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British History Online exists to provide accessible digital versions of previously printed books. As such, we make a general rule not to correct errors that were printed in the original book. To do this would be to create a quite different type of resource, and such silent emendation makes it impossible for users to rely on our site as an exact reproduction of the original.

However, if we know that the author of a book is still active, we may occasionally forward corrections on for the purposes of the production of later new editions. Please check the date when the book concerned was published – if it was 1850, then the author will obviously not be alive.

If, however, you believe the mistake to be an error of transcription on our part, then please let us know via our feedback page, giving the URL of the page concerned.

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'The Diary of Thomas Burton: 25 April 1657', Diary of Thomas Burton esq, volume 2: April 1657 - February 1658 (1828), pp. 45-6. URL: Date accessed: 03 August 2006.

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One of your pages mentions a place/person/document I'm interested in. Can you tell me more ?

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The National Archives provides a directory of independent personal researchers who may be engaged to research on your behalf in the TNA collections.

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