Prisoners of War -1, 1813

Information from New York, January 3 1814

Return of British prisoners confined in the goals of Concord and Portland, and of American Prisoners of war confined in the town goal at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Sept 1 1813. All in close confinement on retaliatory orders from the respective governments.


Names of Prisoners con-  Ships they be-     Description of per-
fined at Concord, &c.;    longed to.         sons they are con-
with their rank.                              fined for.
John Pierce seaman       Br. ship of war }   For 1 seaman of the
Robert Robinson do         Guerrierre     }   U.S. brig Nautilus.
John Squirrel do         Br. ship of war     For John Stevens,
James Russel do            Dragon            carpenter & Tho-
William Keats, carpentr  Swallow packet.      mas King, seaman,
A. Redingfield, boats'n      do               U.S. sloop Vixen.
Capt. Barss, commander   Privateer Liver-    For Captain Nicholas,
                         pool Packet.          late of Decatur
Capt. Woodward, do        Unknown.               Privateer


Names of prisoners confin-    Ships they belong-   Man of War or
ed at Halifax with their rank     ed to.              Privateer.

Thos.Carpenter seaman         Chesapeake         Man of War
John Pressy+    do               do                do
Stephen Ball    do               do                do
Sylvester Slacy do               do                do
Joseph Goodall  do               do                do
John Chappel    do               do                do
James Peterson  do               do                do
Isaac Porter    do               do                do
George Miller, carpenter         do                do
Math. Rodgers gunner             do                do
James Trask, + sail master    Revenge           Privateer
John Light, lieutenant        Julian Smith         do
J.H. Morgan     command.      Enterprize           do
William Lane    do            Wily  Reynard        do
David Perry, lieutenant          do                do
Thomas Swaine   do               do                do

NOTE the persons marked thus + have been twice found in arms before exchanged.
In consequence of Thomas King, of the U.S.Sloop Vixen, having made his escape from Bermuda, in an open boat, and since arrived in the United States, Squirrel and Russell who were confined for him, have been released by the American government from close imprisonment; and orders have been given in Halifax to release Goodall, Chappel, Peterson and Porter, in consequence of information received there of the release of Squirrel and Russell.

For the 16 American prisoners above named, the American government have put into close confinement at Ipswich, Mass the following British prisoners.

Thomas Cooper, carpenter, brig Boxer, Oct.7 1813; John Cark, gunner, do do; Adam Kirby, seaman, do do; Samuel Thorp, do do; John Benbow, do do; James Onion, do do; Richard Howe, do do; Danl. Dowland, do do; Thomas Howes, ship Tenedos, do; John Humphries, ship Nymph, do; E. Clements, master, privateer Fly, 12 Oct 1813; Wm. Nickerson, Lieut. of privateer Weazle. do; Wm. Owen, do of privateer Experiment do; Robert R. Black, do of privateer Fly do; Jas. Ross, commander privateer Dart, Nov. 2; Jas. Ross, Pitt M V Oct. 19.

note do = ditto

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