What is urgent is the evangelization of a world that not only does not know the basic aspects of Christian dogma, but in great part has lost even the memory of the cultural elements of Christianity."

                                Pope John Paul II (January 26, 2004)

Christo confixus sum cruci

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Children of Hope


Dedicated to leading children into the mystery of the Real Presence of Jesus Christ  in the Most Holy Eucharist, that they may come to realize how much He loves them!  Bring your little ones here!


Ty Mam Duw Poor Clare Colletine Community of Cloistered and Enclosed Nuns

Genuine Catholic spirituality presented to today's reader in the context of today's most pressing, and perennial problems. Beautifully inspiring line drawings and art. Sound teaching. Humor not at the expense of doctrine. Worth the visit.



The Metaphysics of Mysticism: A Commentary 

A scholarly treatise on the cognitive and epistemological aspects of the "mystical experience", or "ecstatic union" with God through a careful examination of the works of Saint John of the Cross, first "Doctor of Mystical Theology" in the Roman Catholic Church. Mysticism is much, and profoundly, misunderstood. This online e-text attempts to place it in perspective, both with reason and with the teaching of the Catholic Church. A free download is available in a zipped format for the serious reader. Recommended for scholars. Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat.

Other Authentic Catholic Sites with useful Information:





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Cloistered Poor Clare Colettine Nun

Letter from a
Cloistered Nun

Queen of the Poor?

Who are mine ? over whom do I raise my hand and say, 'These are mine'?

Where is my dwelling place ?

My Son had nowhere, nowhere to lay His head, His only bed, the cross.

Would I, his mother, have more?

Do I take my seat in the mansions of the rich, no, but I pass by and call ...

Am I a Queen robed in Gold, drenched in the riches and honors of this world?

No, I am robed in compassion and mercy, my footstep passes the houses of the great and the hovels of the poor, for all have need to hear my call, "come my way to Jesus!"

Do I command that my own will be done?

No I but pray you will understand my Son's will is His love outpoured.

Queen of the Poor ?

Behold my kingdom, behold my dominion: the broken heart of man! Each one is mine.

All are poor who know not my Son, all are poor who have cast themselves into the jaws of sin, all are poor who know not love.

These are mine, I press them all to my Immaculate heart; may they hear its beat of love for I want them for my Son ...

I am the Queen and pilgrim with and for the poor, I cry out again, "Come my way to Jesus ..."

Leave the riches, honor, power of this world for at the end it will all pass like the morning dew ...

But, come!  Share my riches, the very love of Christ Jesus my Son.


For ALL the Nuns' letters,
listed by topic, click below:

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       Totally Faithful to the Holy See in Rome

  "Scio opera tua ... quia modicum habes virtutem, et servasti verbum meum, nec non negasti nomen meum"
  "I know your works ... that you have but little power, and yet you have kept My word, and have not denied My Name."

      Apocalypse 3.8  (RSV)

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