Peter Suber, Paradox of Self-Amendment Table of Contents

Aarnio, Aulis. On Legal Reasoning. Turku, Finland: Turun Yliopisto, 1977.

Abbott, Everett V., "Inalienable Rights and the Eighteenth Amendment," Columbia Law Review, 20 (1920) 183-95.

Alchourron, Carlos E., and Eugenio Bulygin. Normative Systems. Springer Verlag, 1971.

Alexander, E.R., "Constitutional Strait Jacket for Canada," Canadian Bar Review, 43 (1965) 262-313.

Alexander, J.P., "The Law Behind the Law," Texas Law Review, 24 (1946) 27-34.

Al-Hibri, Azizah, "Understanding Ross's Paradox," Southwestern Journal of Philosophy, 10 (1979) 163-70.

Allen, Layman E., "Symbolic Logic: A Razor-Edged Tool for Drafting and Interpreting Legal Documents," Yale Law Journal, 66 (1957) 833-79.

Allen, Tip H., Jr., and Coleman B. Ransone, Jr. Constitutional Revision in Theory and Practice. Bureau of Public Administration, University of Alabama, 1962.

Allen, Carleton Kemp. Law in the Making. Oxford University Press, 7th ed., 1964 (original 1927).

Amerasinghe, C.F., "The Legal Sovereignty of the Ceylon Parliament," Public Law, (1966) 65-96.

American Bar Association, Special Constitutional Convention Study Committee. Amendment of the Constitution: By the Convention Method Under Article V. American Bar Association, c. 1974.

Ames, Herbert Vandenberg, "The Amending Provision of the Federal Constitution in Practice," American Philosophical Society Proceedings, 63 (1924) 62-75.

Ames, Herbert Vandenberg. Proposed Amendments to the Constitution of the United States During the First Century of its History. United States Government Printing Office, 1897. (Supplemented by C.C. Tansill, q.v.)

Anderson, H.W., "The Constitution: An Expanding Chart of Government," Boston University Law Review, 18 (1938) 491-510.

Anderson, R.H., "A Proposal to Create Conventions for Ratifying Amendments to the United States Constitution," Florida State Bar Association Law Journal, 6 (1933) 508-10.

Anon., "Article V: Political Questions and Sensible Answers," Texas Law Review, 57 (1979) 1259-82.

Anon., "Case for the Bricker Amendment," Georgia Law Journal, 42 (1954) 262-89.

Anon., "Challenge to the Constitutionality of Proposed Constitutional Amendments," Iowa Law Review, 17 (1932) 250-54.

Anon., "Circuity of Liens —A Proposed Solution," Columbia Law Review, 38 (1938) 1267-78.

Anon., "Circuity of Priority and Liens under Section 67(c)(1) of the Bankruptcy Act," Yale Law Journal, 66 (1957) 784.

Anon. The Constitutional Amendment Bill [for Canada]: Text and Explanatory Notes. Government of Canada, 1978.

Anon., "Continued Defense of the Constitution Against the Bricker Proposals," Record of the Association of the Bar of New York City, 10 (1955) 114-42.

Anon., "Conventions to Ratify Constitutional Amendments," Law Notes, 37 (1933) 121-22.

Anon., "Danger in the Treaty-Making Power — A Mirage," Temple Law Quarterly, 25 (1952) 463-71.

Anon., "The Eighteenth Amendment — Its Validity — Public Opinion," Dickenson Law Review, 32 (1928) 223-45.

Anon., "The FBI's Show of Shows," Time Magazine, 116, 9 (September 1, 1980) 14ff.

Anon., "Judicial Review and the Growth of the Treaty Power," Syracuse Law Review, 3 (1952) 315-22.

Anon., [Note on circular liens], Virginia Law Review, 15 (1928) 90.

Anon., [Note on circular liens], Harvard Law Review, 67 (1953) 358.

Anon., "Our Constitution and the Dangers of the Bricker Proposals," Record of the Association of the Bar of New York City, 8 (1953) 454-85.

Anon., "Priorities Between Mortgages and Mechanics Liens," Yale Law Journal, 36 (1926) 129.

Anon., "Res Judicata and Jurisdiction: The Bootstrap Doctrine," Harvard Law Review, 53 (1940) 652-660.

Anon., "The Three-Cornered Priorities Puzzle," Virginia Law Review, 8 (1922) 550.

Anon., "Treaty-Making Power Is Not A Peril," Clev-May Law Review, 3 (1954) 74-84.

