
Items Database

Dragon bones Dragon bones [ Submit Correction ]
Members? Yes Quest? No Tradeable? Yes Stackable? No
Examine: These would feed a dog for months! Weight: 1.00 kg
Category Raw material Sub-category Prayer
High Alchemy 0 gp Specialty shop sells for 0 gp
General sells 0 gp General buys/low alch 0 gp
Location These are dropped by all dragons: Mithril Dragons (level 304), King Black Dragon (level 276), Steel Dragons (level 246), Black Dragons (level 227), Iron Dragons (level 189), Red Dragons (level 152), Bronze Dragons (level 131), Blue Dragons (level 111), and Green Dragons (level 79). Also dropped by Random Event Zombie. Can also be looted from Dragon Implings.
Uses Prayer
Notes These are only dropped by dragons, the biggest and baddest race of monsters around. These can be very hard to defeat, but a must-bring is an anti-fire breath shield.
Links Prayer Guide, Impetous Impulses
Credits misplacedme, Oilertay, bambino, kgisme, rogich24, Fudgy999, manoman




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