August 24, 2007 - 2K Boston, formerly Irrational Games, knows how to make great games; that's a well-known fact. With games like BioShock, System Shock 2, and Freedom Force under their belt, it comes as no surprise to be alerted of this. You'd be more surprised to hear about an NFL player getting involved in another off-the-field scandal, or the findings of another illegal torture facility being operated in a country that you've never heard of. But how do those games come to see the light of day in the incarnations that we come to love and appreciate? Sure, it takes a lot of constant brain storming, persistently pushing the boundaries and finding the fine line between incredible and impossible; let's face it, most of what the former Irrational Games has thought of is more common sense than groundbreaking ideas, but making them come to life is what separates them from a vast group of development teams. These are awesome products of imagination, but there's something more to that magic touch.

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