Anon., "United Nations Charter — Its Application As a Treaty To State Law," Boston University Law Review, 30 (1950) 555-61.

Anon., "Usage as Modifying the American Constitution," Solicitors' Journal, 70 (July 10, 1926) 785-86.

Anon., "Validity of the Eighteenth Amendment [U.S. v. Sprague]," Michigan Law Review, 29 (1931) 777-78.

Anon., "Validity of the Ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment [U.S. v. Sprague]," University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 79 (1931) 807-09.

Aomi, Junichi, "The Regulative Function of Logic in Legal Decisions," Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, 59 (1973) 193-96.

Aquinas, Thomas. Summa Theologica. Trans. Daniel Sullivan. William Benton, 1952 (Original 1267).

Aqvist, Lennart, "The Protagoras Case: An Exercise in Elementary Logic for Lawyers," in Wlodzimierz Rabinowicz (ed.), Tankar Och Tankefel, Uppsala, 1981, pp. 211-24.

Arneson, Ben A., "A More Flexible Constitution," American Law Review, 61 (1927) 99-102.

Arneson, Ben A., "Is it Easy to Amend the Constitution?" American Law Review, 60 (1926) 600-05.

Arnold, J.I., "Historic Roots of the Supremacy of the Constitution," Constitutional Review, 11 (1927) 151-60.

Ashworth, E.J., "Will Socrates Cross the Bridge? A Problem in Medieval Logic," Franciscan Studies, 36 (1976) 75-84.

Austin, John. The Province of Jurisprudence Determined. Noonday Press, 1954 (Original 1832).

Bacon, Selden, "How the Tenth Amendment Affected the Fifth Article of the Constitution," Virginia Law Review, 16 (1930) 771-791.

Bacon, Selden. The X Amendment, Its Supreme Importance and Its Effect on the XVIII Amendment. A pamphlet. N.Y., 1930; also published by Virginia Law Review, 16 (1930) 771-91.

Ball, N.T., "Ratification of Constitutional Amendment by State Conventions," George Washington Law Review, 2 (1934) 216-21.

Barwise, Jon, and John Etchemendy. The Liar: An Essay on Truth and Circular Propositions. Oxford University Press, 1987.

Battle, G.G., "Ratification of the Constitution," U.S. Law Review, 64 (1930) 576-80.

Beach, Arthur O'Neal, "Constitutional Revision — Constitutional Amendment Process [in New Mexico]," Natural Resources Journal, 9 (1969) 422-29.

Beck, James Montgomery, The Constitution of the United States, George H. Doran Co., 1924.

Beckman, Petr. A History of Pi. St. Martin's Press, 1971.

Benditt, Theodore M., "On 'Levels of Rules and Hart's Concept of Law,'" (a reply to D. Gerber, q.v.), Mind, 83 (1974) 422-23.

Benson, "Circuity of Lien —A Problem in Priorities," Minnesota Law Review, 19 (1935) 139.

Benyon, John (ed.). Constitutional Change in South Africa: Proceedings of a Conference [1978] on Constitutional Models and Constitutional Change in South Africa. University of Natal Press, 1978.

Berger, Raoul. Government By Judiciary: The Transformation of the Fourteenth Amendment. Harvard University Press, 1977.

Birmingham, Robert, "'Into the Swamp': More on Rules," Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, 64 (1978) 49-61.

Black, Charles L., Jr., "Amending the Constitution: A Letter to a Congressman," Yale Law Journal, 82 (1972) 189-215.

Black, Charles L., Jr., "Proposed Amendment to Article V: A Threatened Disaster," Yale Law Journal, 72 (1963) 957-966.

Black, Max. Language and Philosophy. Cornell University Press, 1949.

Blankenburg, Erhard, "The Poverty of Evolutionism: A Critique of Teubner's Thesis on 'Reflexive Law'," in D. Trubek (ed.), Conference on Reflexive Law and the Regulatory Crisis, University of Wisconsin, 1983; reprinted in Law and Society Review, 18 (1984) 273-301.

Bloustein, Edward J., "Logic and Legal Realism: The Realist as a Frustrated Idealist," Cornell Law Quarterly, 50 (1964) 24-33.

Bodenheimer, E., "Neglected Theory of Legal Reasoning," Journal of Legal Education, 21 (1968-69) 373-402.

Bone, H.A., "State Constitutional Revision: A Review and New Strategy," State Government, 42 (Winter 1969) 43-49.

