

PDF Document 1. Blood and the cells it contains

Blood contains cells, proteins, and sugars

Red blood cells transport oxygen

White blood cells are part of the immune response

Platelets help blood to clot

Your complete blood count

Hemoglobin binds oxygen


PDF Document 2. Blood group antigens are surface markers on the red blood cell membrane

Antigens stimulate an immune response

Red blood cell antigens can be sugars or proteins

Red blood cell antigens determine your blood group

Blood groups differ around the world

The classification of blood cell antigens

PDF Document 3. Blood transfusions and the immune system

How to launch an immune response against transfused red blood cells

"Blood type and cross match"

Transfusion reactions: Immune-mediated

Transfusion reactions: Non-immune

PDF Document 4. Hemolytic disease of the newborn

Maternal antibodies cross the placenta and attack fetal red blood cells

Sensitization occurs during the first pregnancy

HDN occurs in subsequent pregnancies

The Coombs test detects Rh incompatibility between mother and fetus

Preventing HDN

PDF Document 5. The ABO blood group

At a glance

Background information

Basic biochemistry

Clinical significance of ABO antibodies

Molecular information


PDF Document 6. The Hh blood group

At a glance

Background information

Basic biochemistry

Clinical significance of H antibodies

Molecular information


PDF Document 7. The Rh blood group

At a glance

Background information

Basic biochemistry

Clinical significance of Rh antibodies

Molecular information


PDF Document 8. The Kell blood group

At a glance

Background information

Basic biochemistry

Clinical significance of Kell antibodies

Molecular information


PDF Document 9. The Duffy blood group

At a glance

Background information

Basic biochemistry

Clinical significance of Duffy antibodies

Molecular information


PDF Document 10. The Kidd blood group

At a glance

Background information

Basic biochemistry

Clinical significance of Kidd antibodies

Molecular information


PDF Document 11. The Diego blood group

At a glance

Background information

Basic biochemistry

Clinical significance of Diego antibodies

Molecular information


PDF Document 12. The MNS blood group

At a glance

Background information

Basic biochemistry

Clinical significance of MNS antibodies

Molecular information
