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Today on Networking and Wi-Fi

Find the right N router for you

802.11n Draft 2.0 certification underway

Most if not all of the major networking manufacturers are getting their products certified to comply with Draft 2.0 of the 802.11n spec. Read more
DIY hotspot: cellular routers

Apple's AirPort Extreme Base Station

The Apple AirPort Extreme Base Station is a solid router that keeps up with the Draft N competition. Unfortunately, we've yet to test a Draft N router that lives up to the promise of 802.11n. As with the rest of the .11n routers we've tested, we advise you postpone your purchase until the spec is finalized. Read more

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Students need more than a word processor to make the grade these days. CNET editors have compiled dozens of gadgets and gear that won't break the bank.


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