Soc. Sciences

Psychologists and Their Theories

In depth information on 20 of the most frequently studied psychologists in history. Each comprehensive essay explains each psychologist's theories in detail, then analyzes the historical context and critical reaction to the theories. Biographical information is also included.
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Encyclopedia of Psychology

Featuring more than 650 entries on people and subjects important to the study of psychology. Over 175 photos, illustrations, and tables accompany the text. This encyclopedia is completely cross-referenced and searchable.
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The Viewpoints Series encompasses the Opposing Viewpoints, At Issue, and Current Controversies titles. More than 300 topics, ranging from capital punishment to the war in Iraq to censorship. Each topic features opinions from both sides of these important issues. A perfect tool for researching a term paper, and an excellent classroom resource.
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Dictionary of Psychoanalysis

The definitive dictionary of psychoanalysis, spanning more than 1500 entries.
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World Fact Book

Sourced from the famed CIA World Fact Book, this volume has essential information about the world's countries and territories.
» Go to World Fact Book

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Celebrities Should Be Free to Express Their Antiwar Views

Erika Waak is an editorial associate for the Humanist magazine.

The media were extremely critical of celebrities who spoke out against George W. Bush or the Iraq war, labeling them morally irresponsible and unpatriotic. Although antiwar celebrities encountered various...

Human-Induced Global Warming Is Insignificant

Sallie Baliunas is an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and deputy director of the Mount Wilson Observatory. She is also chair of the Science Advisory Board at the George C. Marshall Institute in Washington, D.C.

Editor’s Note: The...

Physicians Should Not Be Permitted to Assist in Suicide

Of all public controversies in recent years, assisted suicide perhaps is the one surrounded by the greatest degree of misunderstanding. For example, one often hears it referred to as the “right to die.” Yet assisted suicide has nothing to do with letting someone die. Neither the law nor...

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