MC Frontalot! Nerdcore Hip-Hop. (navigate here)
Next Gig!
Sat, Aug 25
Penny Arcade Expo
Seattle Convention Center
Seattle, WA
free w/ expo

New Yorkers are ignoring the heck out of the citywide No Fireworks ordinance. It is a multi-borough explodey phenomenon, perhaps in anticipation of tomorrow's Skull-Hump The Queen In The Eye Socket Day festivities! Out national hurrah. Front will be at a barbecue.

Speaking of barbecues, the last one Front attended was the punk-rock record store foofaraw where one mc chris bought the whole crowd their burgers. What a nice fellow! Attend one of his many impending tour dates. Also: make sure you catch Honeycreeper's current tour -- and when you do, say howdy to Igor who is a dev superstar.

Foreigners! See/hear/read about Frontalot at Der Spiegel (German) and/or Nouvo (Swiss (so, in French)).

And finally: omg look who is guest-starring on Goats this week!!


Front's back in town! Two New York shows are coming right up: a free in-store with mc chris at Brooklyn's own Passout Records (4 in the afternoon on Saturday the 23rd), then a nice n' early all-ages show at The Knitting Factory on Weds the 27th with Clara Lofaro [buy tix!].

Also: take just a second away from the schadenfreude factory to dig on Front's RSS newsfeed.

Front drops a wee little verse into the song "Mecha Mechanics" for the impending Whoremoans album. You can hear the not-quite-final version now. You'll recognize Mr. 'Moans from his cameo on Secrets. Need we remind you that iTunes stocks Front?

Have you ever wanted to have a rapper's medium-sized white one-axle gear trailer in your garage, driveway, or yard? Do you live within about 75 miles of New York City? If you just said "oh hell yes" under your breath, write in. Front seeks to pay incredibly minimal rent on a storage place for the touring caboose between now and October.

Oh Keith, when will you stop making awesome little internet things? And! How come all the best comic books are web pages these days?


Well! That was a pretty kick-ass tour. Twenty-five shows in twenty-one states, eleven thousand miles, twenty-three hundred nerds who got their glasses fogged up. And it is done. Front and company are back in Brooklyn, plotting the next round of mayhem.

What have we learned? Lots! In no particular order: Tucson is the friendliest town there is. Vannah's stereo plays MP3 CDs even though this functionality is not mentioned anywhere in the user manual. The PA guys are not joking around with their ping-pong skillz. The PSP version of Puzzle Quest has a serious bug with the companion NPCs; also: most GameStop locations do not have a copy of Loco Roco, but the one in the strip mall near JBB's place in Atlanta totally does. Spider Man III is better than its reviews would lead you to believe, particularly at 2AM on opening night with hells of hollering Mississippi people in the theater. Venues called "The Basement" or "The Alley" don't tend to have figurative names. Elvis had a surprisingly modest kitchen. Luggage, Effingham & Wheatstraw, Tha Gosh Darn Transmissions, K-Flay, Attractive Eighties Women, Schaffer the Darklord, ytcracker, The Former Fat Boys, Beefy, The Principles, and Hello Lobster all put on excellent shows. The boys from Garmin love them some nerdcore. The proprietor of Wide Screen Gaming knows the right way to take you out to dinner. KOL kids do not balk at long drives when a concert is involved. Optimus Rhyme is good at throwing dinner parties. MC Lars enjoys Porky Piggin' It, but otherwise has fairly good morals.

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Quote of the Week
"Never has a little boy sat so alone at his computer and busted out such in- conceivably thick rhymes. MC Frontalot has tapped the zeitgeist. It is with good reason that he is so very famous and rich."
—Noam Chomsky
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