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Events - HDA07
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Centre for Mathematics
and its Applications

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ARC Centre of Excellence for
Mathematics and Statistics
of Complex Systems
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Second Workshop on High-dimensional Approximation

19th - 22nd February 2007

Australian National University, Canberra
Sparke Helmore Law Theatre 1

A map of the campus and surrounding area.

The workshop is devoted to recent advances and ideas concerning high-dimensional approximation and is a follow-up to the workshop in 2005.

The need for representation of high-dimensional functions and data arises in numerous application fields. While challenged by the curse of dimensionality, computational techniques in these areas are becoming more widely available. This includes methods for quadrature and for the solution of partial differential problems with applications in biology, chemistry, physics, statistics and machine learning, finance and engineering. The workshop will provide both introductions to an active area of research and an overview over some current research in this area. It will provide possibilities for researchers who are interested in applications which result in high-dimensional problems to interact with colleagues from other disciplines facing similar challenges.

The program of the workshop including abstracts.

Online resources
Some of the presentations can be found here.
Photos of (most) of the talks.

Organising committee
Jochen GarckeTechnische Universität Berlin
Markus HeglandAustralian National University
Alex SzimayerAustralian National University (finance session)

Financial support by
CMA Centre for Mathematics and its Applications
FIRN Financial Integrity Research Network
MASCOS Centre of Excellence for Mathematics and Statistics of Complex Systems
The Statistical Machine Learning Program at National ICT Australia
AMSI Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute
ANZIAM ANZIAM (local branch)