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Dear Fellow Leader:
More than fifty years ago, Sir Edmund Hillary attempted to climb Mount Everest. While he was ascending to the top of this magnificent summit of 29,028 feet, the clouds engulfed the area and one news reporter stated, “Edmund Hillary was last seen reaching for the top.”

Above the clouds of a post-Christian society is a summit that not all will be able to reach individually. But recognizing that there is that which can be accomplished together that cannot be completed alone, we urge you to join us at a Billion Soul summit near you.

All Future Billion Soul Events are being rescheduled. If you have registered for any event, please contact us at or call (888) 295-4518.


A Billion Soul Challenge

Summit Schedule

All Billion Soul Events are being recheduled. Please check back for more information.

Congratulations on launching the Billion Soul Campaign! It is a God-inspired program to bring the life-changing and life-saving message of Jesus Christ to a lost and confused world. It is a program that calls for our earnest prayers and fullest participation.

George Gallup, Jr., Founding Chairman
The George H. Gallup international Institute
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