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Advancing A Progressive Agenda For America

Marine Life Series: Horseshoe Crab Conservation

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It's About DAMN Time!!!!!!!!!

This was just on ABC News, a small snippet of the report.

Court: VA Must Pay Agent Orange Victims

Appeals Court Orders Payments to Vets in Agent Orange Cases

A Ray of Hope

Having noted an abundance of pessimistic diaries on how we're going to bomb Iran back into the Stone Age and the ever growing number of Kossacks who think, rightly or wrongly, that Cheney And Chimpee are not going to leave in 09, I thought that I would offer you, my fellow co-posters, a ray of hope. Or two, and more.

Olbermann to Bush: Go To Iraq and Fight


In his "special comments" last night Keith Olbermann takes Bush to task for blaming war protesters and others for his mistakes in Iraq and then invites him to go over and join in the fighting.

Jon Stewart, Non-Executive Decision

I know that this video is a little old but I am posting it for those of you who may have missed it. It is one of the funniest pieces Jon Stewart has done on Cheney. Enjoy!

Michigan Voter ID Law Upheld by State Supreme Court

Weekly Voting Rights News Update

This an entry in a series of blogs to keep people informed on current election reform and voting rights issues in the news.

By Erin Ferns

Featured Story of the Week:

Michigan Supreme Court upholds law requiring photo ID to vote – Associated Press, Chicago Tribune

Who is Lee Hamilton?

Sam Husseini has an article at Znet that looks back darkly at Lee Hamilton, once (still?) one of the most respected Democrat elder statesmen:

Many think they now see through the Democrats' complicity with the Bush administration's illegal wars and unconstitutional actions. If they think this is new, they don't know that half of it.

Drive-through Fatwas

Crossposted from Left Toon Lane, Bilerico Project & My Left Wing

click to enlarge

Compare and Contrast: Edwards v Obama Poverty

Since Obama has put out his plan it is time to line the two plans up and see what the proposals are. So here we go!! Once again I am pulling the info from their websites so I am not going to link.

New Victorian Culture

The NY Observer last week came up with a piece about what they are coining as the New Victorian’s – twentysomethings who are opting to settle down, marry, and have families right after collage.

No these youngsters are not the product of snake handling religionists who talk in tongues, marry at 12, and have babies to repopulate their cult – these are – in the case of this article – ivy league graduates with a good head on their shoulders and beaming with potential for progress in the big city. The traditional stereo type – possibly a byproduct of the 60’s – was to label co-ed graduate women with the anti-men, femi-nazi, lesbians, and a slew of others that amount to the fact that they will never marry, focus only on their careers, don’t even think of having children, and have as many lovers as they desire.

Jesus: "And I Say Unto Thee--Veto Children's Health Care"

Set the time machine for the GOP candidates debate in Des Moines, Iowa, December 1999:

Each candidate was asked what "philosopher or thinker" he identified with most. Bush, the third candidate to answer in the debate, said, "Christ, because he changed my heart."

Now, back to the present day: (continued)

Neocon Wet Dreams Are Fast Becoming Reality

With the Iraq and Afghanistan wars causing much chaos while encouraging increased insurgency and terrorism, with a confrontation against Iran looming, and with Pakistan now being likewise targeted by the rattling of American sabers, the rest of the Middle East is in turn gradually destabilizing, hopelessly caught in a sinking vortex that will lead ultimately to more war and chaos.

Let's cut through the mustard and all that jazz, here. We all know that in the fevered minds of the Bushies, their neocon supporters and their far-right fundamentalist Christian allies, this is all about two things, and two things only: hegemony of Christian fundamentalism and complete control of oil productivity.

In other words: defeat of Islam + fall of the Middle East = Holy American Empire.

Canada reports Cheney Pushing Bush to attack Iran before his time is up!

This really bothers me. I had something important to discuss today but I just got in and this was waiting for me from World Can't Wait. It was reported in Canada that the real Decider Cheney is pushing Bush too attack Iran before his time is up because they do not want to leave the job undone. It blows me away that this was reported in Canada but not here under the Bush controlled Media.

Sen. Bernie Sanders and Others Speak On Nicholson Resignation

I have seen many comments on the resignation of one of the worst VA heads in the history of the Veterans Administration in this nation. The veterans of this nation deserve the best care and treatment we as a nation can give them, they were hurt or injured in service to all of us, (this nation) and instead of red tape and excuses, they deserve the benefits we promised them when they enlisted or in some cases drafted.

Dubyadee and Dubyadum

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