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Don’t Be Overwhelmed by Your Mortgage Options

The process of buying a house is a formidable one. Whether you’re a first-time homeowner or you’re looking to purchase your third property, there are many steps to be taken, from finding your dream dwelling to moving-in day. Many consumers find that the most confusing aspect of the transaction is determining what kind of loan makes the most sense for their needs, preferences, and budget, and then finding lenders who will guide them along their way. Submit the form above to acquire your own mortgage consultant to help you get started with the mortgage process and explain which type of loan is best.

Choosing the Right Mortgage: A Little Research Goes a Long Way

There are two basic types of mortgage you’ll have to consider, each with its own advantages. A fixed-rate mortgage, in which a set amount of money is paid at monthly intervals over a predetermined amount of time, is easy to predict and work into your monthly budget as an unchanging constant. An adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) vary over time depending on the interest rate. When rates are low, your payment will decrease accordingly, but when rates are high your monthly payment will also increase. ARMs are good for people who have a flexible monthly budget and are willing to take the risk of paying substantially more when interest rates go up. Fortunately, no matter which you choose, you always have the option of working with your lender to optimize your debt payment solutions and switch from a fixed-rate mortgage to an ARM. Certain consumers will find that they qualify for special government mortgage loans. The Federal Housing Association (FHA) offers special rates to some lower-income buyers and first-time homeowners, and the Veterans Administration (VA) has a special program for military veterans.

Depending on which type of mortgage you prefer, our mortgage partner can help you estimate your monthly payments using a mortgage calculator. Taking into account factors such as your original mortgage amount (your principal), mortgage term, interest rates, taxes, insurance costs and mortgage origination costs (which pay for services like appraisal and settlement), mortgage calculators are able to predict with some accuracy your likely monthly mortgage payment.

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