and various disciplines or focused research areas. This could be done by means of international research teamwork and/or by the elaboration and edition of a multiple-authors book in the Newly Created Field. The newly created Informing Sciences Field is one example on this issue. Our past conferences served to support the initial efforts of their proponents, and now the group has its own yearly conference, newsletter, etc.

Invited Sessions can be organized in a specific or a general theme. These Invited Sessions might grow to Focus Symposia, workshops, satellite events, micro-conferences or even conferences by their own in the context of WMSCI or as independent associated spin offs from WMSCI. At least two independent yearly conferences and two associated conferences are actually spin offs from WMSCI conferences.

Invited Sessions with high quality papers might be selected for multiple-authors book publications. Two books were published recently as a result of good invited sessions, and several others are being considered for publications.

Acceptance decisions related to submitted papers will be based on their respective content review and/or on the respective author’s CV. Invited papers will not be reviewed and their acceptance decision will be based on the topic and the respective author’s CV.


With regards to the bogus papers submitted to WMSCI 2005
About the Conference  |  Why WMSCI 2005  |  Conference Fees  |  Hotel Information  |  Evolution Graphics  |  Program Committee  |  Organizing Committee  |  Academic / Scientific and Technical Co-Sponsors  |  Call for Papers  |  Important Dates  |  Major Themes, Areas and Suggested Topics  |  Interest Form  |  How to Organize an Invited Session  |  Invited Sessions Organizers  |  Invited Sessions Being Organized  |  Organized and Programmed Invited Sessions  |  Authors´ Kit  |  Registration Guide  |  Papers Submission  |  Camera Ready Upload  |  Online Registration  |  Conference Program  |  Reviewers  |  Contact Us  |  Papers Acceptance