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Ubisoft's Ubidays '07 recap: Where you at? edition

Ubisoft's Ubidays '07 recap: Where you at? edition photo

In our recap yesterday, we covered just about everything Ubisoft had to offer at this week's Ubidays event. Still, there were quite a few titles that appeared to be missing from the show.

When the Prince returns, will he be angry or mellow again? Is Jade still wearing that lovely shade of lipstick? Will we be able to see freckles on a digital Kate Austen? Oh, the mysteries!

Keep in mind that what follows is purely based on either rumors, leaks, or speculation. None of this is written in stone and in many cases, some of it shouldn't have been written at all. It is however, a short list of games whose whereabouts we're a bit curious about.

Hit the jump for the lowdown.

Assassin's Creed DS
 While I don't believe Ubisoft has officially announced this (they probably knew I'd give them the stink-eye), Assassin's Creed DS has appeared on retailer release lists for quite some time now. While retailer release lists aren't set in stone, they are getting this information from somewhere, and they're often a good indicator of what tight-lipped developers have up their sleeves.

It's likely that the game just isn't where it needs to be at the moment and Ubisoft isn't ready to show it publicly. Hell, they've barely shown the next-gen versions of the game. It's also likely that we'll be seeing Assassin's Creed hit other platforms, especially considering the pre-release hype surrounding the title ... I just wouldn't have guessed it would be the DS.

So any gueses as to what the "DS" will stand for? Uh, Damascus Shadows? I reaching here, guys.

Beyond Good and Evil 2  Beyond Good and Evil was probably one of the best games of last generation, betrayed by its slow sales at retail, which is too bad. The game was a gem, even catching the attention of director Peter Jackson, who tapped the title's producer, Michel Ancel, to work on the game adaptation of his film, King Kong.

According to Ancel, who is eager to continue the series, the game was in pre-production in late 2005. So can we see it already? Put our minds at ease, Ancel.

Far Cry 2
 During the big Ubisoft FTP leak scandal of 2006, a lot of assets for unreleased games were discovered. Many have been revealed (Splinter Cell: Conviction, for instance), but others remain a mystery to this day, Far Cry 2 among them. 

We know that the developers of the original Far Cry, Crytek Studios, are hard at work on Crysis. So that might count them out of this project. But really, there's not much info (other than a handful of artwork) to go on here. We can guess that the game will likely take place in jungles again, and if Ubisoft continues down the "predator" path, players will likely be able to turn into frothing, gun-wielding monkey beasts.

More information on the art snagged in the leak can be found here.

First of all, what the hell is up with bearded Jack? And more importantly, who was in that tiny little coffin? If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then you probably missed the season finale of Lost. And if you missed the season finale of Lost, you probably don't care that Ubisoft has been planning to release a PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 game based on the television show.

Normally, I wouldn't care either -- games based on television shows are historically dreadful (The Shield, 24, Alias). But the thing is, Lost isn't returning to television with new episodes until February of 2008. So in the meantime, I have a lot of God damned questions, and I want some God damned answers.

1up recently reported that the game is moving along, and the show's producers, Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindeloff, even had a chance to see it in action. Not surprisingly, they said it's coming along pretty nicely. Still, I wonder when we'll get to be the judges of that -- Lost has seen a cell phone game, as well as an iPod version. Can we get some next-gen love here?

And who (or what) the hell is Jacob, for Christ's sake?

Prince of Persia (next-gen)
Well, we know this game is coming, and I'd say it's pretty obvious why we haven't seen it yet. Two words: Assassin's Creed.

Whether Altaïr would overshadow the Prince, or it would be the other way around, there's no need to try to spotlight both of these games at once. It's bad enough that rumors were floating around that Assassin's Creed WAS the next Prince of Persia (it's not). 

If I were to guess, I'd say we'll start seeing some new Prince of Persia stuff after Assassin's Creed makes its big debut. I wouldn't be surprised if film details start to hit around the same time ...

Red Steel 2
Wait, hold on ... is someone is actually interested in playing the sequel to this game? I'm shocked.

Well, that's about it ... did we miss anything? Are there any Ubisoft classics you're just dying to see a sequel for? Perhaps a next-gen Twinworld

There are 11 comments about this post:
LordRegulus's Destructoid Blog
What about Rainbow Ghost Cell Recon Six 2: Advanced Vegas Chaos Conviction Agent EndWarfighter?

...Episode IV?

brad drac's Destructoid Blog
BG&E2; is the only one of those I care much about. 360/decent wii PoP would be nice, but hopefully more along the lines of sands than warrior. Red steel 2 could actually be good. If they correct the horrible gaping flaws of the original(which I'm sure had a lot to do with it being rushed for launch), they could have a pretty solid game.

LordRegulus's Destructoid Blog
Oh yeah, BG&E2; would be pimp.

FatBaby's Destructoid Blog
Please god.... please let there be a BG&E2.;

Azrael's Destructoid Blog
Jacob is the ghost of Jack's Dad who was invisible during the first season and worked all the time with the Dharma corporation and the aliens, the "Others" are bulding a landing strip and a Denny's to greet Aliens to earth and hopefully make a few bucks in the process. Oh and aliens eat babies, thats why they want them.

Oh come on, everybody knows that!

Now, the real question is "Who is the milkman?"

dvddesign 's Destructoid Blog
Kate looked damn weird with makeup on. No less hot, but still weird.

Hopefully there will be an explanation as to why her freckles must stay hidden under a pound of makeup.

MechaMonkey Ranked Snaileb Sucks's Destructoid Blog
1,000 points to Azrael for the Psychonauts reference.

jimjo's Destructoid Blog
"This guys Gamertag is GUYLINER

jimjo's Destructoid Blog
Wow, too early for mr, in addition to ^

Roflcopting across the Lolantic

wintermute's Destructoid Blog
The lost end of season double bill was really excellent, they always try my patience mid-season but I can never quit the show because the finales always rock.

The direction they're taking the show seems like a good idea, another faction (Dharma initiative or Hanso foundation maybe?) are coming to take the island and presumably the lost-ees will have to decided to stay and help the others fend 'em off or be air-lifted outta there.

Oh, err Ubisoft. Assassin's Creed looks great, but I couldn't care less about the DS version. I dont think a BG&E; sequel is in the works or is likely to be. The next-gen Prince of Persia will most likely be out summer '08/'09 depending on when the movie hits. Unless they're going to do ANOTHER game, tied in to the film.

Necros Ranked Not Changed's Destructoid Blog
I somehow missed mention of all of these games over the past few days. Thanks for catching me up.

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