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Who's the (new) richest person in the world?

Carlos Slim Helu has surpassed Bill Gates as the richest man in the world, according to a recent report. Find out how much Carlos Slim's fortune is worth.
How Banks Work | How Currency Works

How the iPhone Works

Apple has finally released the long-awaited iPhone. Explore exactly how the iPhone's touch-screen carries instructions from your fingertips to the phone's internal circuitry.
How iPods Work | How Smartphones Work

What is a green roof?

Green roofs, long popular in Europe, are making their way into the United States. Find out what a green roof is and how it can solve some problems conventional roofs have.
How Global Warming Works | How Solar Cells Work

Can humans survive on air alone?

Breatharians believe they can live on only the energy from sunlight and do not need nourishment from food. Read all about the practice of Breatharianism.
How Organic Food Works | How Food Works

How Bioluminescence Works

While humans try to create different types of artificial light, some animals make light naturally. Find out what bioluminescence is and how animals create their own light.
How Animal Camouflage Works | How Jellyfish Work

How Toilets Work

The toilet. The loo. The commode. No matter what you call it, there's no doubt it is a true technological marvel. Find out all about this fascinating water-handling system!
Plumbing Tools | Plumbing Basics

Why do old couples look alike?

You may have noticed that some couples tend to look alike as they grow older. Find out what's behind this phenomenon as well as why some people resemble their pets.
How Love Works | How Marriage Works

Volcano Image Gallery

Natural disasters, from wildfires to hurricanes, can cause devastation and heartache in an instant. Check out our image gallery of volcanoes.
Hurricane Images | Earthquake and Tsunami Images

Video: How Engines Work

The car engine is a staple of modern life, a piece of engineering genius and one of the most amazing machines we use on a daily basis. Watch this video and learn how the engine works.
Video: Prius | Video: Building a NASCAR Race Car

How the NFL Draft Works

Free agents, restricted free agents, compensatory picks...what does it all mean? Find out how NFL teams fill positions in this annual event.
How American Football Works | How Baseball Works

This Month in History: July

July events in history include the UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico. Learn more July trivia and facts about the month of July in history at HowStuffWorks.

How Pyramids Work

What do you think will happen on Friday the 13th?
Nothing unusual. It's just like any other day.
I don't know, but I'll make sure to stay clear of any black cats or ladders.
Bad luck, and lots of it. I'll be hiding in my closet.
Jason Voorhees will re-animate and hide in your closet. Kevin Bacon will co-star.
Learn how costume designers assist producers behind the scenes of the movie 'Gracie.' Find out how it works in this video from HowStuffWorks. Watch this video

Uncover beer myths and discover the real answers about beer and how it affects the human body in this video from HowStuffWorks. Watch this video

How to Build a Computer Part 1: It's Easy! Watch this video

Orlando truly is a magic kingdom. Watch this video

Mufflers rely on some cool technology to dim the roar of a car engine. Watch this video