
Barack Obama: One Fine-Smelling Black Man

n112918.jpgJason Horowitz leads today's Observer with a profile of Delaware Senator - and presidential candidate - Joe Biden. As Biden surveys his rivals on the Democratic side, he offers up the kind of quote that a reporter only dreams of getting:

Mr. Biden is equally skeptical--albeit in a slightly more backhanded way--about Mr. Obama. "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," he said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."
It is a storybook! Can you imagine living in a world where African-Americans can speak properly, exhibit intelligence, and maintain personal hygiene? It's like something out of science fiction!

Biden Unbound: Lays Into Clinton, Obama, Edwards [NYO]

Image of KarenUhOh KarenUhOh says:

They make records, they hit the medium-range jumper, why, you can even put one in a suit!!

He's right; Colin Powell smells like the ghetto.

Image of janine janine says:

Where's the NYT style section article on "blolitics" and "blandidates?"

Image of worth79 worth79 says:

"clean, and nice-looking...storybook"
sounds like another "confessions of a bareback.." entry

Image of zibby zibby says:

This deluded loudmouth (President Biden? LAWL)is just one more reason Delaware should be expulsed from the Union.

That's right, because Angela Davis/Shirley Chisholm/Jesse Jackson/Alan Keyes/Carol Moseley Braun/other African American candidates for the Presidency were all stupid, inarticulate, unattractive, and slovenly? WTF? Senator Biden, is that big bad old brain tumor coming back?

I mean, Alan Keyes is batshit crazy and all, but he's a sharp-dressed man. You could put your eye out on the crease in his slacks.

I don't know what to say about Al Sharpton, who was one of the best-informed primary candidates in the 2004 hoo-ha--he's bright and eloquent, but the hairstyle has to go.

I'm sure the next sentance he uttered after that was "Man, that White in him really diluted him perfectly."

Image of fivehole fivehole says:

Although he admits to a tendency to "bloviate," he thinks that an aggressive advocate with rough edges might be just what the party needs right now. "Democrats nominated the perfect blow-dried candidates in 2000 and 2004," he said, "and they couldn't connect."

it's like underlining meaningful passages in Moby Dick!

Give him a break, he's from Delaware. Have you ever been there? I remember seeing a license plate that said 'Jesus' and entire supermarket aisles devoted to donuts.

It's true. Blacks have been clean and articulate on the indie circuit for years, but this is the first mainstream one.

Biden forgot to mention Barry's natural sense of rhythm.

Biden added: "I mean, I can't even believe he can stand up straight, what with the enormous penis he must obviously have. I SHORE am keeping my wife away from Senator Mandingo over there."

Senator Biden, my friend Macaca. I believe you've met?

". . .entire supermarket aisles devoted to donuts." Where exactly in Delaware, please? If I may quote Homer Simpson, "Donuts. Is there nothing they can't do?"

Sure, he'll make sure Mrs. Biden clutches her purse extra tight at the next convention, but, hey, that's the nature of politics. Ain't no thang.

Image of ExTexan ExTexan says:

I've actually met Senator Obama. Okay, he walked passed me whilst I stood on the sidewalk waiting for his book-signing entourage to pass and he indeed smelled quite delicious. I've never had the opportunity to sniff Mr. Biden, but I have a feeling it would be something in the cheese family.

Watch it, Biden, you may entice "those people" to want to vote and drive cars.

"Mr. Biden is equally skeptical--albeit in a slightly more backhanded way--about Mr. Obama."

Nice way to soft pedal racism there, Horowitz.

Image of Brian Brian says:

Can you imagine living in a world where African-Americans can speak properly, exhibit intelligence, and maintain personal hygiene? It's like something out of science fiction!

Actually it's "White Man's Burden" with John Travolta and Harry Belafonte, circa 1995.


No commenter image uploaded meese says:

let's face it, his verbal missteps are making him the clear frontrunner proving that democrats, too, can have their own blubbering, stupid white male president.

No commenter image uploaded cdmunch says:

If someone called me "bright and clean," I'd definitely take that as a compliment.

Image of visavis visavis says:

Let's talk about what Pelosi has been wearing.

No commenter image uploaded Smitros says:

I hope TAN can elaborate on this, but it's worth nothing that "articulate" is historically one of the great code words of white condescension.

Image of lypocenes lypocenes says:

i have some bright and clean pots, but they're always calling my kettle names.

Image of fileunder fileunder says:

I hope TAN can elaborate on this, but it's worth nothing that "articulate" is historically one of the great code words of white condescension.

me too, because i don't think delaware even has bodegas, fried chicken, gypsy cabs or ghetto chinese joints.

No commenter image uploaded scott says:

So the white conservatives fear for their safety (calling Barack "Osama" and saying he went to a madrassa), and the white liberals patronize him.

Sounds about right to me.

Image of tudobem tudobem says:

Lord. All the Dems have to do is put up a somewhat articulate, non-offensive, older white male to win in '08 and they can't even get that right. I think I might cry now.

No commenter image uploaded Faster says:

While I normally like to jump in on a good Gawker beatdown, I think in this case, the Senator is at fault for not better clarifying his point. By "clean," I assumed that he meant Obama's past is "clean." No Paula Jones' in his closet or Fawn Hall in his closet. Also, that he wasn't a Mayor Dinkins.

No commenter image uploaded picardia says:

I bet Obama's neighborhood is neat and well-kept, too. Not a broken window or burning car in sight.

'He speaks so well' is not a compliment, okay? 'He speaks so well' is some shit you say about retarted people that can talk."
-Chris Rock

Same shit they said about Colin Powell. You think people could at least find a new, more creative way to indirectly insult black politicians.

P.S. Is it me, or does the idea of Obama's campaign song being OutKast's "So fresh, so clean" drive me into hysterics of JOY!!!

JupiterPluvius wrote

I don't know what to say about Al Sharpton, who was one of the best-informed primary candidates in the 2004 hoo-ha--he's bright and eloquent, but the hairstyle has to go.
I have something to say about the Rev. Al: TAWANA BRAWLEY. Steven Pagones won a judgment against Sharpton but was unable to collect because Sharpton has made himself judgment-proof with help from the "non-profit" he runs.

Faster: How might Biden clarify "nice-looking"?

Actually, Smit and File, I can elaborate from experience.

Years ago, I went out to some function with my boyfriend (yes, one of those black people) and someone I barely even knew slipped into conversation: "Yes, I really like Chris. He's so articulate and well-spoken..." Chris was a 32-year old man, obviously college-educated and evidently some sort of circus freak for being so. This was 5 years ago.

*shrug* What can you do? There are some dumbasses out there. The best is when they show it without knowing.

Jupiter: Nobody in Illinois considers Carole Moseley Braun as intelligent or well spoken. She won in a three way race, after Senator Alan Dixon got blasted for his votes.
Making nice with Sani Abacha & sleeping with her crooked campaign manager is the mark of a fool!

No commenter image uploaded Swordfish says:

Didn't Neil Kinnock say that?

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