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LIFE magazine May 2007

Rector| Registers| Walton| Diary| Changing Lives| Sunrise!| Parish Church| Money| World Church

From our Rector

Dear Friends

Probably my favourite time of the year is Spring, because not only is nature awaking from its winter sleep, it is also the time of the year when faith is challenged and enriched. This year has been no exception; many enjoyed the challenge of the Lent study course and the journey to the Cross of Holy Week, listening to the voices from Scripture, touched others. This was followed by a wonderful Easter Day service in the Parish Church. The church was bursting at its seams and the whole church family rejoiced together celebrating the resurrection of Jesus – that He really came alive again!

So as I write this month I want to draw on some of the things that came out of this season of the church's life. The Lent course focused on 'a changing ministry for a changing church'. Many thought-provoking issues came from our visiting speakers and some of these will be picked up by the PCC.

There is one, however, that we are acting on now: this is the importance of House Groups in the life of the church. The small group was important to Jesus - he chose just twelve people to teach, share and pray with. As in all things, this is something we need to learn from Jesus. It is important that there is a place where people feel at ease in which to learn, pray and have fellowship. A house group is an ideal place to learn to trust others with your story and your needs. I have always believed that House Groups have a vital part to play in the life of the church.

It is from the challenge of one of our Lent evenings, and the enthusiastic response at that meeting, that we will be re-launching the house groups in the benefice. I hope some of the old House Groups will restart and at least one new one will be formed. Please watch Life Line for full details. Bishop Peter Price has produced a series of studies on DVD entitled "Changing Lives for Goad". Bishop Peter has asked that every parish look at these studies during this year and they are ideal material for house group discussion and prayer. So please watch for details and go along to a house group.

The other thing I want to draw on from this season is the need for Celebration. This is the opposite from house groups; this is about the whole church family coming together in worship. If you missed the Easter morning service in Street Parish church I am sorry, for you missed something very special. I understand that we all need to express our worship in different ways and traditions but there are times when we need to come together to Celebrate. Celebration lifts the soul and enriches faith and in these days of gloom and despondency this is desperately needed. So please try and come to the United Celebrations that I hope will become a regular part of our church life through the year.

Finally I want to say thank you to those who were at our APCMs, where warm votes of thanks were given to the many who help in the life of our churches. Full details of the meetings will be available, and details of the elections will be in Life Line.

So as we journey on with the risen Christ, may we feel His breath on our faces, His power in our lives, and know for certain that our home is with Him in heaven with all the saints.

Yours in His service

John Greed