Archive for July, 2006


Posted in Int. 1 Maths, SG Maths on July 3rd, 2006

Sometimes it’s quite difficult for people to get a handle on circles. Here’s a quick reminder of the main bits:

A circle
A circle is a line which is made up of all the points which are the same distance from the centre. The distance is called the radius (see below).

This circle is the line drawn 50 pixels distant from the centre.

A chord
A chord is a line in a circle which cuts the circle in two:


The diameter
The diameter is a line in a circle which cuts the circle into two equal parts. The diameter is the longest chord:


The cirumference
The cirumference is the length of the line which makes the circle. The circumference of a circle is its perimeter and it is always\reverse\opaque\pi=3.1416 times the diameter:

\reverse\opaque\picture(400,150){<br />
(50,100){\circle(100)}<br />
(0,100){\line(100,0)}<br />
(0,40){\line(314,0)}<br />
(0,38){\line(0,4)}<br />
(100,38){\line(0,4)}<br />
(200,38){\line(0,4)}<br />
(300,38){\line(0,4)}<br />
(314,38){\line(0,4)}<br />

That PI thing
The greeks discovered that there are always 3.1416 diameters in the circumference of a circle. So as to avoid having to say “that number what is the exact number of diameters in the circumference” all the time, they invented a kind of shorthand code for it. They could have called it \reverse\opaque{x} but they didn’t have a letter for it, so they used their letter p instead. The Greek letter p is \reverse\opaque\pi. You can either use the \reverse\opaque\pi button on your calculator to get it, or you can use an approximate value like 3.14, or 3, or \reverse\opaque\frac{22}{7}. If you want to know what \reverse\opaque\pi is to a million places, click here.

The radius
The radius is a line in a circle which starts at the middle and goes straight to the edge. It looks like the arm of a radar screen. A radius is half a diameter.


The area of a circle
The area of a circle is found by multiplying the radius by itself, then multiplying by \reverse\opaque\pi.

\reverse\opaque{A}=\pi\times{r}\times{r} = \pi{r^2}