Bondy, O., "Logical and Epistemological Problems in Legal Philosophy," Australian Journal of Philosophy, 29 (1951) 81.

Bonfield, Arthur E., "The Abrogation of Penal Statutes by Nonenforcement," Iowa Law Review, 49 (1964) 389-440.

Bonifacio, Armando F., "On Capacity Limiting Statements," Mind, 74 (1965) 87-88.

Boonin, Leonard G., "Concerning the Relation of Logic to Law," Journal of Legal Education, 17 (1965) 155-66.

Borgeaud, Charles. Adoption and Amendment of Constitutions in Europe and America. Trans. Hazen, Macmillan, 1895.

Bottin, Francesco. Le Antinomie Semantliche nella Logica Medievale. Padua: Editrice Antenore, 1976.

Brannan, P.A., D.L. Lillehaug, and R.P. Reznick, "Critical Details: Amending the United States Constitution," Harvard Journal of Legislation, 16 (1979) 763-809.

Bray, J.J., "Law, Logic, and Learning," University of New South Wales Law Journal, 3 (1979) 205-14.

Brecht, Arnold, "The Impossible in Political and Legal Philosophy," California Law Review, 29 (1941) 312-31.

Brest, Paul, "The Misconceived Quest for the Original Understanding," Boston University Law Review, 60 (1980) 204-38.

Bricker, J.W., "Amending the Treaty-Making Power: Pro and Con. Safeguarding the Treaty Power," Federal Bar Journal, 13 (1952) 77-98.

Bricker, J.W., and C.A. Welch, "Bricker Amendment: Pro and Con. Treaty Law vs. Domestic Constitutional Law," Notre Dame Lawyer, 29 (1954) 529-82.

Briggs, Edmund B., "Sovereignty and the Consent of the Governed," American Law Review, 35 (1901) 49-55.

Brkic, Jovan, "Consistency, Completeness and Decidability with Respect to the Logic of Law and the Provability of Juristic Arguments," Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, 59 (1973) 473-99.

Broiles, R. David, "Principles of Legal Reasoning," Mercer Law Review, 17 (1966) 389-96.

Bromberg, F.G., "Amending the Federal Constitution," Alabama Law Journal, 4 (1928) 35-38.

Bronaugh, "A Secret Paradox of the Common Law," Law and Philosophy, 2 (1983) 193.

Brown, Everett S., "Ratification of the Twenty-First Amendment," American Political Science Review, 29 (1935) 1005-17. See also his book of the same title, U.S. Department of State, Publication No. 573 (1934).

Brown, George Stewart, "Irresponsible Government by Constitutional Amendment," Virginia Law Review, 8 (1922) 157-66.

Brown, George Stewart, "The People Should Be Consulted as to Constitutional Changes," American Bar Association Journal, 16 (1930) 404-06.

Brown, George Stewart, "The Perpetual Covenant in the Constitution," North American Review, 219 (1924) 30-40.

Brown, T., "In What Manner May the [New Jersey] State Constitution Be Amended or a New One Adopted?" New Jersey Law Journal, 64 (1941) 105-07, 115.

Browne, Cynthia E. State Constitutional Conventions from Independence to the Completion of the Present Union, 1776-1959: A Bibliography. Greenwood Press, 1973. (Supplemented by B. Canning, q.v.)

Bryant, John, "The Paradox of the Lawyers," Midwest Journal of Philosophy, 4 (1976) 1-2.

Bryce, James, Viscount. Studies in History and Jurisprudence. Oxford University Press, 1901.

Buford, Edward P., "The So-Called Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States," Virginia Law Review, 14 (1928) 432-40.

Burdick, Charles K. Law of the American Constitution: Its Origin and Development. G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1922.

Burdick, Charles K., "Is Prohibition Lawful?" New Republic, (April 21, 1920) 245-48.

Burgess, John William. Political Science and Comparative Constitutional Law. London: Ginn & Co., 2 vols., 1891.

Burman, Sandra B., and Barbara E. Harrell-Bond (eds.). The Imposition of Law. Academic Press, 1977.

Byers, G.K., "Progress Under Law," Kentucky Law Journal, 14 (1926) 285-98.

Byrnes, James F., "The Constitution and the Will of the People," American Bar Association Journal, 25 (1939) 667-71.

Cadwalader, Thomas F., "Amendment of the Federal Constitution," American Law Review, 60 (1926) 389-402.

Campbell, A.H., "Legal Reasoning: The Work of John Moffat (1935-1973)," Juridical Review, (1975) 22-31.

