
Items Database

Unholy symbol -Zamorak- Unholy symbol -Zamorak- [ Submit Correction ]
Members? Yes Quest? Yes Tradeable? Yes Stackable? No
Examine: An unholy symbol of Zamorak. Weight: 0.00 kg
Category Equipable Sub-category Neck
High Alchemy 120 gp Low Alchemy 80 gp
Unholy symbol
Minimum Price Market Price Maximum Price
259 gp 272 gp 285 gp
7 Days: +0%   30 Days: -18.8%   Last Snapshot: 24/09/2008
Location Player made by asking the Spirit of Scorpius to enchant it. You must have completed the observatory quest.
Uses Increases your attack and prayer bonuses.
Notes Wearing this through the non-Zamorak portals in Castle Wars will get you changed into an animal (Saradomin - rabbit, Guthix - sheep) while you are in the waiting room. Players can also enchant unholy symbols using an Unholy book or Book of balance.
Links Crafting guide , Observatory quest
Credits misplacedme, Ardaingeal, lonew0lf1974
Attack Defence
Stab 2 Stab 0
Slash 2 Slash 0
Crush 2 Crush 0
Magic 2 Magic 0
Range 2 Range 0
  Summoning 0
Strength 0 Prayer 8




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