Health Secretariat

The Provision of Health Care Delivery and Health facilities to the inhabitants of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) are the top priority of the FCT Health and Human Services Secretariat.

The Secretariat implements the National Health Policy Programme in the FCT.
In line with this, it provides Primary, Secondary, Preventive, Curative Promotive, and Rehabilitative Health Care to the people of the Territory.
It also co-ordinates all levels of Health Care, monitors and gives technical supports to the Area Councils Primary Health Care programmes. It is responsible for manpower development for Health Care Delivery, registration and regulation of private health practices in the Territory.

Administrative Setup
The Secretariat is headed by the Executive Secretary and made of two Departments and a Board, namely Clinical & Inspectorate, Public Health and Hospital Management Board.

The Departments are headed by Directors, and the Board by Chairman. The 14 General Hospitals are headed by Chairmen who report through the Board Chairman to the Executive Secretary. In addition, there are 2 Sections namely Health Administration and Special Projects in the Secretariat.



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