Canning, Bonnie. State Constitutional Conventions, Revisions, and Amendments, 1959-1976: A Bibliography. Greenwood Press, 1977. (Supplements C.E. Browne, q.v.)

Caracciolo, Ricardo Alberto, "Contradictions in the Legal System," Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, 65, 4 (1979) 457-73.

Cardozo, Benjamin N. The Nature of the Judicial Process. Yale University Press, 1921.

Cargile, James, "On Omnipotence," Nous, 1 (1967) 201-05.

Carman, Ernest C., "Why and How the Present Method of Amending the Federal Constitution Should Be Changed," Oregon Law Review, 17 (1938) 102-09.

Cedarquist, Waland B., "The Gateway Amendment: A Resume," Chicago Bar Record, 32 (1950) 17-18.

Cette, Donna L., "Robinson v. Cahill [(NJ) 358 A.2d 457]: A Case Study in Judicial Self-Legitimization," Rutgers Camden Law Journal, 8 (1977) 508-25.

Chadick, T.C., "Checkup on Constitutional Revision," Texas Bar Journal, 31 (1968) 205-08.

Chafee, Zechariah, Jr., "Amending the Constitution to Cripple Treaties," Louisiana Law Review, 12 (1952) 345-82.

Chafee, Zechariah, Jr., "Stop Being Terrified of Treaties: Stop Being Scared of the Constitution," American Bar Association Journal, 38 (1952) 731-34.

Champlin, T.S. Reflexive Paradoxes. Routledge, 1988.

Child, Sampson R., "Revolutionary Amendments to the Constitution," Constitutional Review, 10 (1926) 27-35.

Christie, G.C., "Lawful Departures from Legal Rules: 'Jury Nullification' and Legitimated Disobedience," California Law Review, 62 (1974) 1289-310.

Christie, G.C., "Rhetoric, Consistency and Human Progress, Legal or Otherwise," Catholic University Law Review, 26 (1976) 73-88.

Clark, Homer, "Supreme Court and the Amending Process," Virginia Law Review, 39 (1953) 621-52.

Clark, Romane L., "On Mr. Tammelo's Conception of Juristic Logic," Journal of Legal Education, 8 (1956) 491-96.

Cohen, F.S., "Field Theory and Judicial Logic," Yale Law Journal, 59 (1950) 238-72.

Cohen, L. Jonathan, The Probable and the Provable, Oxford University Press, 1977.

Cohen, Morris R., "The Place of Logic in the Law," Harvard Law Review, 29 (1919) 622-39.

Collier, Charles S., "The Expanding Meaning of the Constitution," Wisconsin Law Review, 11 (1936) 323-45.

Collier, Charles S., "Judicial Bootstraps and the General Welfare Clause," George Washington Law Review, 4 (1936) 211-242.

Colvin, E., "Sociology of Secondary Rules," University of Toronto Law Journal, 28 (1978) 195-214.

Conway, Pierre H., "The 'Barber' Paradox," Laval Theologique et Philosophique, 18 (1962) 161-76.

Cook, Walter Wheeler, "Legal Logic," Columbia Law Review, 31 (1931) 108-15.

Cook, Walter Wheeler. The Logical and Legal Bases of the Conflict of Laws. Harvard University Press, 1942.

Cooley, Thomas M. A Treatise on Constitutional Limitations. 2 vols., Little, Brown and Co., 8th ed., 1927.

Cornwell, Elmer E. et al. Constitutional Conventions: The Politics of Revision. National Municipal League, 1974.

Corwin, Edward Samuel. The Constitution and What It Means Today. Princeton University Press, 3d ed., 1924.

Corwin, Edward Samuel, "Constitution v. Constitutional Theory: The Question of the States v. The Nation," American Political Science Review, 19 (1925) 290-304.

Corwin, Edward Samuel, and M.L. Ramsey, "Constitutional Law of Constitutional Amendment," Notre Dame Lawyer, 26 (1951) 185-213.

Coudert, Frederic R., "Judicial Constitutional Amendment as Illustrated by the Devolution of the Institution of the Jury from a Fundamental Right to a Mere Method of Procedure," Yale Law Journal, 13 (1904) 331-65.

Council of State Governments, "Amending the Constitution to Strengthen the States in the Federal System," State Government, 36 (1963) 10-15.

Council of State Governments. Modernizing State Constitutions, 1966-1972. Council of State Governments, 1973.

