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Elliott Jaques

Elliott Jaques (1917-2003), psychologist and psychoanalyst, was born in Canada and graduated from the University of Toronto. He gained a PhD in Social Relations from Harvard University. He served in the Canadian Army Medical Corps during World War II, acting as liaison to the British Army War Office Psychiatry Division. He remained in England where he became a founding member of the Tavistock Institute and in 1964 created the School of Social Sciences at Brunel University.

Professor Jacques authored over 20 books and was the originator of concepts such as corporate culture', 'mid-life crisis', 'fair pay', 'maturation curves' and 'time span of discretion'.

A collaborator with Wilfred Brown in The Glacier Project, he called his work Social Analysis, a starting condition being 'a willingness to go deeply into organisational questions, to get behind the facade, to give up organisational and management clichés and to seek reality based solutions'.

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