
#Also cocks


Review: Genital Jousting

Gaming is such a strange and wonderful hobby. You can play in recreations of history’s greatest moments, explore alien planets, race in futuristic space craft and now play as a big floppy penis that is trying to insert itself in the a...

 from  japanator

The next Overwatch event will be loaded with cock

It looks like the next timed event in Overwatch won't be Valentine themed, though that still may be something to look forward to in the future. Last night the Overwatch team revealed that the next event will be themed around Chinese Ne...

 from  our Community Blogs
From our community  

How to Self-Destructoid

[With emotions riding high in the community, Deadmoon shares with us why exactly it is he loves this crazy, broken Dtoid family. <3 ~ JuIc3] A lot of my friends make fun of me when I tell them that I'm an active part of an online communi...

YouPorn ban photo

YouPorn eSports team banned by league

YouPorn, which my colleagues tell me is a supplier of online "adult" entertainment, sponsors an eSports team, Team YP. It has since 2014, back when I wrote, "More like spornsporning an eSporn team." Hah, nice. Unfortunately, this relationsh...


Hot Mess: 10 Years of Destructoid party photos

There's something about the Mr. Destructoid helmet that brings out the animal in people. I've seen sheepish tiny McChicken-like boys turn into fearless crotch-thrusters, running up on stages and doing what three shots of Jager could not aff...


Friday Night Fights - Happer Nooo Yur!

Dear lord it's bright. Worked till 6am, drank till 8 and back up at 12pm. Choices. Ugh. It's almost 1pm and I need to go back to work. At least it's Friday and it's a short, 4hr shift. It's the little things. Now excuse me, there's ham on m...

GOTY 2015 photo

Destructoid's award for Overall Best Game of 2015 goes to...

The downfall of Japanese game development has been greatly exaggerated. It sort of reminds me of what happened a century ago, when Dr. Kellogg introduced Kellogg's Corn Flakes in hopes that it would reduce masturbation. Kellogg devoted much...

Friday Night Fights photo

Friday Night Fights - Ch-ch-ch-chaaaanges

Well isn't this Hunky Dory? A nice little Friday. We have a new Call of Duty to play together. We have a new Fallout to play with ourselves (HA! HA!). We have herpes. Wait, that's just me. My bad. "So shut up and tell us what's changing Mik...

Rustic photo

Rust soft launches female avatars, 'you never had a choice'

Back when I was telling you about how Rust automatically generates penis size based on Steam ID, a footnote to that article was that female player models were on their way to the survival sandbox, too. Well, this momentous addition was anno...

Rustic photo

Rustic: Rust generates avatar cock size by Steam ID

Haha, rustic. I think it's time for Jordan to take another Rust adventure. The open world survival sim is fascinating. It recently made headlines when players flipped out after it randomly assigned face and skin tone to users' Steam IDs. An...

Don't get cocky photo

Expensive dick moderation helped kill the last LEGO MMO

Someone think about the children! Like my own personal brand, LEGO is a family-friendly, name-stealing company. And so the open-ended, Minecraft-like builder LEGO Worlds has some problem what with immature idiots' propensity to build cock. ...


Friday Night Fights - Get Over Here!

Guys, I have a problem. I'm thirsty as hell. Not for some sweet meat slapping, but for blood. Your blood. Someone needs to hit me up on Xbox or PC for some Mortal Kombat X action. I have 9 Komplete on PC as well. LET'S DO THIS THANG! I need...


Friday Night Fights - Goodbye Sweet Prince

I don't even have it in my heart to 'shop your face into those penguin eyes. Our fearless Boner Knight: Andy Dixon is leaving us as Community Manager. From the first time I was an asshole to you Andy, to the last time I was an asshole to yo...


Reviews   filter by...

God of War (PS4)"Atreus is my son"


Blumhouse's Truth or Dare"Truth: this movie sucks"


Rampage"Needs more rampaging"


Super Daryl Deluxe"This is a weird one"


Metropolis: Lux Obscura"Punks, Dames and Match 3 Games"


Gal Gun 2"Love glue-gunning"


Extinction"Attack on the titan, Shrek"


Pocket Sprite"Form over function"


Community Blogs | expand


Quickposts expand | +quickpost


I already found (some actually really good) R34 of Morgana in that Sonic outfit from the upcoming Dancing Star Night The Internet is a laugh

Rico the Penguin

Since today is TMI day from Holy Not only have I found rocket fuel, this strange red concoction is an amazing weight loss Its like I ran over a gypsy or


Finally finished my God of War series revisit Thoughts in the comments! (Spoilerydoos,

Rad Party God

Xbox One controller support and prettier textures? Why yes, please!

Virtua Kazama

Can confirm: Yakuza 6 is


I was just watching a gameplay video of and was reminded I think that was the best gaming experience Ive I remember my friends and I playing it in the dark when it first came out and how terrifying it





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