Cowen, Denis Victor. Parliamentary Sovereignty and the Entrenched Sections of the South Africa Act. Cape Town: Juta, 1951.

Cowen, Zelman, "Parliamentary Sovereignty and the Limits of Legal Change," Australian Law Journal, 26 (1952) 237-40.

Cullison, Alan, "The Logic of Legal Rules and Obligation," Connecticut Law Review, 13 (1981) 215-61.

Cullison, Alan, "Logical Analysis of Legal Doctrine: The Normative Structure of Positive Law," Iowa Law Review, 53 (1968) 1209-68.

Cummings, Homer, "The Nature of the Amending Process," George Washington Law Review, 6 (1938) 247-58.

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Deutsch, Eberhard P. et al., "Should the Constitution Be Amended to Limit the Treaty-Making Power?" Southern California Law Review, 26 (1953) 347-95.

Deutsch, Eberhard P., "The Treaty-Making Clause: A Decision for the People of America," American Bar Association Journal, 37 (1951) 619-622, 712-14.

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Dias, R.W.M., "Legal Politics: Norms Behind the Grundnorm," Cambridge Law Journal, 26 (1968) 233-59.

Dickinson, John, "The Law Behind Law," Columbia Law Review, 29 (1929) 113-46, 285-319.

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Diggs, J.B., "Constitution, Constitutional and Unconstitutional," Oklahoma State Bar Journal, 8 (1937) 179-85.

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Dodd, Walter F., "Constitutional Convention or Amending Clause," Illinois Law Review, 9 (1915) 612-19.

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Dowling, Noel T., "Clarifying the Amending Process," Washington and Lee Law Review, 1 (1940) 215-23.

Driedger, E.A., "Constitutional Amendment in Canada," 5 (1962) 52-59.

Driedger, E.A., "Statute of Westminster and Constitutional Amendments," Canadian Bar Journal, 11 (1968) 348-56.

Dumbauld, Edward, "The Sound Principles of the Revolution," Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly, 47 (1976) 554-66.

Dunker, William L., "Constitutional Amendments — The Justiciability of Ratification and Retraction," Tennessee Law Review, 41 (1973) 93-112.

Dworkin, Ronald, "The Forum of Principle," New York University Law Review, 56 (1981) 469-518.

Dworkin, Ronald, "The Model of Rules," University of Chicago Review, 35 (1967) 14-46.

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Edwards, Richard A. (ed.). Index Digest to State Constitutions. Columbia University Press, 2d ed., 1959.

Eekelaar, J.M., "Principles of Revolutionary Legality," in A.W.B. Simpson (ed.). Oxford Essays in Jurisprudence, Second Series. Oxford University Press, 1973, pp. 22-43.

Elder, Judith, "Article V, Justiciability, and the Equal Rights Amendment," Oklahoma Law Review, 31 (1978) 63-109.

Eldridge, Seba, "Need For a More Democratic Procedure of Amending the Constitution," American Political Science Review, 10 (1916) 683-88.

Elliott, Douglas P., "Cloak and Ledger: Is CIA Funding Unconstitutional?" Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly, 2 (1975) 717-55.

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Farago, John M., "Intractable Cases: The Role of Uncertainty in the Concept of Law," New York University Law Review, 55 (1980) 195-239.

Farago, John M., "Judicial Cybernetics: The Effect of Self-Reference on Dworkin's Rights Thesis," Valparaiso University Law Review, 14 (1980) 371-425.

Farrell, P.M., "Evil and Omnipotence," Mind, 67 (1958) 399-403.

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Finch, George A., "Treaty-Clause Amendment: The Case for the Association," American Bar Association Journal, 38 (1952) 467-70, 527-30.

Finnis, J.M., "Revolutions and Continuity of Law," in A.W.B. Simpson (ed.), Oxford Essays in Jurisprudence, Second Series, Oxford University Press, 1973, pp. 44-76.

Finnis, J.M., "Scepticism, Self-Refutation, and the Good of Truth," in Peter Hacker and Joseph Raz (eds.), Law, Morality, and Society: Essays in Honour of H.L.A. Hart, Oxford University Press, 1977, pp. 247-67.

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Zemanek, Heinz, "Oskar Morgenstern (1902-1977) - Kurt Gödel (1906-1978)," Elektronische Rechenanlagen, 20 (1978) 209-11.

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Ribbon] Peter Suber, Department of Philosophy, Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana, 47374, U.S.A. Copyright © 1990, Peter Suber.