
Items Database

Oak cape rack Oak cape rack [ Submit Correction ]
Members? Yes Quest? No Tradeable? Yes Stackable? No
Examine: How does it all fit in there? Weight: 0.00 kg
Category Other Sub-category Furniture
High Alchemy 0 gp Specialty shop sells for 0 gp
Gen. store buys/low alch 0 gp Gen. store sells 0 gp
Location Player made with level 54 Construction.
Uses Can hold any capes from the following list (except Achievement Capes or the Quest Point Cape): Capes of Accomplishment, Quest Point Cape, TzHaar obsidian cape, TzHaar Fire Cape, Any one wilderness cape, Any Mage Arena god cape, Spotted and Spottier capes.
Notes Can be built as a flatpack using a workbench. Tradeable and Stackable ONLY as a flatpack.
Links Construction Guide, Construction Table
Credits Masterd99




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